The JW phrase I most despise is...

by exwitless 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    "submit to me woman"

    He only tried it once.

  • vomit

    Their whole language is loaded. Firstly what always used to annoy me is that all the rags were written in American English. I dont have much of a problem with day to day American English talking with my friends and that. But the bile they spew is overwhelming. Anyway the word I hate the most, is wait for it. Jehovah (especialy if is pronounced Jehover) Why well its a made up word, and it is so loaded. I am sure it makes most of us apostates that were deeply affected by this org cringe when we hear it.

  • JWdaughter

    "This wicked system of things"

    Funny, I never heard of "need greaters" till I came on this board. I must have come from a very lame congregation.

  • bigmouth

    Arrangement. The marriage 'arrangement', the book study ' arrangement', the elder 'arrangement' and so on.

  • luna2
    jgnat's husband demanded: "submit to me woman"

    I dunno, jgnat, that could be kind of sexy under the right circumstances.

    My most despised phrase is: Spiritual Food ...actually anything that was compared to food or baby food or mother's milk or well oiled crap with wine or dinner tables or banquets...but none of it had anything to do with real food or enjoying oneself it was all just a hideous metaphor that was so over done that I wanted to spiritually barf.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    "To whom else shall we go?" (John 6:68) . . ."Lord, whom shall we go away to? . . .

    How about hell?


  • stillajwexelder

    "at the right time"

    spiritual food at the right time

    this tract has come just at the right time

    Jehovah knows when is the right time

    This Watchtower article came just at the right time

  • Arthur

    These are my Top 10 Jawbreakers:

    1) The Spirit Directed Organization

    2) Theocratic Arrangement

    3) Bible-trained conscience

    4) Independent Spirit

    5) Fault-Finding Attitude

    6) Self-Sacraficing Spirit

    7) The Holy Ones

    8) Spiritual Feeding Program

    9) Spiritual Banquet

    10) Our Life Saving Work

  • veradico

    Even though "the end must be close," I walked on the "spiritual" "road leading off into destruction" because I listened to "higher criticism" and "worldly association." My "independent spirit" led to a "fault finding attitude," and I lost my "appreciation" for the "spiritual food" with its "spiritual" wine left on the "spiritual" dregs, "spiritually" filtered by God's "spirit-directed organization" of "spirit-appointed" "overseers." The "spirit of the world" finally won, and I left the John-Jeremiah-Ezekiel-Daniel-and-any-other-prophet-we-can-think-of-while-claiming-not-to-be-false-prophets-class.

  • cyberguy

    The SLAVE says...

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