Born Gay?

by Sam87 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • riverofdeceit

    Who cares. As an adult, I know what turns me on. I know what doesn't. My attraction to girls was there some time around early elementary school(I'm a guy). I didn't learn that, I didn't choose that. My sexual attraction to them came later on, but not much later. I'm sure my attractions have been partly influenced by how my life has gone, and have probably changed slightly over time, but at its core, I know I am heterosexual. I doubt it is much different for anyone else, gay or straight.

    The only conscious choices I have made are with whom my relationships have been with, and these have been based upon who I think I will be compatible with both mentally and physically. I am attracted to the opposite sex but not all of them. Just because I have a penis, doesn't mean that every vagina turns me on. Sure, technically they go together, but just because they go together and could serve the purpose of creating a child, doesn't mean that is the only(or best) enjoyment I can receive from it. Mentally, it has to be the right person to be truly enjoyable, hopefully for the both of us.

  • dorayakii
    Qcmbr: Now to confront the idea that people say they 'knew' they were gay at a very early age - I say bull - I would suggest that having found themselves having made a gay lifestyle choice they then retrospectively find proof in their past.

    I say bull to your ridiculous theory. The fundamental error in your reasoning is that you confuse the "gay lifestyle" with "homosexual orientation". A gay lifestyle choice is different from sexual orientation. Sexual orientation occurs first, a certain lifestyle then may or may not follow to fit in with your orientation. Imagine the 11 year old me, being brought up in a strict JW household, yet somehow chosing to lead a gay lifestyle when i hadn't even heard of the existence of such a choice... and chosing to have a warm fuzzy feeling in the groin when being with a particular boy of my own age.

    It is perfectly possible to close off your feelings or desires -

    Yes, i agree, it is possible (but not easy) to close off feelings or desires, we can merely ignore them by an act of will. However, even if we close off desires the underlying urge is often still there (where does adultary come from?) ... also it may be easier to close off feelings and desires, but is not such an easy task to open up desires and feelings at will, in fact its close to impossible.

    it is a permission of the will however, we live in a society that is all about gratification of every thought, whim or desire that wanders across our minds.

    I whole-heartedly agree with you and deplore this cheap, media-controlled thrill-seeking attitude of modern society. However, i would not reduce my trusting and monogamous gay relationship to the "gratification of [my] every thought, whim or desire" any more so than i should label your monogamous straight relationship as such.

    We all know that sexual feelings can be learnt just as any appetite of the body (sheep eyeballs are a delicacy to some)

    If you can help me to force myself to actually enjoy mushrooms and Brussels sprouts i would be extremely grateful.

    Hell if I wanted to be gay I could look back on my childhood and find times when I didn't find women attractive but definately chose to hang out with other boys and could then make the leap that I must have known even then how I'd be now - tosh - children don't decide who they will find attractive or 'know' anything is right or wrong at that age.

    First of all its completely different from wanting to "hang out with other boys"... secondly you've just contradicted yourself. You said "the bizarre argument about not being able to choose who you are attracted to is a lie" then you said "children don't decide who they will find attractive or 'know' anything is right or wrong at that age" which i agree wholely with, because i didnt decide who to find attractive, it just crept up on me, and i felt no guilt about it, i didn't know it was somethng "wrong".

    Hell just as a test, if its so easy, i challenge you to try and turn yourself to being gay by "looking back on your childhood" as you say... You don't have to stay that way, you can change back whenever you want... If you can accomplish that i'll want to know how (although maybe about two years ago i would have jumped on the opportunity, now, im more comfortable with being gay, and i'm in love with my partner, so it would be very emotionally disrupting to both of us for me to change at such a late stage... but i'd still be curious).

    I would have more respect if people who chose to be gay just said so rather than pretending that somewhere there is a part of the brain that is sending messages saying - I gave you boy body parts but I'm gonna make your consciousness female.

    Its a bit arrogant of you to assume that people are just pretending not to have made a choice, and use it as a basis for not respecting them. If i had made a decision to be gay i would gladly admit it, its really not a big deal. However, the case is that i did not make such a decision. In fact, if anything, my body and mind were doing things that were completely against my will... and completely against my nurture. Kind of turns the old "nature v. nurture" debate on its head doesn't it?

    Of course no one is born gay, but neither is it a choice.

