Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-10-06 WT Study (FEAR GOD)

by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-10-06 WT Study (August 1, 2006, pages 21-25)(FEAR GOD)
    Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxesw = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom."-PROVERBS 9:10.

    Opening Comments

    How to review a WT article?

    1) Look for buzzwords that hide the fact that the WTS thinks that only their members are "true" Christians or that Armageddon survivors are only JWs.

    anointed Christian
    true Christians
    Andre, a Christian elder
    Christian husband

    2) Look for buzzwords/phrases that leave Christ out of the picture due especially to the overuse of OT examples and events.

    Jehovah's servants
    Jehovah's people
    our relationship with God
    leave the rest to Jehovah
    rely on Jehovah
    experiencing Jehovah's help
    relationship with Jehovah

    3) Check incomplete references using Google: especially when there is no reference to who said it, when they said it, and a specific reference where they said. Make sure it is quoted by the WTS in the context the author/speaker meant it.

    4) Note how many OT examples there are in contrast to NT examples.

    5) Note how many scriptures are not quoted but merely snippets given. Make sure the snippets used are being applied in context to the rest of the scripture. Note how many unquoted scriptures are used; is there a hidden information in them that the WTS is trying to bury.

    6) If possible, check previous comments in the publications on this subject; have they changed, flip-flopped, even 2 opinions given simultaneously, due to written rules and unwritten rules.

    Once again David (OT) is featured as the Christian example. I guess there are not Christian examples in the NT of people of feared God.

    This article uses an OT scripture and an OT example.

    And remember this message hidden in this article.

    Fear of God = Fear of WTS (FDS)


    Q1) Why do many find the concept of fearing God hard to understand?

    1) THERE was a time when it was considered a compliment to describe someone as God-fearing. Today, many find the concept of fearing God quaint but hard to understand. `If God is love,' they may ask, `why should I fear him?' To them, fear is a negative, even paralyzing, emotion. True fear of God, however, has a much broader meaning and, as we shall see, is not just a feeling or an emotion.

    Is it possible that it is because "fear of God" is connected by the WTS with destruction by God of all non-JWs in the near future?

    Who are the "many" who "find the concept of fearing God quaint"?

    I will agree that over time the meaning of words do change. The question is do JWs think first of God's destruction or his love? Do they encourage people to follow them because God will soon destroy the wicked and all non-JWs will be destroyed or because of the love God is already showing?

    Q2, 3) What does genuine fear of God include?

    2) In Biblical usage the fear of God is a positive concept. (Isaiah 11:3) It is
    a profound reverence and deep respect for God, a strong desire not to displease him. (Psalm 115:11) It includes acceptance of and strict adherence to God's moral standards and a desire to live by what God says is right or wrong. One reference work points out that such a wholesome fear expresses "a fundamental attitude toward God that leads to wise behavior and the avoidance of every form of evil." Appropriately, God's Word tells us: "The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom."-Proverbs 9:10.

    Could the reference book mentioned be found here:

    (Permission is granted to distribute this transcript in its entirety, with no alterations)
    the fear of God being our fundamental attitude toward God, and that attitude that leads us to wise behaviour, holy behaviour, and the avoidance of every form of evil.

    displease God or displease the WTS?

    God's moral standards or the WTS interpretation?

    what God says is right or wrong or the WTS interpretation?

    *** w02 12/1 p. 17 par. 17 Enjoy Personal Study of God's Word ***

    Then Philip, directed by holy spirit, helped the eunuch to understand the prophecy of Isaiah. (Acts 8:27-35) What does this illustrate? That our private reading of the Bible is not enough. Jehovah, by his spirit, uses the faithful and discreet slave class to help us to understand his Word at the right time. How is this done?-Matthew 24:45-47; Luke 12:42.

    *** w87 7/15 p. 19 Prayers Require Works ***

    Because Jehovah God does not give his holy spirit apart from his Word, and we cannot hope to receive holy spirit if we ignore the earthly channel Jehovah is using today, "the faithful and discreet slave," represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Without help from this "slave," we would neither be able to understand the full import of what we read nor know how to apply what we learn.-Matthew 24:45-47.

    3) Indeed, the fear of God encompasses a wide range of human experience. It is associated not only with wisdom but also with joy, peace, prosperity, longevity, hope, trust, and confidence. (Psalm 2:11; Proverbs 1:7; 10:27; 14:26; 22:4; 23:17, 18; Acts 9:31) It is closely related to faith and love. In fact, it involves our entire relationship with God and with fellow humans. (Deuteronomy 10:12; Job 6: 14; Hebrews 11:7) Fear of God includes the deep conviction that our heavenly Father personally cares for us and is ready to forgive our transgressions. (Psalm 130:4) Only the unrepentant wicked have reason to be terrified of God.* Footnote: * See the article (after review) "The Bible's Viewpoint: How Can You Fear a God of Love?" in the January 8, 1998, issue of Awake! published by Jehovah's Witnesses.)-Hebrews 10:26-31.

    relationship with God...our heavenly Father personally cares for us--where's Jesus?

    unrepentant wicked

    who determines repentance in the WTS?

