Active JWs, hows KN37 going?

by StillGroggy 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StillGroggy

    SKally, I'm stuck here TEMPORARILY for family, but I agree with you about how dangerous WTBTS is, but If I outright rebel right now, I'll be beheaded (DFed) with no hope of getting my wife out. For that, a little temporary hipocracy is worth it for me, also, although I'm out in "service", you can trust I won't be bringing in any new converts - Groggy

  • StillGroggy

    Also, If i didn't laugh, I'd cry


  • Anitar

    Yesidid: Forgive me, I was not informed that being a JW or exJW was a privilege that one should aspire to. I was under the impression that the religion should be avoided all-together, is that not the entire point of this site? But I'm sure I got that wrong too.

    When you reference my "pontificating," I never said the people were pathetic, but rather the ways in which the watchtower forces them to condem other religions evil deeds while at the same time covering up their own. Jesus never would have taught his followers to practice such disgusting hypocracy.

    And since you know so much about my shoes, then I suppose you know what it's like to take care of your handicapped mother all your life? To spend your childhood comforting her for being beaten by my father? To have finally found her freedom after twenty five years of enslavement to a man she thought she loved, only to lose her to an auto-cratic, child raping cult?

    To watch her new "friends" move in on her and lavish her with free gifts all the while whispering sweet nothings in her ear about how satanic her family was, especially me? To watch her slowly degrade over six years from a proud, independent woman to a xenophobic, shriveled excuse for a human being? Seeing her as a pathetic shell of her former self and no one believes you?

    To have your sister, brother, father and the rest of your family shrug it off as a PHASE?! To have her try to sabotage your plans for college, to give complete strangers a key to your house while you're still in it?! To listen to her singing the kingdom melodies over and over again like programed drone? To come home everyday from school to find a JW mowing your lawn, or washing your clothes, or giving your mother a sponge bath?! To slowly come to the horrifying realization that she is crazier than your father, that you are the adult and she is the child, and that you have failed her in the most sacred duty ever entrusted to you? And that finally she throws you out of the house with no where to go because of your sexual preferance, and simply because you tried to show her "aposate literature!!!!!!"

    But I guess you know all that.

    Again, I apologize for not meeting your requirements for giving advice to people that I care about. Next time, I'll make sure to learn as much about them as you knew about me when you made your comments.


  • sf


    You do not have to explain yourself to me. You should save it for who really needs to hear it.

    I'm addressing the fraud that jws commit by doing exactly what the author of this thread states he did/ does, to the unsuspecting householder who may have children. The "i don't care" comment hit me and I snagged it.

    If you are not an active elder or other higher ranking male member that has been associating, discussing and learning truth from this site for a long period and still haven't shared the wealth of info with the flock you care so deeply for or, a non-believing jw but still go door to door and preach lies, death and destruction, you can rest easier knowing you aren't in my target zone...yet.

    Surely Anitar knows what she speaks of when talking about what jws really go door to door disagree with any of it? Do you agree that the field work is about recruitment, overall...the ultimate goal? Do you think the householder should be informed about fraudulent salesmen/ women at their door? That jws are really only there as a sales tool?

    I THINK THEY SHOULD KNOW THIS AND MUCH MORE. And I intend to make sure of it, as best I know how. I intend to stop the flow of 'oil' that greases the wheels of the Watchtower Death Machine, the best I know how.

    I hope you aren't groggy for too long. There is much work to be done. Childrens lives are at stake.

    Happy trails.


  • purplesofa
    If anyone answers, just tell em 'oh sorry, wrong house' and move on. I would be tempted to even hand them a tract - tell em the reason you can't refuse to be on their doorstep, you do not believe the crap in the tract, and would they just smile, take it and trash it for humanity.


    that is priceless!!!

  • StillGroggy

    I am the author of this thread.

  • headmath

    WOW I never knew there were so many actives on this site. You semi-apostate JWs are awesome keep up the good work. Hey while your at the door, drop off ttis instead and then report back to this site. You will be hailed as a God if you do so.(or at the very least a hero of JWD)

  • Sgt Pepper
    Sgt Pepper

    Got my copy from the local Dubs last weekend.

    Same crap as I was peddling 20 years ago, only difference is no mention of 1914 and "the generation"

  • Warlock
    Nobody here judges you for doing what you gotta do. If they do judge you, then f*ck them... they are just as bad as the Dubs themselves to judge you for trying to get by.

    I'm with my daughter, GG/BG, on this one.


  • Quandry

    Really, those of you who have gung-ho families that would shun you-you must tread carefully. Patience is called for. I don't intend to judge anyone who feels they must "hang by a thread" so to speak.

    I hated the guilt feelings the WTS put upon me while in. Don't allow anyone to make you feel guilt for not wanting to lose your family. We know that at one time we were fully entrenched in the "truth" and might not have listened to anyone. We cannot put blame on the regular dubs who now are once as we were. Time and finding out many facts about the organization is what changed us; and it probably didn't happen overnight.

    Kindness is a virtue-let's show it to all.

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