Suggestions for a cranky, stressed husband....all suggestions welcome.....

by restrangled 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • LeslieV

    My husband has a very stressed job as well, and gets mighty cranky. I find that food, sex, and I bought him a massage chair that he loves for our anniversary. Not sure if you husband likes massages, but if he does Sam's Club has this insert to a chair for $99 that is worth its weight in gold. Helps his mood, and thus not so cranky.


  • Abandoned

    What do we want when life is stressing us out?

    Well you got the sex part right but only partly. Believe it or not, there are times when WE'RE not in the mood too. For me, one of those times is when I'm very stressed.

    What I need when I'm stressed is a safe place. I need to know that I have one corner of the world where everything's cool. I don't have to prove anything. I don't even have to talk if I don't want to. So my suggestion is walk up to this guy you decided to walk through life with, give him a warm hug, and tell him that you're so happy you found him.

  • Mulan

    When my husband is like that, I rub his shoulders. Tension in his neck and back make him a bear.

    Make his favorite dinner and dessert.

    And sex for sure.

    Don't try to make him talk about it. Maybe he needs some alone time too.

  • Beardo

    If he doesn't smile at that - file for divorce

  • nelly136

    plan husband

  • jayhawk1

    Incourage a new relaxing hobby. That has been my problem for some time. My wife just noticed how relaxed I've been in recent months since finding something new to spend time and money on. I was pretty fussy last year, but bless my wife, she stayed patient and kept suggesting things I might be interested in doing.

  • jaguarbass

    When I had a job I didnt like that caused a lot of stress. I didnt like the job but it paid a lot of money so to deal with my stress I would run 2 miles a day and work out at the gym. Thats how I dealt with stress. Now I have a job that I like. I have very little stress. Still I work out 5 days a week but I dont run anymore. The thing for me was liking my job. For many years I had a job that was not considered by many people to be a high stress job, I was a tool maker. But I didnt like it. Now I have a job that many people consider to be high stress, a corrections officer. But I like it and I dont feel any stress. So having a job I like reduces my stress even though many people consider the job I do to be very stressful. Another way I dealt with stress was by the time I was 40 I was out of debt. I only buy something if I have cash. If I dont have the cash I save it. If I still want it after I save the money then I buy it. Sometimes I dont want it by the time I save the money. So I end up having a lot of money. Having money in the bank makes your stress level go down. I guess another thing I am say ing is reducing stress is a do it yourself thing for a man, at least a man like me. As a woman the one thing you can do is not cause any additional stress, outside of that stress reduction is a do it yourself thing. Another stress reduction method, I quit going to meetings when I was 32. Good luck.

  • becca1

    Ah, the cave. Yes, I read that book too and yes, my husband loves the cave. We have an agreement though, I let him stay in his cave when he needs to but if I feel he's been in there too long I let him know. He has learned to recognize that while it's OK to go in the cave he can't stay there indefinitly w/o hurting others.

    By the way, I don't know your situation, but is your husband an elder? The worst humor my husband was ever in, and the longest time he spent in the cave was just before he stepped down. He was soo stressed he became almost imposible to live with, even though he is naturally a very even tempered guy.

  • zagor
    but is there anything in addition to this you guys wish for when work/life is stressing you out?

    There is nothing bigger in the world for a guy to feel but when his lover and partner puts her arms around him, hugs him, look deep into his eyes and tell him you believe in him.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Do whatever you need to do to get him to the doctor for a full physical including a Thyroid test and a PSA.

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