    *** w95 1/1 p. 27 Determining Weakness, Wickedness, and Repentance ***

    Hence, when a dedicated Christian commits gross sin, something more than personal confession to Jehovah is needed. The elders must take certain steps, since the cleanness or the peace of the congregation is threatened. (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:9-11; 6:9, 10) Elders may have to determine: Is the individual repentant?

    Learning to Fear Jehovah

    Q4) What can help us to "learn to fear Jehovah"?

    4) Since the fear of God is fundamental to making wise decisions and receiving God's blessings, how can we "learn to fear Jehovah" properly? (Deuteronomy 17:19) Many examples of God-fearing men and women are recorded in the Scriptures "for our instruction." (Romans 15:4) To help us understand what it really means to fear God, let us reflect on the life of one of those examples, King David of ancient Israel.

    What does the WTS feel is proof of having received God's blessings?

    OT examples/OT scriptures for Christian living? Are there no Christian examples?

    Q5) How did shepherding help to teach David about fearing Jehovah?

    5) Jehovah rejected Israel's first king, Saul, for his fear of the people and
    his lack of godly fear. (1 Samuel 15:24-26) On the other hand, David's life
    course and his intimate relationship with Jehovah identify him as a truly
    God-fearing man. From his early years, David was often out pasturing his
    father's sheep. (1 Samuel 16:11) Nights spent shepherding under the stars must have helped David to understand the fear of Jehovah. Though David could discern only a small part of the immensity of the universe, he drew the right conclusion-God merits our respect and adoration. "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared," he later wrote, "what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?"-Psalm 8:3,4.

    Remember David committed adultery, had the husband murdered, took a census and choose a punshment that left 70,000 innocent people dead but with David still living.

    Can David's life give an example of how to have a relationship with Christ?

    Did these conclusions of David prevent him from becoming a murderer and an adulterer?

    Why did David escape the capital punishment (death) under the law?

    Q6) How did perceiving Jehovah's greatness make David feel?

    6) Rightly, David was impressed when he compared his smallness with the vast starry heavens. Rather than frightening him, this knowledge moved him to praise Jehovah and say: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling." (Psalm 19:1) This reverence for God drew David closer to Jehovah and made David want to learn and follow His perfect ways. Imagine how David felt when he sang to Jehovah: "You are great and are doing wondrous things; you are God, you alone. Instruct me, 0 Jehovah, about your way. I shall walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name."-Psalm 86:10,11.

    closer to Jehovah--by using an OT example, Jesus again is left out of the picture

    whose ways do Christians want to follow?

    (1 Peter 2:21) 21 In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his steps closely.

    Q7) How did fearing God help David fight Goliath?

    7) When the Philistines invaded the land of Israel, their
    nine-and-a-half-foot-tall champion, Goliath, taunted the Israelites, saying in
    effect: `Put up a man to fight me one-on-one! If he wins, we will serve you.' (1 Samuel 17:410) Saul and his entire army were terrified--but not David. He knew that Jehovah was the one to be feared, not any man, no matter how powerful. "I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies," David told Goliath, "and all this congregation will know that neither with sword nor with spear does Jehovah save, because to Jehovah belongs the battle." With his sling and a single stone-and with Jehovah's help-David struck down the giant.-1 Samuel 17:45-47.

    Obviously after having Uriah murdered, did David's fear of God still persist?

    Q8) What do Bible examples of God-fearing ones teach us?

    8) We may be facing obstacles or enemies no less daunting than those confronted by David. What can we do? We can deal with them in the same way that David and other faithful ones of old did--with godly fear. The fear of God can overpower the fear of man. God's faithful servant Nehemiah urged his fellow Israelites, who were under pressure from opposers: "Do not be afraid on their account. Jehovah the great and the fear inspiring One keep in your mind." (Nehemiah 4:14) With Jehovah's backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God succeeded in carrying out their God-given assignments. With godly fear, so can we.

    faithful ones of old...Nehemiah--OT examples

    Facing Problems With Godly Fear

    Q9) Under what circumstances did David display fear of God?

