jehovahsjudgement. UN - NGO apologist site.

by bigmouth 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I remember thirdwitness continually referring posters to his website in his threads, but I don't think he made us aware immediately that the site had been built by him, though he did so later.

    As has been posted, he went to a lot of trouble to deceive pepople/

  • serendipity

    A year ago, that site had a discussion forum that really opened my eyes to how hateful JWs are toward anyone with questions. The lack of love displayed was the final nail in the coffin.

  • daystar

    Typical JW twisting of terms and phrases to defend their stance.

  • hawkaw

    Thanks for your kind words and waving and I always enjoy your posts as well.

    I am very busy lately and have limited time for the db.

    However, every now and then I will come in and lend a comment or two.

    Take care,


  • MinisterAmos

    The letter linked above begins by stating that "this letter replaces all previous answers."

    I find it just outrageous that the WT can offer various "official" responses and settle on one by proxy after reviewing the criticisms of the prior positions.

    This would be commendable in a for-profit Corporation; listening to and adapting to the wants and needs of the clientele is how a business succeeds, but this is God's organization.

    Wouldn't God get it right the first time without committee review?

  • VM44

    MisterAmos, I get a "Forbidden" message when trying to view the letter. --VM44

  • MinisterAmos

    Meh they probably cut off hot linking.

    It's on there but it's not really worth your effort other than the sentence I mentioned above. The exact verbage is "this circular letter replaces all previous replies (on this subject)."

    Most readers wouldn't blink at such a blaket retraction of whatever came before, but it really brings to mind (to mine anyway) a bunch of kids sitting around in grown up clothes making up crap and then more crap when someone calls them on the veracity of the first batch the threw against the wall.

  • Sunspot
    it really brings to mind (to mine anyway) a bunch of kids sitting around in grown up clothes making up crap and then more crap when someone calls them on the veracity of the first batch the threw against the wall.

    Great visual example, Minister Amos, and frighteningly real in the application. This "shoe" does fit...all the deliberately dishonest and smarmy Snake Oil salesmen who write (lame excuses) for the WTS.

  • Mr. Kim
  • OnTheWayOut
    In 2005, NGOs must support the principles of the UN Charter. In 1994, the NGOs must simply share the same ideals. Just what are those ideals?
    “to maintain international peace and security; to suppress acts of aggression that threaten world peace; to encourage friendly relations among nations; to protect the fundamental freedoms of all peoples without discrimination based on race, sex, language, or religion; and to achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, and cultural problems."

    Does the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses share those same ideals? They most certainly do — and have done so for years before the UN formed! It is understandable why NGOs should share these same ideals, for the UN would not want to assist or help any organization which promotes contrary ideas.

    Even if this is true, what a weak argument.

    The WTS does not share the ideal to encourage friendly relations among nations. They prefer that they build up to the war of Armageddon ASAP. In the very least, they say to have nothing to do with them. GET OUT OF THE WORLD.

    The WTS does not share the ideal to protect the fundamental freedoms of all peoples without discrimination based on race, sex, language, or religion. Even if I eliminate the fact that they don't allow fundamental freedoms within their own people, I can say that they certainly do not share the ideal to protect people's freedom of religion.

    The WTS does not share the ideal to achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, and cultural problems. Their belief is that there be no nations at all, no economic, social, and culteral problems at all in The NEW SYSTEM. In the meantime, again, GET OUT OF THE WORLD. They don't want any achieved cooperation. They simply say it cannot happen.

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