Hunters look at this DEER:WOW "Warning dead deer"

by skyking 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyking

    The truth about Gun control

    What The Data Actually Shows;

    The facts have shown that in the US gun ownership has increase by over 200% per capita in the last twenty years but gun crime rate have fallen over all by 9.5% which does not include population growth during the twenty year period. People are being mislead.

    Large number of scholarly studies by criminologist showing firearms ownership does not increase risks of violence, and that "gun control" does not work. 2

    Studies data show that a victim with a firearm is 50% less likely to be injured than one who submits to the criem against him.

    Study data show that victims who use firearms for self-defense are 67% less likely to be injured than those using other kinds of weapons. Study data shows that screaming and running away is far more dangerous to the victim than using a firearm to resist a rapist.

    Studies done by big name researchers like David Kopel show "gun control" laws show no consistent correlation between "gun control" laws or gun ownership rates, and the rates of murder, suicide, and crime. These do not go down after laws are inacted.

    The incidence of violence in European countries was low long before restrictive "gun control" laws were enacted. Many forget the rate of crime did not change. EX: European suicide rates are much higher than U.S. suicide rates. If homicide and suicide rates are combined, the U.S. is still below the median of 18 major nations. Israel has a policy of encouraging widespread firearm possession but this nations has the lowest homicide + rate.

  • rwagoner

    High scores sam for highjacking a thread and twisting it into yet another misguided, ill informed politcal commentary about a country you don't even live in.

    I'll eat venison rack or not....the rack is a nice bonus though.

  • Justice-One
    so you dont think it showed that guns and ammo are easy to get access to in America?

    Easy? It will always be easy for a criminal to arm himself. As for the law abiding, there are plenty of laws in place that attempt to keep arms out of the wrong hands. Far too many if you ask me, considering our Constitution guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. And PLEASE, before any armchair scholar says otherwise, please inform yourself of the the FACTS. And freedom is not free. There are costs. Some of those costs may include the misuse of firearms by criminals. Personally, I will take freedom over safety any day of the week! So would Ben.

  • Justice-One
    but other than that, what you said doesnt justify it in the slightest.

    Sure it does. Only the mentally challenged can not see it. Just what in the hell do you think the Department Of Fish And Game do for a living? Their main job is to try and keep things in balance, and hunting is a HUGE part of it.

  • Sam87

    i see your points, im not trying to push my opinion, just i think it works like this

    more firearms available to the general public = more chances of accidents from firearms (because there are more out there)

    maybe that isnt logical to some, but it is to me.

  • hubert

    When I was a teenager, I used to hunt a lot. (circa 1950's) I never saw a deer all the time I hunted. In fact, I only saw one set of deer prints in the snow only once in approximately ten years of hunting.

    However today the deer population is so high, that many people die from highway accidents caused by overpopulations of deer. Many more are seriously injured, not to mention damage caused by these mishaps.

    The deer population has to be controlled, in one way or another. I actually fear driving 65 miles an hour (speed limit) on the highway, and thinking that at any second, a deer could (and does) bolt out of the bushes and onto the highway, right in front of me. It's a scary thought.


  • skyking

    On my farm a few years ago I was given 65 extra deer tags which I could give too hunters. This year so far three bucks have been killed and I do not know how many does. If it was not for hunting season I would have to shot and leave the animals for the predators to eat them. Yes I am a armed to the teeth American that hunts and love to shot a big buck or trophy Bull Elk. We love it and we brag when we do it, We email pictures call our friends when we are lucky enough to kill a big buck.

    It is what we do. My daughter this year twelve killed her first nice buck and we gave the local paper a picture> THe paper puts pictures of the young one in my area their kills in the weekly paper. My boy killed his first Turkey and his picture went to the paper too.

    We are American's and enjoy our freedoms.

    I hope we still have some before BUSH leave office.

  • Cellist

    The whitetail deer population has spread and prospered because of humans. To the extent that they are a serious menace in some areas. I'd like to put the deer that are eating my apple trees in my freezer.

    By the way, Sam. The best tasting deer I ever ate was also trophy size. And if you're going to spout gun control to prevent "accidents" then you really should be talking about restricted motorized vehicle ownership also. Not to mention knives, axes, baseball bats, etc.


  • Seeker4

    Where I live, in Vermont, just 100 years ago, the whitetail deer population was gone, there were no wild turkeys, no moose, no coyotes. The state was 80% deforested.

    Today, we have thriving populations of deer, moose, turkey and coyote, not to mention a few dozen other species. Vermont is now 80% forest, with huge areas of preserved wilderness. Who is mainly responsible for this? Hunters, who provide the funding for the state's Fish and Wildlife department.

    I'm not keen on trophy hunting, and I think some canned hunts are completely anti-thetical to what most of us for whom hunting is a way of life believe and practice. I hunt, and gut and butcher and cook and eat whatever I kill, which is not a hell of a lot in the overall scheme of things. I honor the animals I hunt, and I highly value being so intimately involved in the life and death of that which feeds and sustains me. It gives me an insight into the real drama and beauty of existence that someone who thinks that beef comes in styrofoam packages wrapped in celophane will never know.

    When you hunt, kill and then eat something, it gives you a connection with what made humans human over the last million years or so.

    My girlfriend thought it was really a bad thing when she first found out that I was a hunter. Now, when half a dozen deer are treating her $40,000 worth of landscaping as their personal buffet, she has asked me to show her how to shoot a rifle. She even jokes about her initial response to my hunting.

    Vermont has very limited gun laws. You can carry a concealed weapon here without a permit, and gun racks in pick-up trucks are common. We also have one of the lowest murder rates in the world, and Vermont is one of the safest, and most beautiful places to live on the planet.

    Hunting is one of the most natural acts a human can engage in. It is said that hunting and tracking may be the very foundation stones to the development of the human brain and our incredible degree of intelligence, when compared to other species.


  • hubert
    It is said that hunting and tracking may be the very foundation stones to the development of the human brain and our incredible degree of intelligence, when compared to other species.

    I also heard that eating meat is responsible for human brain development, too, but I don't know if this is folklore, or a true statement.

    Hope I didn't insult any "veggies" out there. This was not my intention, I only wanted to state a fact, if it is a fact.


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