    9) After David slew Goliath, Jehovah gave him more victories. Jealous Saul,
    however, attempted-first impulsively, then cunningly, and finally with an
    army-to kill David. Although Jehovah had assured David that he would be king, for years David had to flee, to fight, and to wait for Jehovah's time to make him king. Through all of this, David showed that he feared the true God.-1 Samuel 18:9, 11, 17; 24:2.

    Saul attempted to kill David--David had Uriah killed

    wait for Jehovah's time--evidently David could not wait to long to have Uriah killed or it would be obvious that Bathsheba's baby was not her husband's

    Through all of this, David showed that he DID NOT fear the true God.

    Q10) How did David show fear of God in the face of danger?

    10) On one occasion, David sought refuge with Achish, king of the Philistine city of Gath, the home of Goliath. (1 Samuel 21:1015) The king's servants denounced David as an enemy of their nation. How did David react in that dangerous situation? He poured out his heart in prayer to Jehovah. (Psalm 56:1-4,11-13) Although he had to feign insanity to get away, David knew that it was really Jehovah who had delivered him by blessing his efforts. David's wholehearted reliance on Jehovah and confidence in him showed that David was truly God-fearing.-Psalm 34:4-6, 9-11.

    He poured out his heart in prayer AND DID NOTHING?

    had to feign insanity--is this an example of when lying is permissible?

    David knew really Jehovah who had delivered him--so when JWs die due to following WTS policies, does that mean that they were not worthy of God's deliverance?

    David's wholehearted reliance on God went out the window when he took that census.

    Q11) How can we show godly fear under trial, as David did?

    11) Like David, we can show fear of God by trusting in his promise to help us cope with our problems. "Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act," said David. (Psalm 37:5) This does not mean that we simply hand our problems over to Jehovah without doing what we can about them and expect him to act in our behalf. David did not pray to God for help and then leave matters at that. He used the physical and intellectual abilities that Jehovah granted him and tackled the problem at hand. Yet, David knew that human efforts alone could not be counted on for success. So it should be with us. Having done everything within our power, we must leave the rest to Jehovah. In fact, often there is nothing we can do but rely on Jehovah. This is where the fear of God comes into the picture in a very personal way. We can take comfort in David's heartfelt expression: "The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him."-Psalm 25:14.

    [Picture on page 23] David learned the fear of God when observing Jehovah's handiwork

    help us cope with our problems
    not mean that we simply hand our problems over to Jehovah without doing what we can
    used the physical and intellectual abilities
    everything within our power
    leave the rest to Jehovah

    Does that mean you cannot sue the elders who advised you not to go to the secular authorities and report the brother who raped your child?

    Q12) Why do we need to take our prayers seriously, and what attitude should we never have?

    12) We, therefore, should take our prayers and our relationship with God
    seriously. When we approach Jehovah, we must "believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him." (Hebrews 11:6; James 1:5-8) And when he helps us, we should `show ourselves thankful,' as the apostle Paul counseled us. (Colossians 3:15, 17) We must never be like those described by an experienced anointed Christian: "They think of God as a sort of celestial waiter," he said. "When they need something, they want to snap their fingers and have him come. And when they've got what they want, they would like him to go away." Such an attitude betrays a lack of godly fear.

    take...our relationship with God seriously

    but not our relationship with Christ seriously? See what happens when you use OT examples?

    "They think of God as a sort of celestial waiter," he said. "When they need something, they want to snap their fingers and have him come. And when they've got what they want, they would like him to go away."

    Very harsh words to direct toward the rank and file!

    When Fear of God Lapsed

    Q13) When did David fail to show respect for God's Law?

    13) Experiencing Jehovah's help during distress deepened David's fear of God and strengthened his confidence in him. (Psalm 31:22-24) On three notable occasions, however, David's fear of God lapsed, which led to serious consequences. The first involved his arranging for the ark of Jehovah's covenant to be transported to Jerusalem on a wagon rather than on the shoulders of the Levites, as God's Law directed. When Uzzah, who was leading the wagon, grabbed hold of the Ark to steady it, he died on the spot for his "irreverent act." Yes, Uzzah sinned seriously, yet ultimately, it was David's failure to maintain proper respect for God's Law that brought about that tragic outcome. Fearing God means doing things according to his arrangement.-2 Samuel 6:2-9; Numbers 4:15; 7:9.

    [Picture on page 24] How will you react when you unexpectedly encounter a tempting situation?

    David's arranging for the ark of the covenant to be transported in a way he knew was wrong led to the death of someone else, not David.

    Fearing God means doing things according to his arrangement

    Even if God's anointed (David) is failing to have respect for God's law!!!!!!!!!!
    According to the WTS, Uzzah should have let the ark fall on the ground or be confident that God would take care of it.