    It is perhaps something that is decided by genes or environment at the onset of puberty. Or perhaps it is predetermined by hormone levels during pregnancy, or maybe even imbalanced hormone levels at the onset of puberty... or perhaps it could be caused by a host of other social factors, or a mixture of the above reasons... those explanations i can accept, even if it means that there is no gene responsible... (which i would like there to be, simply because it would silence fundamentalists and people like yourself who say "just snap out of it will you? you can just choose to be straight")... but even if no such gene is found, one thing i will not accept is that sexual orientation is a conscious decision by the individual...

  • doogie
    When you get married you make a conscious decision to deny all feelings for others and commit yourself to one person only.

    and some say marriage isn't 'natural' either. quickly, name all the animals inhabiting planet earth currently practicing monogamy...

    now name all the ones practicing it successfully...

  • Abaddon


    Nice summary and analysis of material provided previously in links. You miss out the pre-natal (non-genetic influence) the uterine environment has. As with most such complex questions, the real deal probably lies not in any one factor.

    I don't agree with the definition of animal studies as problematic. They just show that animals form lasting homosexual pairs, and that some such pairings even produce offspring... which is what we see in human homosexuals... which kind of makes the word 'un-natural' raher inaccurate...

    I do agree with "folk will believe what they want".

    • Certain people will believe gayness is a choice as they believe god said it was bad and therefore it CANNOT be something a person had no control of, as if it was god would not punish someone for doing something they have nop control over.
    • Certain people resent gayness being made-out to be biological as they feel this somehow changes being gay in an unfavourable fashion.
    • Others couldn't give a ferk why people are gay.


    The bizarre argument about not being able to choose who you are attracted to is a lie.

    Is it now? Okay, say I have 100 gazillion people at gunpoint, and will shot them unless you CHOOSE to be attracted to men. Will you be attracted to men? No, of course not, at most you could pretend. Thus I find your contention "not being able to choose who you are attracted to is a lie" is unproven.

    When you get married you make a conscious decision to deny all feelings for others and commit yourself to one person only.

    That person is of a gender you are attracted to, or are pretending (so good you can fool yourself) you are attracted to as a result of pressure from societal or familial expectations.

    And if you "make a conscious decision to deny all feelings for others", you are kidding yourself; all you can do is decide to "commit yourself to one person only" even if you DO become attracted to others in the future.

    It is perfectly possible to close off your feelings or desires - it is a permission of the will.

    Ha! This is simplistic - you cannot eliminate the thought, only squash it if it occurs and not act on it. If you are otherwise you have achieved what many people have tried (and failed) to do for normally religious reasons - to eliminate sexual desires. How special... or is this a rose-coloured mirror?

    I suspect that almost all 'gay' tendencies as all 'straight' tendencies are a result of a choices we make.

    Your opinion is irrelevent no mater how important you might think it is. Facts are what lead this discussion.

    Before puberty I was not at all interested in girls/boys (along with the majority of children I would suggest) but that didn't make me gay (or straight), when I hit puberty I went through a very confusing and scary experience where I suddenly had sensations I had no preparation for and didn't quite know what they meant.

    I would say the cluenessness you felt on hitting puberty had a lot to do with your upbringing. Did your parents talk about sex, make it obvious sex was a natural part of their life, discuss with you what you might expect as you grew?

    It is no surprise to me that many come out of that scenario with a confused sexuality especially in a society that thrusts choice upon the ones who are most confused.

    Again, a simplistic analysis. You assume their confusion results from being gay. You ignore the fact the confusion could be about being attracted to the same gender and not being able to accept or act on this attraction without negative concequences. You confuse common-or-garden teenage angst with the trauma a gay teen feels if they are raised in a environement where their being gay will cause them problems.

    Now to confront the idea that people say they 'knew' they were gay at a very early age - I say bull - I would suggest that having found themselves having made a gay lifestyle choice they then retrospectively find proof in their past.

    Coming from someone whose opinions are formed around their religious beliefs before any reference to reality I find your attitude ludicrous. You believe this, and you believe what you do about human origins, purely due to you being in a cult. Get over it.

    Hell if I wanted to be gay I could look back on my childhood and find times when I didn't find women attractive but definately chose to hang out with other boys and could then make the leap

    Hanging out is rather different from being ATTRACTED TO. Boys hang with boys and girls with girls as they have common interests and past-times. Boys ferk boy if they are attracted to them, likewise girls ferking girls. Boys and girls who are attracted to each other ferk each other. It really is that simple...

