JW restrictions on sex, lead to over hype that made sex disappointing.

by free2beme 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4


    Thanks for a remarkably honest post in the one instance and for defending me in the second. I wasn't trying to be a mindless prick - pun intended - in what I wrote to restrangled, but I do know some women who have enjoyed some really great casual sex. I also know of people who've hated it.

    Yeah, if you love somebody and trust them and they are a great physical turn on for you and you have great sex with them, that's an unbeatable combination. Unfortunately, it's rare, though Western culture has made people expect this to happen.

    restrangled, that last post to highlander was unnecessarily mean. We're just trying to make some points here, sorry if they disagree with your romantic view of what sex is. All I'm stating is that it's that view that leaves a lot of people very disappointed in life, that they didn't get all of that - the love, trust, turn-on and mind blowing sex all in one romantic package. It's just not realistic.

    XU wrote: I got DF's in HS for F, but seeing all the older girls getting married, it was horrible. They all put on 30 pounds and the couple showed up glassy eyed and miserable.

    Nice post, XU, and good points.

    Yeah, what are you supposed to do when someone you love and trust simply no longer appeals to you sexually? That's a horrific place to be, and there is not a lot you can do to change what you regard as sexy. We all change with time, and we have to accept that. But when someone gains 80 or 100 pounds and turns into a person that physically has no appeal to you, how do you deal with that? You either settle or leave, and both of those are horrible options.

    I'll probably be put down again as just being a "shallow guy out for a good time," but I think this is an important factor in a lot of relationships, something you're reminded of every night you get ready for bed.


  • restrangled

    OK Boys,

    Lets get a few things straight.....

    I wasn't being mean to Mr. "My wife acts like a dead fish" .....She isn't here to defend herself and may have a totally different version of this "Big Lovers" story.....Which in my opinion is the case.

    Furthermore, you question a women for gaining weight as quoted below

    But when someone gains 80 or 100 pounds and turns into a person that physically has no appeal to you, how do you deal with that? You either settle or leave, and both of those are horrible options.

    My question is what type of receding hairlined, paunchy, hair coming out of the ears, vision losing, debt ridden wonder boys have you turned into? Just because she doesn't say it, doesn't mean she doesn't think it.


    Dating was also a guilt trip for most...

    It's sad when a young person is made to feel guilty for being on a simple date. We were made to feel guilty for having mere crushes on guys, not to mention actually going on a date with one.

    I remember my youngest sister wanting to have a next-door neighbor over to watch some movies (while my parents were home, I might add), someone she had basically grown up with. He was a JW too. They were just beginning to have little crushes on each other. My dad sat down with her, Bible and literature in hand, for a serious lecture about dating and the opposite sex.

    I feel genuine sorrow for "youths" still in the org and what they have to go through.

  • Seeker4

    That's me and my partner in my avatar. Still have a 32" waist and full head of hair, the ear and nose hairs are religiously trimmed and plucked, contacts take care of the vision problem, at least at the moment, debts are minimal but I don't want to discuss my pathetic money problems here, thank you, and plastic surgery has helped me get past the few cosmetic problems you can see in the picture below, thank you very much:


  • restrangled

    Seeker 4,

    I assume you are not one of those guys under the 6' marker that has to over-compensate.

  • Seeker4

    Did you mean 6' or 6"? Yes on the first, no on the second. And over-compensate how? I don't think my post had ANYTHING to do with over-compensating. Quite the opposite actually. Ah, did you get it? Do you understand self-deprecating humor?Did the photo get posted? If not, I understand your confusion, and apologize for questioning your, eh, ability to laugh, shall we say.


  • zagor

    ... yeah, self-induced hand job felt better I reckon

  • Namasti

    I married an Elder at 19 years old. I thought I was so lucky--I got an Elder--a very sexually inexperienced elder. It took a while for sex to become enjoyable. After about my 10th affair, I finally learned to enjoy it----just kidding--not quite that many. Well, wonder why that marriage didn't last.

  • restrangled

    I've been laughing ever since you dropped H like a hot potato

  • Seeker4

    restrangled: Eh? Any response on those last posts?

    Actually, I'm not interested anymore.


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