    How has the WTS used this story to its advantage?

    *** w05 2/1 pp. 26-27 Jehovah Always Does What Is Right ***

    Why Did Jehovah Strike Uzzah Dead?

    Another account that might seem puzzling to some involves David's attempt to bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. The Ark was placed on a wagon, which was led by Uzzah and his brother. The Bible states: "They came gradually as far as the threshing floor of Nacon, and Uzzah now thrust his hand out to the ark of the true God and grabbed hold of it, for the cattle nearly caused an upset. At that Jehovah's anger blazed against Uzzah and the true God struck him down there for the irreverent act, so that he died there close by the ark of the true God." Some months later, a second attempt succeeded when the Ark was transported in the God-appointed way, carried on the shoulders of Kohathite Levites. (2 Samuel 6:6, 7; Numbers 4:15; 7:9; 1 Chronicles 15:1-14) Some may ask: 'Why did Jehovah react so strongly? Uzzah was only trying to save the Ark.' Lest we draw the wrong conclusion, we do well to note some helpful details.
    We need to remember that it is impossible for Jehovah to act unjustly. (Job 34:10) For him to do so would be unloving, and we know from our study of the Bible as a whole that "God is love." (1 John 4:8) In addition, the Scriptures tell us that "righteousness and judgment are the established place of [God's] throne." (Psalm 89:14) How, then, could Jehovah ever act unjustly? If he were to do so, he would be undermining the very foundation of his sovereignty.
    Keep in mind that Uzzah should have known better. The Ark was associated with Jehovah's presence. The Law specified that it was not to be touched by unauthorized individuals, explicitly warning that violators would be punished by death. (Numbers 4:18-20; 7:89) Therefore, the transfer of that sacred chest was not a task to be treated lightly. Uzzah evidently was a Levite (though not a priest), so he should have been familiar with the Law. Besides, years earlier the Ark had been moved to the house of his father for safekeeping. (1 Samuel 6:20-7:1) It had stayed there for some 70 years, until David chose to move it. So from childhood on, Uzzah had likely been aware of the laws regarding the Ark.
    As mentioned earlier, Jehovah can read hearts. Since his Word calls Uzzah's deed an "irreverent act," Jehovah may have seen some selfish motive that is not expressly revealed in the account. Was Uzzah perhaps a presumptuous man, prone to overstep due bounds? (Proverbs 11:2) Did leading in public the Ark that his family had guarded in private give him an inflated sense of self-importance? (Proverbs 8:13) Was Uzzah so faithless as to think that Jehovah's hand was too short to steady the sacred chest that symbolized His presence? Whatever the case, we can be sure that Jehovah did what was right. He likely saw something in Uzzah's heart that caused Him to render swift judgment.-Proverbs 21:2.

    *** w73 6/15 p. 370 pars. 25-28 Are You Ready for Life in God's New Order? ***

    God's law specifically prohibited any but the authorized priestly representatives from touching the sacred ark, on pain of death. The law was publicly known, and as Uzzah was undoubtedly a Levite (but not a priest), he should have known better than others God's express command. He chose to violate that command, perhaps assuming that circumstances warranted it. He may have felt that if he did not act to steady the ark it was sure to fall. If so, he lacked faith in God's power to care for matters in such a way that none of his servants need disobey his express commands. On the other hand, he may have thought he had an opportunity to make a 'hero' of himself, gaining lasting fame as 'Uzzah, the man who kept the sacred ark from falling.' Either way he showed disrespect.
    Unscriptural actions and methods, presumptuousness and usurpation are never justified. With so many causes for rejoicing in God's new order, any initial conditions then reflecting human imperfection should not cause us to become heated up nor to speak or act rashly. We need to 'keep our senses in all things,' realizing that the principle, "better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning," will hold true even in the thousand-year reign of God's Son, and "better is one who is patient than one who is haughty in spirit . . . for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones."-2 Tim. 4:5; Eccl. 7:8, 9.
    If we are not authorized to act in a certain matter, we can inform those who are. Rather than thereafter impatiently try to 'steady the ark' ourselves, we can then show trust in God's direction of matters, confident that in time he will cause only good to result. As Psalm 4:4 counsels: "Be agitated, but do not sin. Have your say in your heart, upon your bed, and keep silent."-Compare Psalm 63:6-8.
    We can, therefore, prepare for God's new order now by showing respect for the arrangements his Son puts into effect in the Christian congregation, having the certainty that Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are never uninformed or unaware of things needing adjustment or correction.

    Q14) What resulted from David's counting of Israel?