    All I ever knew was that sex was some arcane mystic experience that adults had and it was all disgusting - 'you mean my parents do that ewwww!'. During puberty I found out (to a lesser extent!) what all the fuss was about but unfortunately I still feel a bit wigged out by the thought of my parents...OK I'm not going there.

    Grow up; you wouldn't be here if your parents didn't do 'it', and if you don't like the fact your parents carried on doing 'it' then you are obsessing about the sex when you should be celebrating the love.

    I think it is wrong to discriminate against someone for their lifestyle choice but I do have an issue with arguing its natural (sex is natural but penguins getting the wrong hole does not constitute the right to wear a gimp mask, abuse vegetables nor for men and women to justify their same sex decisions - why do you need a penguin as the excuse?

    Gay people don't need excuses; if you are so unbiased why do you feel they need an excuse?

    Your characterisation of the ample evidence that homosexual behaviour is part of the natural spectrum of many species' sexual behaviour makes it obvious you've not studied the subject - it is so not 'getting the wrong hole'. If you are so un-biased why the false characterisation? Or is the "I'm unbiased" lip service?

    I would have more respect if people who chose to be gay just said so

    I would have more respect if people who had religiously predicated opinions just said so

    If I was having feelings toward a bloke I'd want to find out why since I know my genetics couldn't be responsible, my body couldn't be responsible (its just not built for men) and so I'd be looking at what was going on in my head that was making me feel that way.

    Here you state things that simply are unknown; you cannot state that genetically speaking it is impossible to be attracted towards the same sex or not as there isn't enough evidence. But you seem to feel qualified to state what the vast majority of scientists (and most posters who've bothered quoting facts) do not feel qualfieid to state. Modest!

    People don't like to feel they are to blame for their gratification of urges.

    Qcmbr, if urges do not result in harm to uninvolved parties, why are they wrong?

    If you ignore all else, answer this one...

  • Gretchen956

    I wasn't going to comment on this thread, but I feel compelled to add one thing that has been ignored. Being gay isn't all about sex as some posters would suppose. Its also about love. Its about who you fall in love with. You don't pick who your heart races when you see them or when they speak to you. It happens. You get to know this person you share common experiences. You communicate, you form a bond. And this bond develops into love.


    And I know many many gay couples that have been monogamously attached and deeply in love for decades. You know, that unconditional love, that attraction, that respect, that honor. We raise children together, we pay our taxes together, and we stay together sometimes through the best and the worst of times. Sometimes through traumatic illness. The same deep abiding love that anyone feels for their partner no matter the gender.

    So really, what any heterosexual has for an opinion is just that. You haven't lived it so there is no way you could understand it. Not being able to understand it, some of you fear it. Well get over it. Because that is pretty damm self-centered.

    I squashed my "gayness" for 42 years. It was a CHOICE I made to try to be straight. But as Abaddon said it was a pretense and a farce. And many innocent people have been deeply hurt because of this farce that is forced on us by society.

    I prefer to salute all humans and not to try to pidgen-hole them by whom they sleep with.


  • jstalin

    I think what is at work here is that fundamentalists need homosexual orientation to be a choice. Accepting the fact that it is not a choice throws biblical morality out the window - because it would mean that god made people who are inherently sinful.

    I think it's similar to the creationist argument - fundies can't accept an evolutionary reality - it invalidates their biblical "inerrancy."

  • Leolaia

    Sherry....Thank you for a very, very moving post that says it better than I've read in a long time.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>So really, what any heterosexual has for an opinion is just that. You haven't lived it so there is no way you could understand it.

    I'm not sure we haven't lived it, Sherry. We just don't necessarily notice it. I'm attracted to women and not men. I've looked at men, and I can usually tell if a woman will find them attractive. But it's only an evaluation -- I'm not attracted.

    If one day society told me I was a freak for liking women and that it was a choice and I should start liking men, where would I be? Did I CHOOSE to like women? Nope.

    I just can't see who you're attracted to (and who, as you said, you eventually love) as a choice.


  • Qcmbr

    Abbadon wrote:

    Is it now? Okay, say I have 100 gazillion people at gunpoint, and will shot them unless you CHOOSE to be attracted to men. Will you be attracted to men? No, of course not, at most you could pretend. Thus I find your contention "not being able to choose who you are attracted to is a lie" is unproven.

