Hypothetical ? for u. What if armageddon really did come...

by *jeremiah* 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XU

    i agree with lowden 100%. I imagine if my stony little heart was back in Noah's day, I would be waving to the ark while floating on a tree branch next to all the other little innocent creatures getting annihilated by a jealous, insecure, jackass of a creator. Give me my hailstone! Don't put me in that kind of eternity, puh-lease!

  • Arthur

    NO. An Armageddon scenario has nothing to do with JWs being right or wrong. Every other fundamentalist church and cult under the sun preaches Armageddon. And additionally, an earthwide cataclysm doesn't necesarilly have anything to do with God anyway. When the giant meteor hit the earth 67 million years ago, I doubt that any of the dinosaurs would have been saved by calling on the name of Jehovah.

  • BizzyBee

    If you refer the the Big A as taught by the dubs - then I would be destroyed by the God of Love, and would not be offered the opportunity to return to worshipping the WTS. End of story. I can gaurantee you that I do not lose sleep over it. There is not even the most remote nano-particle of possibility that the dubs have the TRUTH about anything.

  • Sunspot

    Armageddon holds no fear for me. If or when it comes I am ready. I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and have turned my heart and my life over to HIM. The WTS is a cult and since they claim to be "God's Chosen"......they will be the first to "go" or at least be judged at the time.

    The bible clearly says to GET OUT of her.....and so I did.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    What if armageddon really did happen? Not necessarily according to JW terms or timetable, but at some point it happens in your lifetime. Would any of you return to the JWs?

    What would be the point in going back to them? If the big a did happen, they wouldn't survive it anyway.

  • hamsterbait

    At the end of the day we are all buried alive in eternity.

    Scream and scrape at the coffin lid you cannot escape the oblivion ending your time here.

    Whether the teachings of your religion about after death are true can only be discovered then.

    Barrie said "death will be an awfully big adventure."


  • moomanchu

    Yet, I know that there are many on here that disagree with 95% of the dubs belief. But if the apocalypse was obvious to many and truly in motion, not just a one-time disaster, just wondering who might go back.

    So I guess this hypothetical question is to those who are agnostic or atheist.

    I think what your getting at is like the saying " there are no atheists in the trenches"(war).

    That's a whole different ball game.

  • JWdaughter

    I wouldn't want to be "in" with a God who only wanted JWs, so if it was THEIR version, I would go out of my way to offend Him and them.

  • jwfacts

    Death is not a bad option when compared to serving the meglomaniac destructive God of the Watcthtower corporation. However, if Armageddon came and a reasonable God explained to all people on earth what he required of them I would consider my options.

  • Ex-Jo Ho
    Ex-Jo Ho

    I used to worry about that. Not anymore. I found comfort in thinking that if there is a God(honestly I am left conflicted on all religious beliefs at the moment...I'm open...just cautious) He would be able to read my heart and know I am a good person....despite whatever imperfections...and that I couldn't stay in an organization that didn't make sense to me anymore. I have my beliefs, perhaps with some old Jo Ho attributes here and there, but I don't think God will be out to get me if that day arrived.


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