    14) Later, incited by Satan, David took a count of Israel's fighting men. (1
    Chronicles 21:1) In so doing, David showed a lapse in the fear of God, resulting in the death of 70,000 Israelites. Although David repented before Jehovah, he and those around him suffered greatly.-2 Samuel 24:1-16.

    70,000 people died but not David for his sin. And how does the WTS reason that the 70,000 were deserving of death?

    *** w69 3/15 p. 191 Questions From Readers ***

    As a punishment for this sin Jehovah brought three days of pestilence that killed 70,000 Israelites. (2 Sam. 24:12-16) Was that unjust? Were 70,000 innocent people dying for the king's error? The Bible plainly shows that we all are sinners deserving of death; it is only by God's undeserved kindness that we live. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Lam. 3:22, 23) So those who died had no special "right" to life. Additionally, can any human today say for sure that those 70,000 were not guilty of some serious sin not mentioned in the historical record?

    Q15) What caused David to fall into sexual sin?

    15) Another temporary lapse in the fear of God led David into an. immoral
    relationship with Bath-sheba, the wife of Uriah. David knew that adultery or
    even desiring another's mate was wrong. (Exodus 20:14, 17) The problem began when David caught sight of Bath-sheba while she was bathing. Proper fear of God should immediately have moved David to turn his eyes and his thoughts elsewhere. Instead, David evidently `kept on looking' at her until passion overpowered his fear of God. (Matthew 5:28; 2 Samuel 11:1-4) David lost sight of Jehovah's intimate involvement in his life.-Psalm 139:1-7.

    Temporary lapse--into adultery and murder, a temporary lapse that would have lead to the execution of any other Israelite.

    proper fear of God should immediately have--does that mean that David's fear had never been there or had disappeared?

    looking at her until passion overpowered---do you see where this might be going?

    Q16) What consequences did David suffer for his wrongdoing?

    16) David's liaison with Bath-sheba produced a son. Shortly afterward, Jehovah sent his prophet Nathan to expose David's sin. Brought to his senses, David recovered his fear of God and repented. He begged Jehovah not to cast him off or to remove His holy spirit from him. (Psalm 51:7, 11) Jehovah forgave David and lightened the punishment, but He did not shield David from all the bad consequences of his actions. David's son died, and heartache and tragedy beset his family from then on. What a price to pay for a lapse in the fear of God!-2 Samuel 12:10-14; 13:10-14; 15:14.

    Notice how they skip over the fact that David had Bath-sheba's husband killed.

    Brought to his senses--fear of God or fear of being put to death. Why wasn't David put to death under the Law code?

    Who forgave him, Nathan or God? Who forgives in the JW congregation? God or the elders?

    Again David's son died for David's sins, not David.

    Who paid the price; other sons of David died, one son raped the king's concubines; why did they pay the price for David's sins? are sons to pay for the sins of the fathers? Do you think David was the only Israelite that committed adultery and murder that showed true repentance? Note the WTS explanation.

    *** w05 5/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Why were David and Bath-sheba not put to death for committing adultery, whereas their newborn son died?

    The Mosaic Law stipulated: "In case a man is found lying down with a woman owned by an owner, both of them must then die together, the man lying down with the woman and the woman. So you must clear away what is bad out of Israel." (Deuteronomy 22:22) If Jehovah God had allowed the judicial case of David and Bath-sheba's sin to be handled by human judges under the Law, the adulterous couple would have been executed. Since the human judges could not read hearts, they were to render judgment on the basis of the conduct of the wrongdoers as established by the facts. An act of adultery called for the death sentence. The Israelite judges were not authorized to pardon that sin.
    On the other hand, the true God can read hearts and forgive sins if he sees a basis for doing so. Since the case involved David, with whom He had made the Kingdom covenant, Jehovah chose to make an exception and deal with the matter himself. (2 Samuel 7:12-16) "The Judge of all the earth" has the right to make such a choice.-Genesis 18:25.
    What did Jehovah see as he examined David's heart? The superscription to Psalm 51 says that this psalm reveals David's feelings "when Nathan the prophet came in to him after he had had relations with Bath-sheba." Psalm 51:1-4 states: "Show me favor, O God, according to your loving-kindness. According to the abundance of your mercies wipe out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash me from my error, and cleanse me even from my sin. For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly. Against you, you alone, I have sinned, and what is bad in your eyes I have done." Jehovah must have viewed this intense remorse in David's heart as an evidence of genuine repentance and decided that there was a basis for showing mercy to the wrongdoers. Moreover, David himself was a merciful person, and Jehovah shows mercy to the merciful. (1 Samuel 24:4-7; Matthew 5:7; James 2:13) Hence, when David acknowledged his sin, Nathan told him: "Jehovah, in turn, does let your sin pass by. You will not die."-2 Samuel 12:13.
    David and Bath-sheba were not to escape all consequences of their sin. "Because you have unquestionably treated Jehovah with disrespect by this thing," Nathan told David, "also the son himself, just born to you, will positively die." Their child grew sick and died despite the fasting and mourning that David carried on for seven days.-2 Samuel 12:14-18.
    Some find it difficult to understand why the son had to die, since Deuteronomy 24:16 states: "Children should not be put to death on account of fathers." But we must remember that if the case had been handled by human judges, the parents as well as the unborn child in the womb would have lost their lives. The loss of the son might also have helped David to realize more keenly how displeased Jehovah was with his sin with Bath-sheba. We can be confident that Jehovah dealt with the matter justly, for "perfect is his way."-2 Samuel 22:31.

