Question for ex-JWs who are Christians

by whyizit 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    whyizit: "Could you please, no matter how tempting it might be to answer back, ignore the posts that are NOT sticking to the topic? It is my hope that this will be a peaceful discussion and not a debate between Agnostics-vs.-Christians."

    You opened your topic with assumptions about nonbelievers, and I responded to those assumptions. This forum is open to all, not just exJW Christians. Those who wish to respond to the last part of your post are also free to respond.

  • Sunspot
    Thanks Sunspot! That helped. Love that verse as well.

    Yeah, me too!

    It never had as much impact on me as it did after I left the WTS! How DARE THEY have the audacity to claim that by leaving THEM, we were dead in God's eyes! That scripture shoots their arrogant attitude right down in flames.

    There are many many scriptures in the book of John that invite us to follow, and help us to know Jesus.....the REAL Jesus, and not the handy-dandy book salesman they prop up whenever they want to promote the WTS "preaching work"....which is a joke in itself. I now appreciate these passages a LOT more as well.

    With the WTS mental block now out of the way, scriptures have a way of coming alive for me and obviously have much more meaning than ever before. It's a pretty great feeling after being stuck in the Watchtower box for all those years! I actually feel pity for the poor JWs who are following that hideous man-made and evil organization that robs them of Jesus, while being duped into thnking they are serving "God" but serving a book publishing corporation instead.



  • jaguarbass

    I noticed that many who post here have kind of thrown the "baby out with the bathwater", when it comes to the Bible and God.

    If that is the case than going from being a jw to a "christian" would be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

  • Sunspot

    If that is the case than going from being a jw to a "christian" would be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

    Ya think?

  • Carmel

    Perhaps your question does not apply to me as I took a different path than that described by Christianity, although I believe there was a historical person whose Jewish name may or may not have been Jesus (Yeshuah). It took nearly 18 years as an agnostic before I could accept the existance of a "divinity" but that essence is "unknowable" and beyond attribution. So most of the terminology used in discussions about accepting or rejecting a "god" be it of the bibilical version or that of the Veda's or Koran or other texts is too confining and reminds me of the endless debate about how many angels can stand on the head of a pin. I was never angry or bitter about my brainwashed by the JWs, just took an more rational approach to things and weighed my formal education with what little intuition I fealt I had to get to where I was succeptable to a new religious paradigm.


  • Grace

    It was no problem for me to return to "real" Christianity: once one realizes Watchtower is a cult the rest is easy. And now for all those who shun me: shame on them for even thinking they know the bible! I am grateful for a forgiving heart...I choose not to treat any other human being in the way I have been treated by Watchtower cult-followers.

    Grace Spirit

  • Honesty

    After I found out I had been duped by the WTBTS regarding medical procedures, the United Nations and the misquotes in the Trinity brochure I got to thinking that maybe, just maybe they had also lied about the Christian churches. I started asking Christians a lot of questions and they were ever so honest. If they didn't know the answer they would tell me they were clueless instead of going to the latest magazine article from their pastor. If they knew the answer they didn't bring out a 32 page magazine full of off the wall paragraphs that didn't make any sense. They got their Bibles and we researched together. It took about 2 1/2 months for me to realise that Jesus is real, alive and well and that He loves all people and only wants them to trust Him for salvation and direction in life.

  • esw1966

    I was never angry with God. I was now disfellowshipped a SECOND time and I HAD to stop the insanity. So, I wanted to know why I did what I did. I wanted to have SECURELY in my mind what was true and not true in life and religion, so I looked around while df'd.

    I soon came to see jw's were wrong! Shocked...

    So, I next went looking for the next "true religion".

    I read all sorts of books and listened to religious podcasts. I had a pastor come to my home so that I could ask questions. I soon discovered a church, two infact, that I just LOVE! I go to each of them over the weekend.

    I am immersing myself into it, praise music, men's breakfast, camera work, and small groups. I still read tons of religious books. I am completely happy and have real joy in my life that I never experienced as a jw and love motivates my actions.

    I LOVE my new change! I fully believe my new beliefs and feel that jws are evil for taking such joy out of christianity!

    I always believed that God is a God of LOVE. I knew he would always be there for me if I kept searching.

    The timeline for me was 6 months to see that jw was wrong. Then it was 3 months before I stepped into another church. Then one more month before I fell in love with my new church! By the way you can hear them on iTunes under podcasts at Cornwall Church in Bellingham Washington and Christ the King Church in Bellingham. They are great! I think most here would like Cornwall. Also, Mars Hill Church in Seattle with Mark Driscoll can be heard on iTunes and is very good as well.

    I saw that the Christian Greek Scriptures really spoke about Jesus and jw's didn't. John 1:1 is translated only 2 ways that I have seen, a God and God. Only jw's say a God. They lied before, I saw this as a lie as well despite how hard it was to change that opinion. I read the Acts through Jude and looked at how they talked about Jesus as BEING the GOOD NEWS! That GRACE WAS a Bible teaching! Suddenly, grace took over my life! It was a surprise what a difference that made in my life! So, I read a lot of books on salvation and grace and the Christian life to re-learn and retrain my mind. I bought several Bibles too. I have the NIV, NASB, and the Message and the KJ.

  • CatOnARoof

    Why should your belief depend on other ppls actions? Someone else mentioned that he/she us a "neutral JW" which I thought was a clever thing. So by all means believe in Jehova if thats what feels right to you, and stay away from Jehovas Witnesses if they try to manipulate you and belittle your personal beliefs. Believing in something good cant be wrong, wether its Christianity, Islam or whatever. Thats my personal opinion. How can we define god in any other way than on a personal level? None of us knows for sure, so why belong to an organisation that claims they know? You may as well believe on your own.

  • jaguarbass

    It was no problem for me to return to "real" Christianity: once one realizes Watchtower is a cult the rest is easy.

    If the watchtower is a cult, which I agree with you on. Dont you understand that your real christianity is a cult of jewery, thats why you have the old testiment. Jesus said, like the watertower many here today will see paradize and they died waiting. Jesus also said many would do greater works than he did. History has no record let alone multiple records of people resurrecting dead people, Jesus said many, It hasnt happened.

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