    Since marriage, I can successfully confirm from my own provable experience (fact if you will) that I have not been attracted to anyone else I am however, aware that should I have allowed my mind to wander I could easily have returned to a state of searching for love and attraction.

    And if you "make a conscious decision to deny all feelings for others", you are kidding yourself; all you can do is decide to "commit yourself to one person only" even if you DO become attracted to others in the future.

    See above point

    It is perfectly possible to close off your feelings or desires - it is a permission of the will.

    Ha! This is simplistic - you cannot eliminate the thought, only squash it if it occurs and not act on it. If you are otherwise you have achieved what many people have tried (and failed) to do for normally religious reasons - to eliminate sexual desires. How special... or is this a rose-coloured mirror?

    No Abbadon - unfortunately fact blows away your words. I served a two year mission during which I indeed focused so intensely on what I was doing that I can confirm that I had no feelings of a sexual kind. I would not be inclined to believe what I just wrote save that I actually did it.

    I suspect that almost all 'gay' tendencies as all 'straight' tendencies are a result of a choices we make.

    Your opinion is irrelevent no mater how important you might think it is. Facts are what lead this discussion.

    Remember Abaddon though you may think you own a monopoly on this forum and are the only one with correct factual opinion the fact is your not. Your opinion is as valid as mine but please don't suggest we are unable to share our thoughts.

    Before puberty I was not at all interested in girls/boys (along with the majority of children I would suggest) but that didn't make me gay (or straight), when I hit puberty I went through a very confusing and scary experience where I suddenly had sensations I had no preparation for and didn't quite know what they meant.

    I would say the cluenessness you felt on hitting puberty had a lot to do with your upbringing. Did your parents talk about sex, make it obvious sex was a natural part of their life, discuss with you what you might expect as you grew?

    Do you actually care? Are you saying that this has any bearing?

    It is no surprise to me that many come out of that scenario with a confused sexuality especially in a society that thrusts choice upon the ones who are most confused.

    Again, a simplistic analysis. You assume their confusion results from being gay. You ignore the fact the confusion could be about being attracted to the same gender and not being able to accept or act on this attraction without negative concequences. You confuse common-or-garden teenage angst with the trauma a gay teen feels if they are raised in a environement where their being gay will cause them problems.

    Yes a simplistic analysis but absolutely valid. No I did not suggest that any confusion arises from homosexual feeling only that amidst the confusion of puberty when decisions are made in the most volatile emotional moment it is entirely possible that gender confusion may occur. This society has successfully reduced the strength of marriage as a life long institution for raising children and has increased dramatically the impermenance of all forms of relattionship. Role models in the media have largely replaced the father and mother and with a few notable exceptions encourage sexual experimentation, self-gratification and selfshness. Almost without exception music and video aimed at children denigrates men and women to strippers, who dance around their groin and are often promoting mixed gender identity. I cite MTV for facts. If in fact you think that there is actually less confusion for the youth of today then good for you.

    Coming from someone whose opinions are formed around their religious beliefs before any reference to reality I find your attitude ludicrous. You believe this, and you believe what you do about human origins, purely due to you being in a cult. Get over it.

    Shame on you Abaddon - are you actually agreeing that one can choose how one is!!!??? I thought your basic premise is that it doesn't matter what one's beliefs are - reality will overrule them. Anyhow I never mentioned religion till now - you are dangerously close to revealing your driving bias against religion rather than staying on topic. My belief in human origins isn't anything to do with this and I doubt you actually know what my beliefs actually are. I'll get over things when I choose not when prodded by pedants.

    Hell if I wanted to be gay I could look back on my childhood and find times when I didn't find women attractive but definately chose to hang out with other boys and could then make the leap

    Hanging out is rather different from being ATTRACTED TO. Boys hang with boys and girls with girls as they have common interests and past-times. Boys ferk boy if they are attracted to them, likewise girls ferking girls. Boys and girls who are attracted to each other ferk each other. It really is that simple...

    What did this have to do with my point? Nothing. I was arguing against those who look back to the childhood past and claim they knew they were different sexually then.

    All I ever knew was that sex was some arcane mystic experience that adults had and it was all disgusting - 'you mean my parents do that ewwww!'. During puberty I found out (to a lesser extent!) what all the fuss was about but unfortunately I still feel a bit wigged out by the thought of my parents...OK I'm not going there.

