If the UN dissolves...will the WTS recover?

by AuldSoul 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuldSoul

    There is a public groundswell of support within the United States of America, Inc. for the US to withdraw from the UN. While this departing of one-half of the seventh king (and the "king of the south") could be prophetically spun into a harmless twist and twang on an old saw, the general consensus seems to be that the UN would have great difficulty maintaining orderliness within its ranks. Also, there is a strong argument to be made that without US financial backing the UN would fold due to a shortage of funding.

    Although it isn't particularly likely, it is certainly a possibility. My question is: Would the WTS prophetic schema survive the disappearance of the UN and what impact do you think such an event would have on the organization?


  • KW13

    good question and i agree that there'd be problems for the Society since the strength of the UN would be shaken.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good question, Auld.

    They have weaved the UN, as the scarlet colored wild beast into the prophetic end of the 'system of things'. It would require some shuffling to get it done, but I have tremendous faith in their ablility to convince the 'flock' of whatever dogma they would spin.

    Already there is movement in that direction. The tract they are distributing this month, focuses on the 'End of Religion', and even shows their typical red revelation beast in full regalia with the harlot on it's back on page three, similar to the pictures they had in the Revelation book. But the text of the copy never mentions the UN, or refers to the 'Eighth World Power of Bible history'. They substitute the term 'the worlds political powers' - with a footnote to the Revelation Climax book.

    The movement is already underfoot to downplay the UN. It may be a response to the scandal, or perhaps a softshoe approach to eventual change of the official position. They are getting better at leaving the doors open for changing explanation perhaps - though I doubt it matters much, as most Witnesses are willing participants in them anyway, and in five years will be convinced that the 'Society never taught THAT'.


  • AuldSoul


    I'm not so sure they could survive it. All of their end times prophecies seem inextricably linked to the fate of the UN. How can the UN turn on false religion to start the Great Tribulation if the UN doesn't exist? How can the final battle be between Jesus and the world's governments under the direction of the UN if the UN doesn't exist?

    In my estimation, it is only a matter of time before the UN collapses regardless. It has noble objectives, but the world changes in unpredictable ways and the makeup of the Security Council is not flexible enough to respond to the changes brought by the last two decades. That august body no longer represents the world. I do not believe the majority of the world regards the UN as a world government, nor would the majority of the world's governments abdicate power and authority to the UN.


  • badboy


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    On my way out the door Auld. But briefly, it seems to me that they just seem to morph doctrine as needed. Remember all the decades of the 'King of the North' prophecies that just had to be complete to finish the system? Then all of a sudden - not even a mention of it that I know of. All the dubs - including me- that were forever focused on that just forgot it.

    A quick glance at the WT CD looks like the last mention of the King of the North was about 2000.

    Gotta Go for now. Will check in later.


  • jwfacts

    They have recovered from far greater changes in doctrine and false prediction. A number would fall away, but another big preaching recruitment drive would bring in a whole new base of followers that wouldn't even know about the UN. A bit like 1975 - most JWs alive today were not members prior to 1975 and so swallow the whole "we never said anything, it was all in their imaginations" line.

    In fact, if the UN dissolved it would shift attention from the NGO issue, and so could be a positive thing for the WTS.

  • AuldSoul

    No offense intended, but I believe harking back to pre-Internet doctrinal shifts for correlations to current impacts of doctrinal change would be short-sighted.

    The "King of the North" teaching has not left their body of doctrine, they have always said that the King of the North and the King of the South change costumes on the world scene. Not so of the UN, however. If the UN falls away, a HUGE chunk of primary doctrine falls away along with it.

    Because of our recently acquired capacity to draw sharp media attention to the voluminous body of failed prophecy that would result within minutes of the collapse of the UN, the WTS will not have opportunity to spin it away over the course of a few decades before it is repeatedly raised to top-level consciousness in the minds of JWs.

    How many young JWs would be triggered to finally search the Internet?

    How many Dozy, silentwatcher, Shadow, and Zacor types will see it as a final straw and begin to find ways to deconstruct the WTS from the inside?

    I think it would go beyond defection. I think the speed with which the true information would flow would outstrip by months the capacity for response from the WTS. I envision a brief spot on "This Week In God" on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I foresee arming the Internet savvy public with exactly the right questions to ask Jehovah's Witnesses about the UN's prophesied role long before the WTS can extricate itself from the issue. I believe it would be very different, indeed.


  • becca1

    They will come up with something and most will believe it. "New light" at it's best!

  • monkeyshine

    Good question Auld.

    I agree with Becca. There's always a spin when it comes to the bible and JW's.

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