JW Murder Fetish - More LIES!!!

by LeahJasmine 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    More shocking stuff in the other brochures on this page: http://jwinfo.8m.com/activism.htm

  • Sunspot
    I'm with you on this one... being a JW doesn't necessarily mean that you will snap someday and murder your family. I do know that a lot of JWs have psychological/depression issues but there is a big difference between depression and psychosis. Besides there are wacko's in all social circles not just among JWs.


    True.....there has to be an underlying cause that would explain why one would resort to killing to achieve an end.....but you have got to admit that a cult like the WTS that subjects its followers to an endless barrage of telling them they are "not ever doing enough" to please "God".....can certainly enhance the feelings that someone with a psychotic personality would have!

    If these ones were truly buying into what the WTS says, and felt they had to kill off their family in order for them to "see the blessings" or "be assured of the promise of everlasting life".....they could then feel they are doing their families a big favor in hastening the process and having them not have to face the "uncertainty of not measuring up" any more.

    You can SEE how their minds could be led into this thinking, what with the "loving" WTS shepherds in their corner, emhasizing how unworthy they ALL are.


  • Honesty

    Well, thank you all for this informaiton. I guess I took it too personally, and thought he was calling me a racist. Now I understand that we have made mistakes and learned from those and are better for it. I am new to the JWs and still leanring our history.

    Thanks again all!


    Stick around and you will soon find out all about those 'mistakes' the Watchtower Society has made throughout its history.

  • james_woods

    LJ posted:

    I am new to the JWs and still leanring our history.

    Leah, to paraphrase Merlin's words to the evil Morganna in that old movie Excaliber -

    be careful, my dear - it could spoil your beauty...

  • BluesBrother

    "There are many that have been disfellowshipped for kissing, or even dating improperly"

    That's a lie , for a start , so I read no more

  • AuldSoul

    Now be fair, Blues Brother...the writer didn't specify who was kissing what...

    I imagine it is not really a terribly uncommon disfellowshipping offense to be accused of kissing the wrong naughty bits.

    "Dating improperly" can be a BROAD brush, indeed. There is no question the author of the articles is a provocateur...but he seems to be staying just inside the honesty line. Many of the statements just have to be interpretted in their broadest connotations (which the average reader will not do) in order to get the reality out.

    I took the two articles as being pejoratively written pieces designed to inflame emotions like those Leah experienced. I suppose it is possible she might never have come to this site at all, otherwise. But I think such inflammatory and misleading articles are about as harmful to us as the inflammatory and misleading articles published by the WTS are to Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • BizzyBee

    Folks, we're being HAD. Leah thinks we are loyal dubs and she is pointing us toward articles against JWs - s(he) is a leg-puller...............

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Folks, we're being HAD. Leah thinks we are loyal dubs and she is pointing us toward articles against JWs - s(he) is a leg-puller...............

    I was thinking that Bizzy Bee. If your'e right it's an interesting tactic, but totally wasted on this board. It might work on a pro jw board.

    btw welcome to the board leah

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    JWs are a death based cult. From childhood I would ponder the glee in which the adults around me would become consumed by at the thought of Armageddon. All those lovely DEAD bodies will prove to the world we were right right right...

    ...death will be everywhere and the birds will eat their flesh, will serve them right..

    ....if we kill someone and then kill ourselves, that will end the suffering. No harm no foul. Jehovah just will not remember me in the new system but I'll be dead and out of this door to door misery....

    yup ...death cult

  • lovelylil

    Amen Kate!

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