What if we are really alone in the universe?

by zagor 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Here is a short little video which may put this question in some perspective:


    cool.........worth watching.....We are not alone!


  • trevor

    An excellent video James. I was even able to see the planet my wife tells me I am from!

  • jaguarbass

    Hello zagor, I see your only 32 you still have feelings. When you get older you will just get numb thats how it all feels. Its a process waking up to reality.

  • Undecided

    We are alone if we can't communicate with any other life. It seems everything dies, even the stars and galaxies so it's just a matter of time before this one goes out of existence. I sure hope there is something after this life but I doubt it, after all there is no evidence of it, that I have been able to find.

    My life is about over and it does bother me, but what can you do to stop it????

    Ken P.

  • skyking

    I have a hard time believing people think we are alone. But they have that right to have this thinking I can not being a Alien to dinner for them to see. I have seen several things that has me convinced we are not alone.

  • restrangled

    I have often wondered if there isn't more "out there." Perhaps a mirror image of earth with a different set of parameters.

    If we cannot see the end of the Universe in this day and age, and to our knowledge the universe keeps expanding, what would be the point to this extensive expansion. If there were beings superior to us, (excluding the assumption of God and angels) certainly by now they would have been able to find us, or obliterate us, etc. etc. etc.

    I am not suggesting their are aliens, but perhaps another earth, another test run of ourselves.

    Just a thought.


  • becca1

    jaguarbass: I'm sorry you're numb. However, I really don't think that happens to everyone no matter how old. I for one am 47 and intend to live each day as a new adventure of sorts for as long as I may live. I can't help growing older but I don'e have to grow "old".

  • TomSwift

    I have heard of the idea that we aren't alone in the universe, or that we aren't the only universe but because we are contaminated by sin we cannot ever have contact with other parts of creation. C.S.Lewis wrote a SciFi book called The Silent Planet that tells a story around this idea.

  • misanthropic

    OMG katieKitten, you make me laugh.....

    Zagor, I would like to know what your thoughts are.

  • sass_my_frass

    I think you're right on both counts, and it doesn't worry me. Yes, we're going to use up everything, but life will go on. Another species will eventually rule the planet when we've made it uninhabitable for ours, but you don't need to worry about it; we'll be long dead. We'll have a little inconvenient weather, so if we're in an unlucky country we might starve to death or have our house typhooned out of existence or something, but otherwise we'll all muddle through.

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