MOve on!???

by Core88 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • solo

    I wish this place had been available to me when I left nearly 20 years ago, I had no one for support, no one I could talk to who would understand I was totally isolated. It did not even occur to me that there were others who felt like I did.

    For those who are leaving the org now this is a wonderful place to come.

    Everyone's situation is different and I agree you can move on to some extent but some situations are desperate or hopeless.

    I must admit I do wonder about the addictiveness of this site, I wonder if some spend too much time here instead of persuing other interests or making friends locally. If I had just left the org and had just found this site, it would be so easy be here every evening instead of forcing myself to go out and meet people . . . just a thought

  • Genesis

    I believe that going on a DB of cult victims and telling them to move on is very lame. Also, have you really moved on ? If yes what are you doing here, preaching others to move on, seems like you still like to preach, eitherway my guess is that YOU have not fully moved on.

  • parakeet

    core88: *** ... why are we not trying to forget it and let life go on as it has***

    I've been moving on with my life for almost 30 years since I left the JWs. However, some of my family are still in the cult -- should I forget about them as I move on with my life?

    I come to this board for 2 reasons -- to keep track of the latest WTS nonsense that may impact my JW relatives, and to contribute my 2 cents if I think it will help someone.

    The WTS would love nothing more than for exJWs to "move on" and forget about them. This site and the active participation of its members help prevent the WT from victimizing as many people as they might otherwise.

  • jaguarbass

    I've moved on, I just enjoy comming here and posting. Its something to do when im not bussy moving on. Also there are many kindred spirits here.

  • dido

    Why does it bother you that we come on here? You don`t have to come on here if it does. Personally, i found this site 6 months ago,i wish i`d found it earlier, as i suffered in silence for 4 years. I find it quite stimulating to come here and get the opinions of ex`s, as they can help in recovery, some have been on here a long time, and have got loads of exjw wisdom that we can learn from, in fact, it`s an education about the jw religion from the outside.

  • mouthy

    by helping others move on. Listen sweetie ...I gave 25 years of my life to the WT, have lost one of my kids to it, my grandkids too (shunning rules) I am an OLD lady Hoping to kick the bucket anyday... YOU tell me to move on ...WHERE TOO???? When they kicked me out for not believing Jesus came in 1914--I thought I was the only one that didnt believe that. Wanted to kill myself because THEY told me there was no where else to go....I still believed what they taught me THEY WERE THE ONLY TRUTH!!!!
    There was nothing like this in the world to me then .... I have had to learn to get on this thing, retape video, cassetts, To help those who are confused.WHY would an old lady do that. ???LET ME TELL YOU WHY Kiddo!!!!!! To help any that felt like ME when I thought I was Judas. . At MY age I think I have moved on...I found out the Jesus is the WAY! TRUTH! LIFE!! but just because I found peace!!!! I still think I can help others KNOW they are not alone... My 2 cents. ( You ticked me off) Sorry Yes I am supposed to be a Christian .But others like you who belittle the kind acts of others isnt pleasing to this old gal.....go here>>>>>> Http://


  • mouthy


  • katiekitten
    If everyone moved on (left the board), who would be here for the new ones that need help and encouragement while leaving?

    If everyone moved on there would be no social groups or support groups at all about anything at all, just loads of single individuals moving on... a bit like the London Underground I guess! Personally I just like coming here and shooting the crap with friends. Sorry if that bums you out. Its not my fault if I happened to find a bunch of friends who are all stupid and selfish enough not to live down my street so we can chew the fat in my living room.

  • mouthy


  • Dismembered

    Why should we listen to newbies telling us to "move on" like we've not heard that before. Get some credibilty for cripesake! You just got here. Go dump in some other nest.


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