Prayer Requests

by startingover 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk


    First of all, I'm truly sorry for your sad loss. I lost my parents just months apart in 1978. I got married that same year - with no parents to see it! Happily, they both got to see Claire before they died.

    We all have a right to our opinion. I'm like you and don't have much time for religion - but millions of others do! Is it doing you any harm that someone should want to pray? It may irritate you, but you don't have to read them.

    Many people, the prayer givers and the prayer seekers, derive immense comfort from prayer. Would you wish to deprive people of comfort, especially in times of real distress?

    If people wish to pray, let them - and rejoice that people actually care about others in the world.


  • startingover


    That's interesting. Over here we get bombarded with it IMO. Pres. Bush is sure not shy about speaking his christian beliefs in public. I don't think it's an exageration to say that on our nightly TV newscasts someone mentioning prayer about a situation is almost a daily occurance.


    Those are the type of comments I appreciate, thanks

  • startingover


    Thanks for your comments. I understand what you mean by people getting comfort from it. Maybe it's as Narkissos said though, you may not be bombarded with it like we are here. I just think it's overused. It's a religious belief that is unprovable and it's spoken of as fact. I get the same feelings when I am around the dubs and I hear about this terrible of wicked system of things. If I truly believed the Hokey Pokey worked like many people believe prayer does, can you imagine telling someone in need that I would do the H-P for them. It would hurt their feelings no doubt.

    This thread was started mainly as a vent because I get enough religion without having to deal with it when I am reading about motorcycles.

  • Butters

    Startingover, I just want you to know that I love you, and you will be in my prayers. A prayer is not always something directed at God in case you don't know. Some of us pray to all kinds of things. Many lords and many gods... either way, thanks for not taking offense. But, I suck too if it makes you feel better. I am also a masochist.

  • Dansk


    This thread was started mainly as a vent because I get enough religion without having to deal with it when I am reading about motorcycles.

    I laughed out loud on reading this! I know exactly what you mean! Fortunately, we don't have the Christian fundies here - or at least they're not so prominent - that you have in the USA. I've seen Bush and his cronies during prayer at some open meeting and it all looked contrived and insincere.

    However, when someone is seriously injured, as on a motorcycle, I refer to my earlier post.

    Ever thought of taking up table tennis? - Thinking about it, someone's bound to get the ball in an eye and prayers will be said. I'm afraid you just can't get away from it! Oh, well..........................................


  • Sunspot

    This thread was started mainly as a vent because I get enough religion without having to deal with it when I am reading about motorcycles.

    Yanno, I have to say something here after reading this comment....

    ...that when I was still a JW, I had joined a few online mailing lists for crafts and hobbies. It seemed like every day someone was asking for prayers for ths, that or the other thing....which had nothing to do with sharing crafting tips, etc. I remember I used to feel very uneasy at this.

    Seeing your last post written this way, made me think back to that time, and I can understand your frustration on this a bit better.



  • MsMcDucket

    This thread was started mainly as a vent because I get enough religion without having to deal with it when I am reading about motorcycles.

    SO, I'm no angel. When my mother was in the hospital and they were saying that she was brain dead, a preacher wanted the family to gather, hold hands, while he said a prayer. I didn't care if I sounded rude or not, I just said I don't want to pray and I don't even believe in God and stormed out of the room. Everybody thought that I was losing it! But I didn't really care at the time.

  • mouthy

    I just said I don't want to pray and I don't even believe in God and stormed out of the room. Everybody thought that I was losing it! But I didn't really care at the time.

    I am sure the Pastor appreciated your honesty So you didnt waste his time..But I hoped you thanked him for his offer to comfort you. NO???Oh Pity...

  • Alpheta

    Hi Starting Over,

    I'm so sorry for the recent loss of both of your parents. It's a horrid thing to lose one parent, but to lose both close together, oh my. Words seem so inadequate. You have my sympathy and empathy. My dad died in 2002, mom is still with us. Since my dad died, I dream about him several times a month, and random thoughts about him will pop into my head just about every day when I least expect it. In a way, these "occurrences" since his death are a form of prayer, because I am thinking about him.

    You said "When I read on those boards, no one ever says something like "My thoughts are with you", it always has to include prayer somewhere." That's true! That is what people say. But what are prayers - they are only thoughts, aren't they? Perhaps, we're directing them "somewhere" - to God, to the Universe, to the Spirit World, or to the energy vortex or to whatever else is out there that is responsible for somehow maintaining the order of the universe in the face of entropy and chaos. Or perhaps we're all "gods" in our own way, and we're directing those loving thoughts and memories outward where somewhere, somehow, they may do something, have some positive effect. I'm no philosopher (as you can no doubt tell, lol) but honestly, I don't think offering "thoughts" and/or "prayers" for someone that we know or that we don't really know but who has asked for and therefore needs those thoughts/prayers, can hurt. And it may help - in the end, do we really know? I sure don't! So maybe you could consider it as hedging one's bets... And it's something that an otherwise helpless person can do in the face of events over which we have no control. This isn't a very good analogy, but remember right after 9/11, hundreds of thousands of people lined up to donate blood because, they said, "they wanted to help." And that was a way to help. Most of that blood wasn't used, but that doesn't negate the selfless acts of those hundreds of thousands of people.

  • jaguarbass

    I've been pondering how to respond to your post. Sometimes I think prayer doesnt work and othe times I hope it does. Desperate people do desperate things. When people ask for prayer support they might be thinking of in the bible where Jesus said whenever 2 or more are gathered together in my name there I will be. And they are trying to get a prayer army to get Jesus's attention. I guess most people have a 50/50 chance of reciving a favorable outcome to their prayers. I used to think if you believe prayer can help you to recover from your crash or heal your sickness, then why not wake up every morning and ask god to protect you from crashing and keep you healthy. If prayer works that would be less work for God than healing or fixing you after youve been damaged.

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