Not good, not good at all

by lola28 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    Big bear hug to you, (((lola))). It sounds like this time the docs will get to the bottom of what's wrong with your sister. Even if it turns out to be cancer, there are so many good treatments for that now. Remember to eat nutritious food and get as much rest as possible. You need to keep your strength up. I'll be thinking of you and your sister at the vigil tonight.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I'm glad you can come here to get the support you need and the opportunity to let out your feelings and fears.

    Your sister is finally getting the help she needs even if there is no definite diagnosis. They will make sure she is hydrated and getting some nourishment.

    You, her twin and your mom must be beside themselves with worry.

    Take care


  • calico

    (((((((((((((((((((((Lola and Family))))))))))))))))))))

  • Narkissos

    So sorry to hear that (((((((((((((((lola))))))))))))))))

    Please take good care of yourself. One step at a time.

  • LeslieV

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us informed about her condition. At least, right now she is getting the help that she needs. We are all concerned for her.


  • LittleToe


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    ((((((((((((Lola)))))))))))) I sincerely hope they can find out what is causing these symptoms, you will be in our thoughts. When a close family member was diagnosed with leukemia, we took him to a freind who is a homeopathic doctor and put him on a treatment that would help with this before he went to conventional doctors for his treatment, this helped him tremendously, he has been in remission for about 6 mos. and is feeling and looking great. He looked very, very ill before this. I hope she recuperates.


  • purplesofa


    thinking of you and your family at this time. Hope the doctors find out what is causing this and your sister gets better soon



    (((Lola and little Sister)))...OUTLAW

  • hubert

    Lola, our prayers go out to you and your sister.

    Sometimes when you fear the worse, you get better news after. I hope this is your case. Please keep us updated as to her condition.

    Try to stay healthy, for her twins sake, she needs you, too, and you can't help her deal with this, if you end up sick, also.



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