What faithful JW's do you pity the most?

by OnTheWayOut 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    Imagine being a virgin that long? But, she must feel so lonely, I feel bad for her. The funny thing is that she is so attractive and slim. We always said she could be a model.

    Not your friend, but I knew that sister. She was gorgeous, virgin, the most outgoing pioneer in the whole world. She had guys drooling all over her, but she was looking for that pioneer brother with upwardly mobile goals within the organization. Yet, she wasn't the least bit snobby about her looks or her "spirituality." She made everyone feel great, except for this one over-jealous sister whose husband couldn't help but look at her beauty (none of us could). Even with that sister, she tried to smooth things out, after all, she didn't do anything to make her jealous, and she wasn't after her man. She was in her mid-thirties.

    I am going to take a turn for the worse now, stop reading if you hate sad endings.

    She was stalked by a brother who wasn't very upwardly mobile, he was quite a bit unstable. She didn't want to call the police because of the reproach upon Jehovah's name that could cause. He grabbed her outside her home one day and killed her with a knife. It was never reported as Witness-on-Witness crime, something that she would have hated.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear OnTheWayOut:

    Very sad and tragic ending. I am
    sorry to read such things.


    The Wanderer

  • jaguarbass

    I guess I pity any witness whose life was altered by going down the wrong track. The jw experience is a very bad thing. But if there is a God, then it is something that he allows, there could be and are worse things. If there is no God, then the jw thing is that much worse. The only witnesses I know nowadays are on my wifes side of the family.They all got me fooled, they act like they enjoy it, or at least they enjoy their lives which the jw's are a part of. So I think they are well suited for each other and there is nothing to pity other than they live a different life than I would ever want to. As was mentioned before the kids are to be pitied as there developmental years are lost before they figure out their swinging at curve balls.

  • garybuss

    What faithful JW's do you pity the most? Easy! The children.

  • blondie

    I pity the ones that are not a part of congregation life (maybe DF'd or just inactive) who still really believe that it is all true. They don't celebrate holidays or have worldly friends, but they don't have any social backup from the congregation either. And they think that there is something wrong with them, and God is probably going to kill them soon.

    And it is even worse for the kids of these people.

    Ditto! Blondie

  • sammielee24

    The children - and the adults those children become. They have no choice and their lives are forever altered by the life they are forced to adhere to. I also feel pity for those souls who are so brainwashed into following, that they have allowed their youth, their future and their families to become destroyed by the very religion that is supposed to save them. It's pathetic and sad. sammieswife.

  • M.J.


    Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about...and I don't know very many JWs. I know of this one sister who has had a part-time job for her whole adult life so she could pioneer. She's probably around 35-40 and is still looking for an interested brother, but laments not being able to find one. She's timid and seems completely dependent on the structure of the org to maintain her mental sense of well-being. The rest of your description also fits her to a "t".

  • serendipity

    Don't assume all single women are lonely.

  • Warlock

    I pity the ones that are not a part of congregation life (maybe DF'd or just inactive) who still really believe that it is all true. They don't celebrate holidays or have worldly friends, but they don't have any social backup from the congregation either. And they think that there is something wrong with them, and God is probably going to kill them soon.

    And it is even worse for the kids of these people.

    Yup. Warlock

  • Abandoned

    The ones that I pity the most are those that gave up following their dreams because the jw teach that doing our things is disrespectful to god. Hitler tried to create a race of perfect human clones. The wt has created a race of clones that want to be perfect.

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