Was the Atomic Bombing of Japan Really Necessarry?

by frankiespeakin 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    We was lucky Hitler never understood the power of the atom, or he would have had the Bomb first.

    In many respects he did.His heavy water capapility,, based (i think)in Norway was only thwarted thanks to Ingenuity of British Commando,s and Norwegian resistance.Hitlers capapilities would have been awesome if his Nuclear know-how was coupled with ,say,the V2 rocket.

  • james_woods

    One whole section of the General Groves book is on the subject of "Alsos II" - this was the allied effort to ferret out whatever could be found on Nazi secret weapons after VE day. The general consensus was that they were able to make limited amounts of dangerous refined radioactive materials, but were literally years from developing an actual nuclear bomb. The Japanese were considered to be decades further away - the limited equipment mentioned earlier here was actually for basic research, not even nearly as advanced as the German effort.

    The Alsos team got all the German scientists together, held them after the war in a country estate in England, and secretly taped their reactions when the news of the Hiroshima blast was revealed to them. They all took several days to get over their shock that the allies had actually done it. They also revealed ignorance of the amount of material needed, or a real grasp of the engineering required.

    One might say "thank God" given the jet planes, tanks, submarines, and rockets they turned out.


  • Athanasius

    Hi Frankie,

    You might find Bert Webber's book Silent Siege--III helpful. Webber interviewed several of the Japanese involved in their Atomic project. The Japanese exploded their first atomic bomb on August 10, 1945 on a small island in the Sea of Japan. The Japanese surrender 5 days later prevented further testing.

  • frankiespeakin


    Do you have any site that provides documentation of this because it seems completely fabricated. AFter all it tooks lots of money and scientist for the US to develope the Atomic bomb.

  • jayhawk1

    Fleaman UK, I agree with what you said. I'm saying if Hitler had known to push his scientists and not hated the Jew, Albert Einstein, the United Kingdom would still be glowing. (Of course, we would all be dead or never born too.)

  • frankiespeakin


    I mentioned that the documents were reclassified, by the bush administration I think.

    That seems highly unlikely, because why would the president want such a document reclasified? What would motivate such a thing, why would care?

  • Anony-Mouse

    As far as I've heard, Baghdad was taken largly in part by dropping a MOAB next to the city. It's just a step down from a nuke, no nuklear material, but really big explosion.

    It makes you wonder...if they had dropped it in an empty place, there for the japanese to see, would they have surrendered? The could have used the second bomb if that didn't work.

    Either way, the allies won. Sadly, at the loss of civilian casualties.

    But now Japan is cool, and we love each other :P .

  • Leolaia

    I met a number of years back a survivor of the Hiroshima bombing (he was a friend of my boss). He's a scholar now and I spent the evening at his house, and had no idea that he experienced such tragedy. He was just a boy at the time and lost much of his family, and he told us the story of how he tried to save people tho they didn't know what caused such devastation at the time. He showed us his burn scars which he still has to this day. Meeting someone who was there obviously gives me a more personal perspective than one that has the comfort of historical distance and political abstractions.

    The whole war, like the present one, was a terrible tragedy. Which ever way there was to end it seemingly would have involved an incalculable toll. War is hell.

  • Terry
    The whole war, like the present one, was a terrible tragedy. Which ever way there was to end it seemingly would have involved an incalculable toll. War is hell.

    You are so correct!

    Religious people usually don't like to think about that at any depth; the fact that nature itself is at war and always has been. Only death allows life to continue BY DESIGN!

    But, not intelligent design.

    The chaos of random natural selection is easier to swallow than the idea that a supreme intelligence wanted it this way.

  • Warlock
    Do you have any site that provides documentation of this because it seems completely fabricated.

    If he did, you wouldn't believe it anyway. Why even ask?


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