JW Reform, It will NEVER happen...

by AuldSoul 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Who would put themselves at risk to go save them from their self imposed brainwashing?

    Do you know anyone who would make this kind of sacrifice to go rescue some lost sheep from themselves?

    Can you point in the right direction to find someone with this kind of heart and courage to take on a job of this magnitude?

    My mom is one of their prisoners.....

  • Sunspot
    1) Even if the WT Society did a complete reversal on shunning, blood transfusions, and child molestation, could anyone ever trust them again?

    2) For me the answer is no, because the welfare of the JW people is always secondary to the image and financial well being of the JW Cult.

    3) They are liars, manipulators, and that is one facet that will never change with them, no matter what else they change.

    1) NO! They are proven themselves to be purposely deceptive in the highest way imaginable, duping sincere people into an insincere religion.

    2) NO again! Their primary goal and concern is to continue to deceive their followers---NOT to care for Jesus' sheep.

    3) Yes....why would they change their sleazy ways NOW? Their only incentive to be underhanded and clever would never be fulfilled if they were to change after all these years (and sly tricks), and I'd bet the farm this will NEVER happen.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Well you seem to have the condemning and judging thing down pat. IMO

    Now....do you want to have my mother destroyed?

    Are you willing to buck up to me to make that happen?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    If you somehow consider yourself to be somehow better than them...I advise you check yourself first...and lose the ":bitch"......

    Get me?

  • Sunspot

    If you somehow consider yourself to be somehow better than them...I advise you check yourself first...and lose the ":bitch"......

    Get me?

    Just who is it that you are referring to?

  • AuldSoul


    Who was talking about destroying people? Lose the ":bitch"? No, I don't get you. If anyone gets you, I would be surprised.

    Perhaps you have confused comments directed toward the organization as personal comments about your mother, or my mother, and father, and sisters, and aunts and uncles, heck, almost all of my extended family descended from four and five generations back.

    I hate (as in loathe, despise, abhor, detest, etc.) the organization to which my family belongs. I don't want my family destroyed. If your comments were directed toward a particular poster you lost the effect entirely when you failed to address your post to that person.

    In reply to your strange request for someone (anyone) to buck up to you in order to destroy your mother, from one person in therapy to another who probably should be, perhaps your meds could use some adjustments.

    For my part, I am not nodding as the organization destroys itself. I am actively busying myself with life (when possible) and as a sideline I am preparing to help what I expect will be a lot of people who are destined for a very rough landing. They will need practical things, like assistance reintegrating into "the world" that they have dreaded for so long.

  • jeanniebeanz
    Since Jehovah's Witnesses have provably never been God's organization, why would God fix it?

    AS, this was really a great line... and so true.

  • mcsemike

    Well, this is one of the most complex threads I've ever seen. We sure could use a "Back to the Future" time machine now.

    I don't think the WT will ever completely die out. Enough children seem to stay in, along with some baptisms from the world in general. If the WT changes too much, such as allowing blood, ceasing DF'ing and so forth, as was said, they won't be trusted again. Even if they make it painless to be a JW, allowing complaints and open disagreement with what they teach, their lack of love still remains. Just being a JW and attending meetings inflicts psychological damage on people. As more and more books are published, TV shows aired, and as the Internet keeps hammering away at them, people will think twice about staying a JW or joining in the first place.

    Money might affect some decisions, but they have a lot, along with real estate. They are masters of lying and manipulation, so many might stay. Their thinking will probably be "Armageddon" HAS to come soon". But after so many failed dates, they will run out of ideas to prop up the "any day now" song and dance.

    Third world nations might provide some growth, but if the rate in wealthy nations is now flat or falling, I don't see why or how they can remain strong. Their tactics are becoming more known each day and the public might soon just block them out when they visit doors. It's really hard to say.

  • Mikeus

    I have to agree, I don't see a possibility for reform of the WTS's doctrines. When you get down to it, a lot of people will always believe what they want to believe. They will shift and sway here and there, but reform to an actual mainstream religion? I just can't see it. That's like saying Catholics will one day stop saying Hail Mary's. There are certain things about the JW's that make them feel SPECIAL (i.e. Arianism, abstaining from holidays, etc). What we have here is a case of religious tradition. The GB appoints successors who are like-minded. As previously touched on, unless there is some sort of Rutherfordesque overthrow, things are for the most part going to stay the same. But, as stated before, we're dealing with millions of people with ingrained beliefs, not a few thousand scattered followers who's only leader just died. Just look at the people who were Witnesses in the 40's and are STILL Witnesses. Things may sway, the publications and predictions will continually miss the mark, but it is a tradition and it is RIGHT (in their minds).
    For example, I have corned Mormons in argument, proven them dead wrong, and the response I repeatedly get is "I don't know, but I trust the elders" or "There has to be an answer to that, but I just don't know it".
    Of course, there is always hope for the people in the cult to realize what's going on and get out. I think most of us can at least attest to that.

    "Like a ship tacking into the wind..." Watchtower 12/1/81 p.27

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Interesting thread. I used to think that it would be possible to reform. However, the more I think about the power structure and the amazing amount of loyalty to the organization displayed by many of the very ones who make grabs for power (the small handful of prominent local elders, COs & DOs and some of the higher up Bethelites) I have come to the conclusion that it can't happen. I do believe some changes will take place but only from legal pressure, not from a honest humble correction. The handling of the whole NGO affair shows me the complete lack of humility and arrogance that the GB displays. Unless that changes, no significant doctrinal changes could happen.

    I think the movement will likely be around for some time to come, will grow into even more of a third world religion and will ultimately have to lose much of the publishing business in order to survive. I really don't think money is the motivating factor, I believe the thought that they're Gods chosen people and the ego trip that goes with that is the real issue. So, they can spin all the downsizing but the last thing that could be given up is the control.

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