    Q17) Illustrate the heartache that sinful acts produce.

    17) Today, failing to fear God in moral matters, may likewise have serious and longlasting repercussions. Imagine the pain of one young wife when she learned that her Christian husband had been unfaithful to her while working overseas. Doubled over in shock and grief, she buried her face in her hands and burst into tears. How long will it take for her husband to regain her trust and respect? Such tragic consequences can be avoided by truly fearing God.-1 Corinthians 6:18.

    wife...learned that her Christian (JW) husband had been unfaithful...burst into long will it take for her husband to regain her trust and respect?

    Do I understand that they only choice she has to take him back as her husband? Should she take him back before regaining her trust and respect? How long is she given by the WTS to do this? One year, 2 years, 3 years. If she has sex with him before that, the WTS says she no longer has grounds for a scriptural divorce. Why doesn't the WTS mention that he should get an AIDS test before she decides to take him back or not? Why is divorce not mentioned as an option?

    I suppose she should be glad that her husband did not have her murdered to cover up his adultery!

    If her Christian husband were truly repentant, he probably wouldn't be df'd.

    Fear of God Restrains Us From Sin

    Q18) What is Satan's objective and method of operation?

    18) Satan is very rapidly driving down the world's moral values, and he
    especially wants to corrupt true Christians. To do so, he exploits the most
    direct route into our hearts and minds-through our senses, particularly our eyes and ears. (Ephesians 4:17-19) How will you react when you unexpectedly encounter immoral images, words, or people?

    true Christians--only JWs

    unexpectedly encounter immoral images, words, or people--the key word is "unexpectedly"

    Q19) How did godly fear help one Christian to overcome temptation?

    19) Consider the case of Andre',* (Footnote: * The name has been changed.)a Christian elder, father, and medical doctor in Europe. When Andre' was on all-night duty in the hospital, female colleagues repeated
    ly pinned notes-decorated with hearts-to his pillow, inviting him to have sexual relations with them. Andre' steadfastly refused to entertain their advances. Moreover, to remove himself from the bad environment, he found work elsewhere. Fearing God proved to be very wise and led to blessings, for today Andre' serves part-time at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in his country.

    one Christian...Andre...Christian elder

    I guess there is no policy regarding sexual harassment in that hospital..since the WTS paints all non-JWs as sexually immoral, I guess the only place he could end up working is at the branch office of JWs in his country.

    Q20, 21) (a) How can fear of God help us to avoid sinning? (b) What will be considered in the following article?

    20) Dwelling on wrong thoughts can lead to a state of mind in which a person is willing to throw away his precious relationship with Jehovah in exchange for something to which he has no right. (James 1:14, 15) On the other hand, if we fear Jehovah, we will stay away--even walk away--from people, places, activities, and entertainment that could cause us to lower our moral guard. (Proverbs 22:3) Whatever embarrassment or sacrifice may be involved, it is minor compared to losing God's favor. (Matthew 5: 29, 30) Fearing God certainly includes never deliberately exposing ourselves to anything immoral, including pornography in any form, but instead making our eyes "pass on from seeing what is worthless." If we do so, we can trust in Jehovah to `preserve us alive' and provide everything we really need.-Psalm 84:11; 119:37.

    Dwelling on wrong thoughts--what happened to "unexpectedly"?

    relationship with Jehovah--where's Jesus?

    stay away--even walk away--from people, places, activities, and entertainment that could cause us to lower our moral guard

    Meaning associate only with JWs; only going to the KH, assembly hall, convention, and homes of other JWs; only kingdom songs, kingdom videos, home movies of JWs, no television, videogames, and NO INTERNET, etc., right?

    Never deliberately exposing ourselves to anything immoral, including pornography in any form.

    What are the forms of pornography per the WTS?

