JW told me today that I was bashing his religion

by moshe 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I used Skype to chat with a JW online today. He told me that he wouldn't look at the www.silentlambs.org website, because I didn't have the right motive.-ha! I was just bashing his religion, he said. Well, Excuse Me!-- I told him I was just trying to get help for abused children. We exchanged some more messages and when I mentioned that the 1914 generation was not in the Bible, he acted like he didn't know what I was talking about.- and had to leave for lunch- goodbye.

    Does anyone have a snappy comeback for, "you're just bashing my religion"? Thanks!!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    You could say "I am merely trying to engage ina reasonable discussion with you". I doubt that would work with issues like child abuse though. The dubs are told that most of the reports of child abuse in the wts is apostate lies or satan using the media to discredit jehovahs people. Most of them would rather believe that, and defend it, than admit there is a problem.

  • Satanus

    Snappy: 'religion is a snare and a racket. Oh, i'm sorry, was i bashing? '

    Not that snappy, 'was the last tract was religion bashing?'

    'I would like to join a religion that doesn't bash other religions. Can you name one for me?'


  • Elsewhere

    lmao... that guy is currently going around with a tract that points out problems with every religion in the world and claims that every religion other than JWs is false religion. In his mind that is "preaching this good news of the kingdom" and his right and responsibility to do so.

    If you point out the problems with HIS religion, it is suddenly "fault finding" and "bashing".

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Satanus hit it on the head. Refer to their own international distribution of a tract devoted to nothing but 'Religious bashing'.


  • DannyHaszard

    http://www.topix.net/forum/who/jehovahs-witnesses check out the trashin & bashin by deceptive Jehovah's Witnesses

    Join in

  • BluesBrother

    Turn their own answers on them:

    Reasoning book



    "‘I agree that in this matter each person must make his own decision. But did you know that God himself is looking for a certain kind of people to be his true worshipers? Notice here at John 4:23, 24. What would it mean to worship God "with truth"? . . . What has God given us to help us to know what is true and what is not? . . . (John 17:17) And notice how important it is to us personally. (John 17:3)’"

  • Finally-Free
    "you're just bashing my religion"?

    The watchtower has been bashing other religions throughout it's history. This is easily proven from their literature.

    If they don't want people to bash their religion, perhaps keeping their own stupid mouths shut would be a good beginning.


  • wvpeach

    Sounds like you were bashing his religion.

    Do you say the same things to every catholic you meet about all the abused alter boys?

    Or the Mormans and thier habit of marrying young girls to senior Citizen men?

    If so just tell him you are in general a basher of religion , so he should not fell singled out.

    If not and you are indeed just singling out the JW for any sin you can find , you should pray about your own heart that God help you rid yourself of hatred and ill feelings you feel towards these people.

  • moshe

    Sounds like you were bashing his religion.

    I'll bet king David told Nathan the same thing,too when he got caught for arranging a murder and committing fornication.

    And Saul wanted the Prophet Samuel to keep his sin quiet,too.- so as not to make Israel look bad. "Whaa- don't bash my Kingship, Samuel"

    Yep, those prophets must have singled them out- bashed them- Not!

    Fact is, when it comes to exposing the secret sins of the WT Society, the Org doesn't want to repent publicly. And anyone who protects a secret sin , shares in it ,too.

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