Prayer Requests

by startingover 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    I frequent another forum for Honda Gold Wing riders. When I read there I get irritated by the posts asking for prayers. Either someone or his friend or family has crashed or is sick. I have no problem letting online friends know about your situation, but why does it have to include prayers. This is a forum about motorcycles, not religious beliefs. Because as far as I'm concerned doing the Hokey Pokey has the same results, it takes everything I have to not respond to some of the posts. To me it seems this asking for prayers is just a way of crying out for support so I just bite my lip and move on.

    Anyway, the thread below was just started and the responses got me so ticked off I had to close it. But I can't get it out of my mind. I have been thinking about starting a thread to see if anyone else gets as irritated as I do. Maybe I should do it whyizit's style and make a jab at the believers in the first sentence or two and say something about the Hokey Pokey and then say I don't want to get into a debate about it. What do you think?

  • arwen

    Don't mean to start anything but perhaps someday you or one of your family members might be in serious trouble and you might be doing the "hokey pokey" yourself and it is mighty nice to know there are some out there that will do it too just because you asked. ......

  • earthtone

    Kinda agree with Arwen on this. Postive engery is always good in my book. It just nice to know people care, when so few do.

  • mouthy

    I'll pray for you

  • parakeet

    As a nonbeliever, I don't pray, but if someone asks for my prayers, I remember them when I meditate and think healing thoughts. I don't know if it does any good other than the remembered one feeling comforted knowing others are thinking of him/her. But even that is better than nothing at all.

    What ticks me off is when natural disaster survivors say that God protected them, while their perfectly decent neighbors were killed. What are the relatives of the deceased are supposed to think -- that God wasn't looking out for their family??? It's a very unkind thing to say.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Completely off subject..

    My parents are a part of the Gold Wing association in California too.

    It's a very mixed group of people, I have liked most of the people I have met very much.

    Best Regards,


  • Finally-Free

    Sorry, I just can't resist.

    Now I'm wondering if there's a Christian version of this.


  • M.J.

    Oops, when I clicked on this topic I was thinking I might add my own prayer request. Uh, never mind!

  • Sunspot

    It sounds as if most folks are pretty accommodating and are not "just giving lip service" when asked to pray for or send good wishes to others in need of such.

    It also sounds as if only a very few get irritated by being asked to do so.


  • startingover

    Like I said, I think this prayer request thing is just a way of crying out for support. I have no problem with that, it's just that the whole prayer thing is so selective. One guy gets his prayer answered for a new job while a child dies in a hospital bed. Doesn't say much for god IMO. But then that leads to the question- Which god? I have a hard time dealing with the comments that say definitely prayer works.

    Enough out of you mouthy, and thanks for the cartoon Walter.

    Chrystal, are your folks JW's?

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