    21) Indeed, acting with genuine fear of God is always the course of wisdom. It is also the source of true happiness. (Psalm 34:9) This will be made clear in the following article.

    fear of God = fear of WTS

    Can You Explain?

    - What Christian qualities does the fear of God include?
    - How does fear of God counteract fear of man?
    - How can we show that we have the proper view of prayer?
    - How can fear of God restrain us from sinning?

    Concluding Comments

    Well, this is the introductory article. Learn next week how "what kept us on the right path was NOT a collection of rigid rules."

    Have you ever wondered why the WTS uses OT examples so much? Partly, I think because the NT is so obviously written to people whose hope was to be in heaven with Christ and the WTS finds that hard to use them as an example to people who are being told that they will never go to heaven, never see Christ, and will live forever on earth. No comments from David about going to heaven.

    It's been raining, folks, and it dropped 20 degrees. But still it's a great weekend. We are going shopping for a new laptop, so I can use it when we travel. Now if only I can bring my technical knowledge up to the right level. Our beans are done but the tomatoes are still churning out red fruit. The pumpkins at the farm down the road are getting ready for a home on our doorstep and I'm planting mums to replace the flowers that are done for the season. Soon we'll be picking apples and purple grapes, drinking cider. It will time for Oktoberfest and the leaves will be turning.

    Love, Blondie

    *** g98 1/8 pp. 26-27 How Can You Fear a God of Love? The Bible’s Viewpoint


    IF "God is love," as the Bible describes him, why should it be necessary to fear him? (1 John 4:16) Love and fear are generally regarded as incompatible. So, what role should fear play in our relationship with God? Why fear a God of love? A close look at how the word "fear" is used in the Bible can provide us with a better understanding of this matter.

    In most languages a single word can have various shades of meaning, depending on the context. For instance, in some languages one may say: "I love ice cream" and also, "I love my children." There is a great difference in the intensity of and types of love being expressed. Similarly, the Bible speaks of different types of fear. When it uses the word in connection with worshiping God, it is not referring to terror, fright, or a sense of impending punishment. Rather, the fear of God conveys healthful feelings—awe, reverence, and deep respect. These noble emotions are coupled with love for and attraction toward God, not an instinct to flee or hide from him.

    The fear of God displaces morbid, cowering fear. Concerning the man who fears God, the psalmist wrote: "He will not be afraid even of bad news. His heart is steadfast, made reliant upon Jehovah." (Psalm 112:7) No threat from evil men or from Satan himself can overpower our deep respect and reverence for Jehovah. (Luke 12:4, 5) Neither must we be afraid to approach God in prayer. Rather, in this context, "love throws fear outside."—1 John 4:18.


    Heavens and God’s Grandeur

    King David of old was a God-fearing man. He was in awe when contemplating the beauty and complexity of creation. He exclaimed: "I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware." (Psalm 139:14) Gazing up into the night sky, he exclaimed: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God." (Psalm 19:1) Do you imagine that David was frightened by this experience? On the contrary, it moved him to sing praises to Jehovah.

    Today’s increased knowledge of the heavens gives us even stronger reason to feel awe. Recently, astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope peered deeper into the heavens than any human before them. They selected a part of the sky that appeared empty to ground-based telescopes and focused the Hubble on an area only as big as a grain of sand held at arm’s length. The resulting picture was crowded, not with individual stars, but with galaxies—vast systems consisting of billions of stars—never before seen by man!

    The magnitude, mystery, and wonder of the universe instill awe in a keen observer. However, such wonders are a mere reflection of the Creator’s glory and power. The Bible calls Jehovah God "the Father of the celestial lights" and tells us that he "is counting the number of the stars; all of them he calls by their names."—James 1:17; Psalm 147:4.

    The immensity of the universe is also seen in the time spanned by celestial events. The light from the galaxies photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope had been traveling through space for billions of years! Ought not our newness and smallness in comparison with the permanence of the heavens cause us to feel awe and deep reverence for the One who made the stars? (Isaiah 40:22, 26) To realize that the God who created all of this also ‘keeps mortal man in mind and cares for him’ deepens our regard for our Creator and makes us want to know him and please him. (Psalm 8:3, 4) Such sublime respect and appreciation is what the Bible calls the fear of God.


    Forgiving God

    We are all imperfect. Even when trying to do what is right, we sin unintentionally. When that happens, should we be in dread of losing God’s favor? The psalmist wrote: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? For there is the true forgiveness with you, in order that you may be feared." (Psalm 130:3, 4) That the "Grand Maker" should be so kind and forgiving inspires deep appreciation and reverence in his worshipers.—Isaiah 54:5-8.

