Question for ex-JWs who are Christians

by whyizit 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    I only misunderstood God for a short time but then realised that it was the JWs that created the negative image of God with their lying and deception. Therefore we can say the dubs with their opportunistic approach to religion can seriously harm the healthy way of relating to God. Thereafter I had no problems with perceiving a loving God. Overall they perceive God in the Jewish way ie as a Lord and not in the Christian way where God is a Father. Not surprising since most dubs do not consider themselves anointed with the Spirit. Adoption by God comes through that anointing.

  • daystar
    * * May I ask one thing of those who are here to answer the questions asked, and who are ex-JW Christians? Could you please, no matter how tempting it might be to answer back, ignore the posts that are NOT sticking to the topic? It is my hope that this will be a peaceful discussion and not a debate between Agnostics-vs.-Christians.

    Sorry, whyzit. You actually opened with a challenging statement:

    I noticed that many who post here have kind of thrown the "baby out with the bathwater", when it comes to the Bible and God.

    I understand that there is a fine line between love and hate. Maybe they blame God for the deception. Maybe they don't trust anything to do with God any more

    How could you possibly expect there to be no responses from non-Christians? If you had cut that part out, you would have gotten responses more closely resembling what you claim to have desired. Your keeping this part in indicates to me that you really do, perhaps unconsciously, want to see what the non-Christians have to say. Otherwise, why this statement?

  • Satanus
    For those who went on to become Bible-believing Christians, could you help me to better understand the experience?

    It was natural for me. I was reading the bible on my own and doing research on the history of christianity. Becoming a pentacostal type christian seemed the natural way to go, although i visited many other churches and accepted their members as christians, as well.

    Were you angry with God at first?


    What caused you to be able to trust and believe in God once again?

    I never stopped, although, jesus came to the fore, and i felt an afinity w him.

    How long did it take?

    No time at all.

    Which Bible verses really spoke to you?

    The gospels and ephesians.

    I stayed a christian for about 2 yrs, until bible problems broke my faith in the book.


  • Sunspot
    I noticed that many who post here have kind of thrown the "baby out with the bathwater", when it comes to the Bible and God.

    I understand that there is a fine line between love and hate. Maybe they blame God for the deception. Maybe they don't trust anything to do with God any more

    How could you possibly expect there to be no responses from non-Christians? If you had cut that part out, you would have gotten responses more closely resembling what you claim to have desired. Your keeping this part in indicates to me that you really do, perhaps unconsciously, want to see what the non-Christians have to say. Otherwise, why this statement?

    Hmmm....funny...I didn't see it this way. Apparently you did.


  • TopHat

    I left JW's because I no longer felt they were directed by God's Holy Spirit.

    For me now as a Christain, I still believe God exist.

    My favorite scripture or verses come from 1 Corinthians 3: 18---23

  • daystar
    Hmmm....funny...I didn't see it this way. Apparently you did.

    Why else would whyzit make a not-too-subtle poke at non-Christians to begin the post? (Minor, I admit, but still, there it is, the hint that they'd just given up...)

    Let's see what would happen were I to open a post suggesting all Christians to be superstitious morons and then smugly claim that I only want pagans to comment? Should I then not expect Christians to respond in defense? It would be disingenuous of me, wouldn't it?

  • whyizit

    I love hearing about your experiences. Thanks for participating. Hopefully there will be more to come. I especially love when you mention the Bible verses or books of the Bible that spoke to you in such a personal way!

    Have any of you ever been involved in any cult-exit groups? Do you know where I could find info. on how to possibly start one in my area? Not just for JWs, but for anyone who thinks they may have been in a cult?

  • Sunspot

    Let's see what would happen were I to open a post suggesting all Christians to be superstitious morons and then smugly claim that I only want pagans to comment? Should I then not expect Christians to respond in defense? It would be disingenuous of me, wouldn't it?

    I couldn't say what would happen if you were to open a post that way....but for ME, I would respect the wishes of the original poster and not butt in with my personal opinion.

    If I had something contrary or opposing to state....I would do so on my own thread and refer to the "offending" thread.

    This is why I didn't offer an opinion on AuldSoul's thread to AlanF.....others DID and some were polite about it and others were not. I honestly do not feel slighted if someone asks to have their thread to remain a certain way for whatever reasons they may have.

    There is ample room provided here air your own views on your own thread, when the original poster is trying to overtly elicit one opinion with a specific set of questions (in this case) and then to have a view (subtley exposed or otherwise) that is NOT helpful to the intended a more than a bit self-assertive, isn't it?

    Isn't it rather presumptuous when you KNOW what a poster's aim or goal IS, and then try and stick your two-cents worth in and be irritating?

    It falls between the's not wrong to do this because it IS a public forum...

    But it's not right to deliberatley divert the attention from the original questions by posting opposing personal views on a thread of this nature and its obvious intent.


  • parakeet

    sunspot: "... when the original poster is trying to overtly elicit one opinion with a specific set of questions ..."

    Annie, I love ya, but I have to disagree. The original poster COVERTLY slammed nonbelievers and then tried to avoid any disagreement with his views by restricting responses to Christians only. If whyizit wants responses from Christians only, he should post on a Christian-only site. If he posts here, he will get responses from anyone here, Christian or not. And there's no need to start a separate thread -- he made his assertions here; they will be responded to here.

  • Sunspot
    If whyizit wants responses from Christians only, he should post on a Christian-only site. If he posts here, he will get responses from anyone here, Christian or not. And there's no need to start a separate thread -- he made his assertions here; they will be responded to here.

    Hi Parakeet,

    Normally, I give hearty high-fives to your posts, and I love you I guess we can agree to disagree on this one! LOL!

    Realistically, why should she have to post anywhere else, when it fits in so well here and where she is more comfortable? Where else would she get answers from EXJWS who became Christians other than here? No real JW boards would honor this type of post.....I have been kicked off of too many boards for offering anything other than glowing reports on the WTS.

    I still am of the opinion that (most often) I tend to stay out of places I'm not welcome and threads of this nature where my "opposing opinion" is not wanted by the questions that were being posed.

    I don't mean this to sound snotty....just offering why I feel this way. But that's just me. I understand why you feel the way you do, and why. We seem to see it a bit differently, that's all.

    hugs to Parakeet,


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