Anyone know a good hangover cure?

by fullofdoubtnow 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    thanx chiddy

    and thanx for ruining my perfect page

    and for spelling my moniker wrong...haha

    (don't worry u r not alone)

  • fullofdoubtnow
    read him something from the latest wt


    I don't want to make him feel any worse than he does now.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    The beer or wine, really will make jim feel alot better...

  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley

    I'm all about the hair of the dog. Bloody Mary's are awesome... especially with a raw oyster. That drink's got a name, though I don't know it. Hey, I ain't a bartender... I'm a bartendee.

  • Dansk

    That's all we need - a drunkard at the curry!

    Tip for getting him sober: tell him all sex is curtailed until the alcohol is out of his system!


  • fullofdoubtnow
    tell him all sex is curtailed until the alcohol is out of his system

    He's looking and even feeling better now Ian, but I doubt he's capable at the moment anyway, so that sort of threat wouldn't be much of a punishment. We should have gone out to lunch today, so he'll have to make it up to me another time. It's a rarity for Trev to be like this, and I don't think it'll happen again (or else!).

  • hambeak

    What was he drinking? I think the alcohol level in the UK is higher than here in Tx. here it is only 4.5% to 5% unless you drink ale which can have as much as 8% you know the religious right here is powerful. lol. Give him some gatorade keep him hydrated and he should be ok


    In the Great White North we call it "A hair from the dog that bit you."..Have a couple of beer,or any other alcohol based drinks...OUTLAW

  • Elsewhere

    The "hangover" is caused by two things: Dehydration and Vitamin Deficiency. The alcohol acts as a diuretic, which is why one urinates a lot while drinking alcohol. It also leaches out the vitamins and minerals in the body.

    The cure: Drink plenty of water and take a multivitamin... along with a B-Complex supplement since the alcohol tends to leach out the B vitamins more than the others.

    To prevent the hangover: Drinking plenty of water during and *after* drinking alcohol. Make sure the drinking session is also wrapped up with a multivitamin.

    The BEST way to prevent a hangover: Drink only in moderation with a meal... or don't drink at all.

  • Alpheta

    It's really true that a bloody mary works good on a hangover - but only one, the object is not to get drunk again! Back in my college drinking days, I always found that stuffing myself with protein after a late night at the bars helped alot and as I was always hungry after a night out, stuffing myself was no problem. I particularly liked Mexican food - there was a place we used to go where they served stuffed "hot" peppers - wow! With rice and refried beans. Three cups of coffee too, and then headed home to bed. Oh my, those were the days. And as others have suggested, he should rehydrate himself with water or gatorade, and aspirin for the headache. What he needs to do is flush out the system and/or absorb the residual alcohol, so a bit of "the hair of the dog", some food (meat and starches) and water/gatorade will do the trick.

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