Is there Racial harmony among the JWs?

by Amazing 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    Yep, there is still racism. Look at my Walmart post. I talked about white and black people, but I got a lot of remarks for talking about the White woman, not the Black women.

  • bigmouth

    'When I read that the Watchtower wrote that Blacks were going to turn white....

    What? Please tell me they didnt really say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    Buttlight, yep, Mouthy's quite right about this comment. One of Pastor Russells brilliant ideas I believe.
    I think it appeared in a Golden Age mag.

  • jayhawk1

    I am white, a long time ago I went out with a black JW woman. I found it strange that my congregation frowned on the idea of me going out with her. So yes, they are just another group of imperfect people with faults just like anybody else.

  • mouthy

    Notice that in a little while God will restore color of man to original standard .

    This was printed in April 1924- in Oct 1914 blacks will become white..

    The Watchtower 4-1-1914 The color line was found necessary ... The black used to have to sit in the Gallery---- some black brothers wrote the society asking WHY if there was no favoritsm with JAH????? They wrote a lengthy article in part it said( it is to lengthy for me to copy I have a copy in Bills Cetners ( Questions for Jehovahs Witnesses who love the truth")They had to put coloreds in the Gallery ...Their quote was " Coloreds are increasing in the organisation now they were 25 percent but Whites were decreasing... because a majority of whites prefer not to mingle..with other races...... ( owing to predujice)
    It also taught that Colored people made very good servants....

    Sorry it makes me sick to bring this up since half of my family are black

    We play checkers on occasions >black on one side whites on the Other ( onlky kidding guys

  • jayhawk1

    Notice that in a little while God will restore color of man to original standard .

    I thought the scripture said the light will get brighter, not whiter.

  • jwfacts

    I think JWs should be commended for their approach to racism, it is far better than many other groups. However, there is still racism. In Australia, and particularly Queensland I know of white brothers that have a real issue with the Aboriginals.

  • mouthy

    In the Wt April 15 1900

    Part of the write up says talking about the colored
    "The reason is as far as we are able to judge,colored people have less education than whites. many of them quite insufficent to permit them to profit by such reading as we give forth .Our conclusion therefore is based upon the suppostion that reading matter distributed to a colored congregation would more than half of it be utterly wasted & a very small percent indeed likely to yeild good results "

    Yes this was from the Faithful & discreet slave Check it out if you dont believe me

  • mouthy

    jwfacts are you a little predujuce???? also it is far better than many other groups.

  • mouthy


  • JWdaughter

    Historicly stupid statements notwithstanding, I think that most of the attitudes toward race in the WT organization are more locally based than tower directed. Local culture will more likely define these things than corporate. I could be wrong. There were very rare black JWs in my cong. No black elders/MS. One older black man with exemplary family-I don't know why he wan't an elder, but he rarely commented either, so maybe he just was too shy. When I lived in the East, there were a lot more black families in general, and I real friendships between races. Probably more overtly bad attitudes though, at the same time. I guess it is individual. But it does show that being a JW doesn't nec. change anyones core belief system.

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