Hypothetical ? for u. What if armageddon really did come...

by *jeremiah* 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Even when faithfull to J-dub reasoning I always felt that according to dub logic about half of all dubs would probably be destroyed at armegedon. I am not talking about the ones who led double lives but those who were like the pharases. I always figured that there would be those 'worldly' folk who would survive because of either not getting the good news or having a good heart condition but were confused or misled.

    As far as me know if the lil a came like someone said earlier death is preferble than to live under the conditions of a whimsicle god dictator.

  • Steam

    Why don't you people look the word "Armageddon" up in Strong's. It's real meaning is the attitude of the nations which brought on WWl and continues in the world today. We have been in Armageddon since 1914. It's a long period of time, a condition NOT a location. The big fight of Ezekiel 38,39 is at Jerusalem not Megiddo. Apocalypse means revealment or revelation, that's all. The word is being misused by many.

    Pastor Russell said: "our eyes of understanding should discern clearly the Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty now in progress." WT Sep't. 1, 1916 page 265 Reprints 5951

    That is Armageddon.

    Steam Psalm 50:5

  • lowden


    You serve a FASCIST DICTATOR.

    The minions of such a ruler are no different to those of Mussolini or Hitler.

    Enjoy your god.


  • sass_my_frass

    Hehe. Mmm.

    Well the first thing I'd do is put a giant wind sock out to catch all the flying pigs, because people would get pretty hungry without, like, civilisation. Then I'd spend a few days planning what to do with the $180 million lottery jackpot I'd just won. Then I'd get some training in for my winter olympics place, and try to keep my billion-dollar sustainable energy company turning over. I'd house all the homeless, cure everything, eliminate war and poverty and mosquitos, and lose 20kg.

    To be honest, I'm not worried about Armageddon. Keep it together.

  • katiekitten

    Knowing my luck id get saved with the 'halitosis maths club nerds' and have to start populating the earth. Bugger.

  • dedpoet

    If the jws were right about armageddon, and let's face it, it would be the first thing they'd ever been right about prophecy - wise, then I'd rather be one of jah's victims than risk spending eternity with dubs by going back to the org. I can't think of anything I'd less like to do than spend even 1 more hour as a jw, let alone eternity.

  • wanderlustguy

    I'd rather fry than live in a world full of dubs.

  • freetosee

    I would rather do like Job’s wife said: "curse god and die!"

    I wouldn’t want to live never mind worship a god so powerful to bring Armageddon, yet never cared to protect the innocent.


  • jgnat

    I've thought this through. As a Christian, I am obliged to live Christ daily, whether Armageddon comes or not. An imminent disaster should not change my behavior one whit. What am I all in this for, to preseve my own sorry hide? If so, what was Jesus' sacrifice for? Here's a waking dream that helped me overcome any fear I had.


  • Hannah

    If it is true that everlasting life is a free gift from God, and cannot be earned, then does it make any difference?


    I'm with Warlock on this one. Salvation is only from God, not man nor a religion. Religion is pure speculation of imperfect human interpretation of the Bible. Be very wary of any one claiming to have an exclusive "channel of communication" to God.

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