Trade Centers/Pentagon

by Butters 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butters

    I don't think seismic (with an s not a z) waves were the cause here. This is a reach at best. For that matter the entire skyline of Manhattan should have collapsed, especially the building right next to #7, constructed entirely of concrete. This is a poor assessment at best.

  • skyking


    this is a photo of building seven right before it collapsed notice the windows intact and the small fires inside the building. This is what we are to believe took the building down. Hard to believe such small damage took it down. This is the south side, the side that sustained the damage yet the building did not fall south but inward try removing one leg from a chair and see how the chair falls it will fall toward the side of the removed leg it will never fall straight down to the center.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Prove a plane hit WTC#7!

    I don't have to. I accept the official explanation that the building collapsed due to damaged suffered by the WTC collapsing. I said 2 767s hit the WTC. I did not address WTC#7 as I did not realize that was where your interest lay. I don't think a plane did hit WTC#7.

    I see no credible evidence of any type of explosives being used. I've got an open mind, and while I do think there are enough idiots and fanatics in government and elsewhere capable of acting as you theorize, I see no credible evidence of it.

  • JeffT

    I live in Seattle, my office was across the street from the kingdome when it was blown. It took MONTHS to get the building ready. They drilled 5000 holes to place the charges, laid 21 MILES of detonator cable, and removed thousands of tons of structure. By the time the building was ready to go I could see through it.

    Obviously nothng like this took place at the WTC, therefore the buildings were not imploded.

  • skyking

    B.S. Yes they did prepare the site just as you say they did in Seattle you need it watch this video.

    Man get your facts straight JeffT.

    Big Tex said

    I see no credible evidence of any type of explosives being used. I've got an open mind, and while I do think there are enough idiots and fanatics in government and elsewhere capable of acting as you theorize, I see no credible evidence of it.

    Big Tex Thermite was found the only explosives capable of taking it buildings down. So yes the proof is there. As i have asked over and over explain te Thermite. No one can because there is only one explanation. YOu also need to watch the video.

  • Butters

    Jefft,You are comparing apples and oranges. A football stadium? Compared to a square building? Come on! It takes normal paid people that long, yes, but the government can wire a building pretty quick. The Miami projects were wired in 5 hours flat. That's 360 units. Besides! You are an exwitness aren't you? Ever hear of a quick build??? Another beat excuse from the drones... Sorry. You're psychobabble doesn't hold water here. It almosts sounds as if many of you are more interested in believing a lie, then seeking truth. Where have I heard that before? Where have we been programmed with that lie before? Big Texas, I hear your words but also hear the voice of someone who wants to believe the media instead of his own mind. Those of us who use our brains know that something is up here. We know that the Bush family is behind this in some way. WE can see it. It is almost sensible when he talks. Every time Chimpey opens his mouth, I can hear beans and franks talking...

  • freetosee
    Those of us who use our brains know that something is up here.

    Butters, I think it is good the discussion continues. But statements like that will only get the emotions high and does not help the objective to reason on explanations other then the official one presented in the media.

    Personally I have not made up my mind and am not in a hurry to do so. I am open for both sides… and appreciate that there are thinking people on either of them.


  • Butters

    That is part of the objective. Usually the brain dead don't speak unless their deadness is being called into question.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    But I think the government and wall street saw a chance to take advantage of this, and get rid of a building full of insurance policies, wall street investigations, and FBI and other government files that were near to their 50 year exposure (like the Kennedy Assasination for instance) and they took advantage of the situation and went ahead and brought down the other evacuated building

    Im guessing they also wanted to cover up the kidnapping of Shergar,what really happened at the end of Blakes seven and the relocation plans for a Family of Loch ness Monsters...(who were going to be put out to pasture on a grassy knoll)

    Sorry to take the piss but your talking shite.

  • Butters

    That's ok, I love you and forgive you. Please tone down the foul language a bit though. It's a tad tactless. We are all open to our opinions as to what happened, since there are no real facts. The real truth is not known completely, neither by you or anyone else. Once again, I love you and forgive you. Apology accepted.

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