    Grow up; you wouldn't be here if your parents didn't do 'it', and if you don't like the fact your parents carried on doing 'it' then you are obsessing about the sex when you should be celebrating the love.

    Of course I understand that the red rage had caused you problems understanding gentle humour. I won't hold it against you.

    I think it is wrong to discriminate against someone for their lifestyle choice but I do have an issue with arguing its natural (sex is natural but penguins getting the wrong hole does not constitute the right to wear a gimp mask, abuse vegetables nor for men and women to justify their same sex decisions - why do you need a penguin as the excuse?

    Gay people don't need excuses ; if you are so unbiased why do you feel they need an excuse?

    I don't but some gay people do - I have seen plenty of gay excuses in my time. Why the red and underlining...?

    Your characterisation of the ample evidence that homosexual behaviour is part of the natural spectrum of many species' sexual behaviour makes it obvious you've not studied the subject - it is so not 'getting the wrong hole'. If you are so un-biased why the false characterisation? Or is the "I'm unbiased" lip service?

    No its not obvious that I haven't studied the subject - its just obvious that I made different opinions than you did. Nobody is unbiased - you especially.

    I would have more respect if people who chose to be gay just said so

    I would have more respect if people who had religiously predicated opinions just said so

    I seriously doubt it Abaddon. You only seem to give respect to people who worship at the altar of your arrogance.

    If I was having feelings toward a bloke I'd want to find out why since I know my genetics couldn't be responsible, my body couldn't be responsible (its just not built for men) and so I'd be looking at what was going on in my head that was making me feel that way.

    Here you state things that simply are unknown; you cannot state that genetically speaking it is impossible to be attracted towards the same sex or not as there isn't enough evidence. But you seem to feel qualified to state what the vast majority of scientists (and most posters who've bothered quoting facts) do not feel qualfieid to state. Modest!

    Feel free to post genetic facts to back up your points. I'd be interested in the gentic drives behind the modern western idea of the body beautiful against former ideals of beauty in say the Victoran society or even in different european countries. I'd like to see the gentic facts for a desire to have sex in parts of the body not designed for it. Of course you could just agree that its a choice but I understand your need to avoid that possiblity.

    People don't like to feel they are to blame for their gratification of urges.

    Qcmbr , if urges do not result in harm to uninvolved parties, why are they wrong?

    If you ignore all else, answer this one...

    Ah good point - since your critical reading skills are shot I'll clarify - my whole post is driving at the point that we are responsible for who we are - I am more than happy for people to politely disagree with that opinion. I made a good statement that actually stands well alone outside of any sexual arena.

  • Forscher


    Nice summary and analysis of material provided previously in links. You miss out the pre-natal (non-genetic influence) the uterine environment has. As with most such complex questions, the real deal probably lies not in any one factor.

    Thank you Abaddon. I do agree that there is no simplistic answer to the issue. For instance, it is known that boys who are molested in childhood have a higher chance of being Gay than those who are not. So that is at least one environmental factor which can contribute. I am aware of the theories that the interuterine environment can also play a role. I didn't really miss those things, I was simply commenting on the studies which alledge a genetic influence.

    I don't agree with the definition of animal studies as problematic. They just show that animals form lasting homosexual pairs, and that some such pairings even produce offspring... which is what we see in human homosexuals... which kind of makes the word 'un-natural' raher inaccurate...

    Well, I'll just acknowledge your disagreement without a rebuttal because going down that road would never be productive given the wide difference in our world-views.

    I do agree with "folk will believe what they want".

    • Certain people will believe gayness is a choice as they believe god said it was bad and therefore it CANNOT be something a person had no control of, as if it was god would not punish someone for doing something they have nop control over.
    • Certain people resent gayness being made-out to be biological as they feel this somehow changes being gay in an unfavourable fashion.
    • Others couldn't give a ferk why people are gay.

    It would also be good to add that some will believe that homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice for equally unpalatable reasons as the ones you cite in you implied criticism of those who disagree with that particular lifestyle Abaddon. That sword cuts both ways. I think the important thing to realise is that the evidence is not compelling enough to make the assertion that Gayness is something folks are "born with," as many claim. However, the other side of the coin is that some of the evidence is suggestive enough to warrant further investigation of the possibility. I think that is the most objective summary of the situation.


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