Posted Zero hours preaching- Fading faster

by OnTheWayOut 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    Good for you OnTheWayOut!

  • dedpoet

    Hi OTWO,

    That's exactly what I did. The po came to me and asked why I hadn't reported service, so I filled a form in with zero hours and handed it to him to give the secretary. He walked away shaking his head, but didn't say anything, and I only attended a couple of meetings after that anyway, so I never had any comeback.

    I did it for a joke at the time, as I hadn't reported the previous month either, nut they didn't see the funny side, and I expect I'd have got some counsel if I'd have given them chance. I doubt your action will pass without comment either, but good luck whatever happens.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Just read your post about the CO visit and this most recent post. Wow, I'm not really shocked he treated you as a throwaway, but would have thought that since they hadn't accepted your resignation yet, he would have at least spent a little more time with you. I think this proves something very important to everyone here. Some have claimed that they consider elders high ranking members of the congregation. They are NOT. Elders are just as worthless to the organization as the average publisher. What is important is not the amount of busy work in the congregation, its the unquestioning loyalty to the organization. If elders held any importance whatsoever, the CO would have pleaded with you to reconsider. He would have spent time with you trying to figure out a way to get you back. He doesn't care about you because he doesn't care about any of the flock.

    I want to do a little more inside spy work before I resign but when I do, I'm sure I'll get the same treatment. I've been going back & forth over what to do, yet, here's another example of how the individual is much less important than the overall group. It's the exact opposite of what Jesus taught, but then again, so is the general lack of love.

    I'll send you a PM a little later, but I did want to make this point because I think its an important one.

  • Outaservice

    Am interested in the outcome. Keep us posted! As an Elder for over 25 years, I'm trying to think about what my response would have been.


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey OTWO,
    As an elder, you're obviously in a unique position...
    If it doesn't conflict with any moral reservations, how 'bout tape recording any possible meetings that you have. You may never even play them again but if you continue to grow in your "ex-dubness", you might be glad that you have them... who knows, it might even serve as a tool for helping someone else, down the road. Or defending yourself from a he said-he said incident (("she said" intentionally ommited)) If not...You can always destroy them later if it bothers you.

    Just a thought... I've been pretty moved by some of the other videos/audios that I've heard.

  • OnTheWayOut
    how 'bout tape recording any possible meetings that you have

    I have considered the hidden microphone, not ready to shell out for the hidden camera.

    I know there could come a time when they say things different from my recollection.
    I will consider it, but I don't see many meetings with the elders in my future (I hope)

    I will, at least, insist on taking notes of any meeting with 2 or 3 elders. I am sure they
    will object, but then I can walk away saying those are the terms for meeting with me.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I think often times publishers are more aware of what is going on in the congregations than the elders-body. Two Sundays ago, I told my husband that I thought a certain brother in our congreation would choose not to be an elder soon. I have been "observing" him for several months now. Last night, he stepped down.


  • OnTheWayOut
    I told my husband that I thought a certain brother in our congreation would choose not to be an elder soon. I have been "observing" him for several months now. Last night, he stepped down.

    How do you know, though. In my case, I continued conducting and speaking as if I supported WTS doctrine. I went thru the motions.
    My change was sudden and (to them) dramatic.

    If you have an elder with observable wavering, he may just be tired. I doubt it was caused by doubt in the doctrine.
    Still, he's a good candidate for fader.

  • sf
    For the first time in my JW history, I turned in a slip with a big Zero written in every column,
    turned it over and wrote "Zero Tracts" Below that, I wrote "Stumbled by the CO"

    Great step. Felt pretty good, didn't it? Cherish the feeling!


  • CD

    sorry 2 hear ontheway out.. & i thought the CO loved all the elders/MS....but i was wrong. They don't care..In fact, most JWs could give a crap about you. All the care about is an indivdual being in attendance at the mtgs & turning in time. So sad.

    Much success onthewayout.


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