    The fear of God motivates us to do good and also to refrain from doing what God says is bad. Our relationship with our heavenly Father may be compared to that of a good human father with his children. At times, children may not remember why their father forbids them to play in the street. Still, when they feel the impulse to chase a ball into the path of traffic, the thought of their father’s prohibition holds them back—possibly saving them from death. Likewise, an adult’s fear of Jehovah may restrain him from committing an act that could ruin lives—his own and those of others.—Proverbs 14:27.


    God’s Judgment

    By contrast, a person whose conscience does not restrain him from displeasing God has reason to be in fear in a very different way. Just as human governments punish criminal elements, God has the right to act against willful, unrepentant wrongdoers. God’s temporary permission of wickedness has allowed some to become hardened in a wrong course. But the Bible shows clearly that one day soon he will remove all evil elements from the earth. (Psalm 37:9, 10; Ecclesiastes 8:11; 1 Timothy 5:24) The unrepentant wicked have reason to fear punishment from God. Yet, this type of fear is not the kind of fear that the Bible recommends.

    Rather, the Bible associates the fear of Jehovah with beautiful things in life—singing, joy, trust, wisdom, longevity, confidence, prosperity, hope, and peace, to name but a few. If we continue to walk in the fear of Jehovah, we will enjoy such blessings forever.—Deuteronomy 10:12-14.


    See Exodus 15:11; Psalm 34:11, 12; 40:3; 111:10; Proverbs 10:27; 14:26; 22:4; 23:17, 18; Acts 9:31.

    [Picture Credit Line on page 26]

    Courtesy of Anglo-Australian Observatory, photograph by David Malin

  • Gill

    If you fear someone you tend no to want to have a relationship with them.

    If a fearsome monster is all that the God of the Bible is to the Watchtower, then why ask its members to love him.

    The twisted words of the watchtower are morbidly depressing!

    Feeling that they have the power of judgment given to them by God, they want the R and F to be in fear of their interpretations....and of that they are.

    Fear is the state that JWs live in. Fear of being informed on by their 'loved ones'. Fear of their words and actions be informed on by anyone and their words and actions being misinterpreted. Fear of shunning. Fear of judging. Fear of the 'soooooooon' to happen Armageddon.

    Fear is what the organization is all about. So hardly surprising that they have a 'Fear Inspiring God.'

    Thanks Blondie! I don't know how you do this every week but am gratelful that you do!

  • truthsetsonefree

    Do I understand that they only choice she has to take him back as her husband? Should she take him back before regaining her trust and respect? How long is she given by the WTS to do this? One year, 2 years, 3 years. If she has sex with him before that, the WTS says she no longer has grounds for a scriptural divorce. Why doesn't the WTS mention that he should get an AIDS test before she decides to take him back or not? Why is divorce not mentioned as an option? This has always bothered me. How is a woman supposed to figure out this life altering in a couple of weeks? And whose business is it whether the couple has sex or not?

  • xjwms


    Thank you so seems that there is a repeat...repeat...repeat / with David examples.

    Were we so blind before?

    So thankful for the reviews


  • Gilberto

    Thanks Blondie

    Fear of God = Fear of WTS (FDS)

    This is the most important teaching they have.

    70,000 people died but not David for his sin.

    David= WT; People=Rank and File

  • fullofdoubtnow

    What an appropriate article!

    The wts rules by fear, it's members live in fear, not of offending jehovah, but the elders, and potentially losing their family and friends.

    How can living in fear of breaking man made rules be described as godly fear?

    Great job Blondie, as always. Seeing articles like this one remind me, as if I need any reminding, of how little I miss being a jw.

  • loli
  • parakeet

    ***One reference work points out that such a wholesome fear expresses "a fundamental attitude toward God that leads to wise behavior and the avoidance of every form of evil."***

    ***In the wisdom literature, in Proverbs specifically, and in Job and in Ecclesiastes, it's defined even finer and more specifically as the fear of God being our FUNDAMENTAL ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD, and that attitude THAT LEADS TO WISE BEHAVIOR, holy behaviour, AND THE AVOIDANCE OF EVERY FORM OF EVIL.***

    OH MY GOD!!! The "reference work" that the WTS used is an online SERMON from "Babylon the Great"!!!!
    Blondie, even though I've been reading posts from this site for 6 months, I'm just flabbergasted!

    Lurkers, pay attention!!!

  • parakeet


  • sspo

    Very interesting that GB is so good at pointing out sins of everyone else in the bible, whether it's the old or new testament and try to teach lessons from them.

    Have we ever seen any admission of wrongdoing on the part of the GB that we can learn from since they claim to be chosen and anointed?

    Maybe they have no sins.

    Thanks Blondie for your work

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