Following Dubs door to door! ------- sKally style

by gordon d 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    SKally's post made me ashamed of myself! How Ballsie!... How effective!

    If SHE can confront them, certainly a 6'-2", 235 pound ex-cop should be able to!

    I told my wife and she said, "Great idea.. just finish the new countertops first!"

    Ok... I've just about worked up the courage for this and the Silestone is coming on Friday.

    Thanks to Buttlight and Mary, there are some ideas in mind for a counter-point tract to hand out that tells the rest of the story.
    Doubt that I have the balls to act like Chevy Chase when he would mimic people (behind their back) on SNL news. But do think it would be easy to hit the doors a minute or two after the Dubs do. Just say something about the information that they probably didn't mention and leave.

    The only problem is possibly running into my father if he's out with them... If I'm confronted by any other witless, that's fine... Not going out to look for a fight. But with respect to Dad... might want to travel a little way. Houston has lot's of congregations.

    I don't know... I'll probably chicken out but if anyone has some words of encouragement, warnings, advice on what to say or how to do it, PLEASE share that info. +++BETTER YET+++ anyone in the Houston area wanna go with me???? Just PM for contact info!

  • R6Laser

    Ballsie? Maybe. Effective? Probably not.

    How can this be considered a good idea baffles me, but I guess to each their own. I mean I have better things to do with my time than what basically constitutes stalking people just to settle a grudge.

    If you want to go preaching against the dubs, just go on your own time and follow your own territory. It will make you look less crazy with the home owners.

    Just put yourself in the shoes of the homeowners. Most of them already don't pay attention what the dubs say anyways, but now after they dealt with them, here you have another person coming and knocking in your door to dispute what the previous one said. So now the homeowner who might already be irate from answering the door has to come back again and listen to some more propaganda from another person. I just don't get it, but everyone has their free will to do whatever they choose to do, so if you go ahead and do this let us know how it goes. Just seems like a waste of my time.

  • lisavegas420

    I doubt 90% of the people will read it anyway. We got one stuck in our door last week, My husband just tossed it in the garbage thinking it was more political stuff. I had to save it!!! poor 'ole tract.

    Anyway.... if you go up to the consumers, I mean householders and draw attention to it they might just pull it back out of the garbage. I had been waiting for our hand delivered copy and was disapointed that I missed my chance to talk face to face with who ever was here....I'm always here!...they must have hit and run....I mean stuck and run.

    The people that need to read the information about the the ones handing out the tract. Stick it in their car. Drive around and find another group of witnesses...stop and hand them one of your tracts and say,,"vote for me"...then drive off. They'll read it to see who you are. hehehe


  • rebel8

    I can't imagine how doing that would hurt anything, and it could help. IMO if 1 person is prevented from joining this destructive cult, it's worth it.

    Having said that, I personally choose various activities that are anonymous and possibly as effective:

    having a web site that's getting a decent amount of hits

    providing free brochures & literature to ex-jws via download from my web site so they can distribute the message

    regular correspondence with the media to ask them for coverage on jw-related news items

    posting on non-jw internet forums (gets hundreds of views/comments favorable to my cause)

    leaving cult awareness literature all over the place--in airplanes when I travel, hotel rooms, supermarkets, etc.

    published books on emotional recovery for ex-jws

    I estimate having reached many thousands of people with my message, which is very satisfying to me. I have now reached many more people with my current message than I did when I was door knocking for the other team.

    My personal choice is to keep it anonymous because I already lost enough reputation being a borg in the first place and I'm not ready to go back to being viewed as a "crazy" person just yet....but of course, applause to anyone who does!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Apart from distributing an article Trev wrote on child abuse and jws, and sending the churches around here copies of kn37, we tend to restrict our activities to attacking the org on our website, though we are by no means anonymous, or Trev isn't as his name is on the site as it's owner.

    I tend to agree with RCLaser here, following the jws around and knocking on doors just after them is more likely to irritate the householder than anything else. As he rightly in my view pointed out, few people listen to the dubs nowadays anyway, so to have some other person show up just after the jws to dispute what they say has the potential to cause irritation.

    However, good luck to anyone who is pursuing that form of opposition.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Not Effective??????

    This is for the householder... not the dub.

    Who here would not have thought twice about accepting that free in home bible study.

    If there are over 6 million dubs now.... aren't THEY effective?

    Could this possibly demoralize the witness?

    Any chance they might read my handout just to see what I was saying about THEM... if so, isn't that way more apostate info than they would probably ever get through any other means?

    Irritate the householder, Possibly... I would think that handled properly... it might be more amusing than anything.

    Sincerely....Thanks for the input!

  • Art Vandelay
    Art Vandelay

    Just let me know when, Fester. Me and my bookbag are waiting. :)

  • R6Laser

    I still think it won't be effective. Lets think about it, there's millions of dubs around the world doing their 'preaching' work. Now this plan presented in this thread will be excecuted by how many, 2 - 5 forum members? Ok, it doesn't take a genius to see who's more effective. I liked the other ideas better, like a website, or something more visible than just stalking jws while they go out preaching.

    I mean who cares? Am I going to follow every single person that belongs to some group I don't like, just to scorn them? Deep down we all know that's one of the reasons why we might think of something like this. Just to show them how wrong they are and how right we are. In my case I think its better just to move on with your life and stop getting caught in silly things like this.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    R6laser said,
    "How can this be considered a good idea baffles me, but I guess to each their own. I mean I have better things to do with my time than what basically constitutes stalking people just to settle a grudge."

    Maybe this will explain it:

    I'm sittiing in my apartment one day and smell something like propane. I pick up the phone and call the superintendant who says, Yes there's a terrible gas leak! For God's sakes... get out of the building NOW!!! Your brother is already dead from the fumes and the whole place could go up any minute!!
    I grab my wallet and race out the door. At the stairs, I pass my lifelong friend who asks, "Where ya going in such a hurry?" I reply, Nowhere, just gonna go outside for a while. In the lobby a see a couple of people discussing the gas smell... they Say hello as I pass and I smile and nod back at them. On the way out the door, I have to pause as a group of people that I had never seen before are heading inside... luckily, I squeeze past them and run across the street.
    Once there, I meet another person that I knew from the 3rd floor, They too had called the super and got the warning. So there we stood, discussing our day, Talking about how terrible the coming disaster would be, and sharing our stories of how much we never really liked living in that building anyway....with all it's stupid rules and tenant committees.

    6 million people live in that building... a lot of them are my family.

  • carla

    I leave my anti tracts in paperboxes, can deliver a lot more than going door to door I think. A few neighbors have gotten personal service and asked for more anti literature to give to people they know. Leaving the anti stuff in bathrooms, public places, NWT in the library, things like that will be seen as well. Go to a coffee shop? Grab the newspaper and leave something on the inside page of the newspaper. Need to visit the hospital or Dr.'s office? leave anti tracts in mags or on table tops. It's quick and easy and takes no time at all. Of course much easier for those of us who carry purses!

    Don't forget the power of 'word of mouth'. I think some ex jw's see some of the human wreckage stories and here and don't find them appalling as 'outsiders' do.Probably because you can all relate in some way, or know someone from your old hall who went through the same thing. You have no idea the response I get when relaying some of the stories here! I know some of my friends retell the story to others and in turn they tell it to others as well. A simple story of a kid who's mother will not have anything to with the kid if they go to colllege or some other story makes outsiders jaws drop. I nearly have to help them pick up their jaws when they hear of the abuse stories and how elders hide pedophiles or the abuser remains in 'good standing', etc,,, etc...

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