What was the reason why you were never made an elder or Ministerial Servant

by twinkletoes 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • penny2

    Yep, I'm a woman too - and proud of it. I did once read in the group study when there were no men to do it.

  • Dansk

    I was an MS - but wouldn't push haemorroids so was constantly overlooked when it came to elder appointment!

    I guess it also didn't help when, during a meeting, I answered that I thought elders needed to work on being more humble. Can't think why they'd get upset about it

    Best thing they ever did was never to have made me suckhole elder! If they had have done, I would likely have become as egotistical and pompous as them - and exiting would have been so much harder.

    Now, my wife lauds it over me in a fine manner!


  • dozy

    The methodology of appointing (or deleting) elders & ms is a curious process. Several times I've been on the wrong side of a vote (either in favour or against appointment) and it isn't fun. The idea that decisions are reached unanimously is a convenient fiction - a straight majority vote or tie with the CO being in favour (which he usually is , as he has to put on his report the names of new ms & elders and it looks good if brothers are seen to be "reaching out") suffices. I personally was held back for appointment both as a ms and as an elder for the most trivial reasons and only discovered the real reasons years later. Sadly , communication with the unsuccessful candidate is usually poor - they are rarely told of the actual reason (usually because there is disharmony).

    One of the problems with appointments is that if there are any doubts , the line of least resistance is to "give it another six months". This can be repeated an-infinitum with "borderline" or controversial candidates , until the candidate gets fed up and stops trying , or moves away.

    Generally speaking , I reckon there are 3 kinds of elders - some who will appoint just about anybody , and who often act as cheerleaders for particular candidates. Most will simply nod agreement with the prevailing view. Some - often the self-righteous ones - would never appoint anyone. I recall asking an elder if Jesus was under discussion to be appointed , would this elder vote in favour of his appointment - and the elder took umbrage at this "slur".

  • rwagoner

    I was "being groomed" for MS. Luckily I escaped before that could happen.

  • fokyc

    Hey Girls, Listen to this!!

    In 1963 I was assistant Magazine servant,

    a Sister was THE Magazine servant!!

    How times have changed


  • dedpoet

    I was an ms, and being considered for elder, when I started having doubts. I was visited by elders with a view to being recommended as one, but declined the invitation, and resigned as an ms a few weeks later. By then I was reading Crisis of Conscience, and stopped going in the fs, and soon after, meetings as well.

  • blondie

    Let me say this, not every man who becomes an elder becomes a "suckhole" person. Some actually believed the illusion of what an elder does or had the illusion that they could be different. Some new ones really try to be kind and considerate and to speak up at the elders meetings. Slowly (or quickly) the "old" elders start to teach the new elder a lesson and to punish him for making them look bad or going against their opinions. They start "attacking" their wives and children until the elder realizes it is not worth it and that he can be supportive and kind to people in the congregation without being an elder, that giving talks from the platform is not the way, or conducting meetings. Many men in the congregations only at the point they become elders start to see the evil side of the congregation and how the elders really feel about the sheep. If they had known before their appointment, many of these would have turned it down.

    I had one elder tell me that if they told the prospective elders what faced them as far as treatment by the other elders, they would never have any new elders. I know 2 though that waited a year and then stepped (down or aside).


  • jakes

    I was not to regular in the house to house preaching activity.I was not very fond of it.However,I used to give talks regularly on the ministry school,mostly the No.4 talk. Glad I was never made a servant though.

  • StillGroggy

    You have to "reach out for it"

    In other words, Kiss Ass and play JW politics. I won't do this just to leave later on meeting nights.

    They claim that FS time is the #1 but I've been above the average for the last year and no MENTION of MS. Not like I mind :]

  • StillGroggy

    blondie, you conduct the REAL WT study i read every week. Thank you BTW

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