Alone With the Opposite Sex

by purplesofa 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    My JW parents are in their late 70s. Recently a male JW acquaintance from out of state (also in his late 70s) visited for a few days. The day before the visitor was to leave, my dad had to be hospitalized. I drove there to help out. My mom was distraught, and not just because my dad was in the hospital. She asked me to stay overnight so she and the visitor would not be in the house alone overnight!
    I started laughing and told her that anyone who knew her would never believe anything improper would happen. But she was deadly serious and insisted, so I stayed over.
    Perhaps I should have set my alarm to get up every hour during the night to make sure there wasn't any hanky-panky going on! You haven't lived until you've acted as a chaperone for your elderly mother!

  • purplesofa
    Perhaps I should have set my alarm to get up every hour during the night to make sure there wasn't any hanky-panky going on!


    your poor if she did not have enough to worry about.


  • skyking

    I have been on spy mission looking to see if brother was at the home of a women over night. While being a Gestapo member I all thought this is so dumb, here I am waisting my time spying. I would of rather been home home getting a piece for myself.

  • purplesofa
    I have been on spy mission looking to see if brother was at the home of a women over night

    as an elder? or as a friend.?

  • Kudra

    Argh. I echo Brigid's sentiments exactly.
    Just this last week I had a terrible interaction with my (male) friend. We are working through it because we really value each other's friendship but it stemmed from my wierd ingrained JW-style view of there ALWAYS having to be "something" between a male and female. Sometimes I wish I could just relax more about stuff like that.
    It's such a self-centered attitude I have that every guy I am alone with must be after me. I logically know this is not true but still get nervous...
    I am so glad to know that others also are dealing with this. I thought everyone else exjw or not just automatically was at ease with everyone else...
    -K, the big dork

  • Arthur

    Yes, I have observed that my feelings have been changing since leaving the org. I have noticed that for the first time in my life, I can begin to view several attractive young women my age as just friends, and nothing else.

    It's so nice to be able to converse, and hang out with single women my age, and not have other people "reading into it" or gossiping about it. So much of the pressure that was in the org, is now non-existent.

    I have a lot of single friends and several of them are women. I used to feel so nervous around single young women, but now, those feelings are slowly decreasing. I can now appreciate women my age for the simple fact that they are great people; and not worry about following a bunch of idiotic rules, or having to worry how it appears to others.

  • tijkmo

    when i was still married we had the temporary c.o stay with us one week and he was a single guy..

    my job at the time required me to leave the house at 7 o/c in the morning for a couple of hours...

    so he used to get up and go and sit in his car till i got back...

    which is all very well...except he was having an affair with a married sister..

    good times

  • blondie

    Which only shows that with the WTS it is all appearance and not substance.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    While i was a dub, if i was ever alone with a man, all i could think about was sex sex SEX! It didn't matter who the guy was.

    The society would have you believe that sex is a time bomb wiating for two people to be alone so it can explode in their face and make them lose all control.

    Now that i am no longer a JW, I can be alone with men and sexual thoughts never even come up ......(usually).

  • wonderwoman

    Sex is such a hyge part of the JW- everything revolves around it. It's sickening. My dad wouldn't let my boy cousin stay in our room at night with all the girl cousins. SOMETHING might happen!!! Are you F%#king kidding me???? My cousin??

    Yet, somehow an elder found his way to be alone with me as a little kid.

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