
by dfrizzy 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dfrizzy

    Hi there.

    I was raised a Witness, and was one for 18 years of my life. Now at 21 I'm very much out of it (the organization that is). I still have a few friends that are in the organization. Sometimes they ask me things to disprove the organization. I have trouble coming out with coherent thoughts though. I need it to be more focused so I can explain to them the many faults in the organizations beliefs.

    If anyone knows of good books I could read. Or good web sites, that would be much appreciated.

    Especially books that are recognized by scholars and historically accurate.

    Thanks yall

  • skyking

    Be very careful, only do this if you truly don't care about being DF'd. You will tell them something that will disturb their peace and before long one of them will tell an ELder. I was emailing a friend about the UN deal he lives hundreds of miles away and his wife took the emails and sent them to the local brothers. I would of been DF'd except for the fact they had already tried me for this.

  • dfrizzy

    Yeah that's cool. I've moved past the being afraid of the organization stage. I could care less. Because I have a strong community with my other family members who have also left the organization, along with my wonderful girlfriend (who was and isn't a J dub) and newly found friends that like me for me and not a religious standing. I just want a better knowledge of History, religion and life. I will be writing a letter of disassociation once I feel I can defend my stand perfectly.

    Thanks though.

  • OpenFireGlass

    "Crisis Of Concience" By: Ray Franz

    PEACE, Mike

  • OpenFireGlass

    From your first post eva'..

    I was the congregation devil, even though I never really did anything wrong, except that I skateboarded more then I went out in service and my hair was a little longer then most

    I remember sitting quitely paying attention to the public talk one morning when the speaker (our hometown P.O.) was going about how we don't want to associate with "worldly people or copy worldy fads" Then he read through a list he compiled and to my horror and embarassment Skateboarding was on top of his list. EVERYONE in the whole hall immediately turned there heads and stared at me. I was like WTF is this guy thinking! I was pretty pissed off.

    Since when did getting exercise become a sin?

    That was me to a tee, too....

  • loli

    Hi there! I am new also. Some books that I have enjoyed (in addition to Crisis of Conscience)are: Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman and Why Christianity Must Change or Die by John Shelby Spong. Both authors are very objective and don't really bash anyone. They each have other titles as well. Peace to you!

  • carla

    Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz, he also wrote In Search of Christian Freedom. He was a member of the gov. body at one time. Here's a few to get you started and use all their links too--- best starting point pedophile problem blood issue all wt literature you could want Dr. Mantey discussion some misquoting

  • JWdaughter

    I second the books by Ray Franz-huge, organized into simple self contained chapters and easy to read (if sometimes not terribly fascinating-sometimes they were VERY fascinating.)If you are interested in what the Bible says, just read it without any WT helps and see what it says to you.

  • skyking

    Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman

    The Jesus mysteries by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy this book will change your life guaranteed

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Welcome Dfrizzy,

    We are glad to have you here. There are many scholarly friends here. Many whom have been in positions in the organization for many, many years. They are here to help you. I would suggest you first go to Re-Examine Quotes , Research on the Watchtower.

    Another good site is Jw Files

    Re-Examine Quotes is excellent in showing old and new quotes from the literature. You will be blown away at what you read there.

    I recommend you tell your Witness friends to try proving 607 was the destruction of Jerusalem without using the Societys literature. There is NO proof outside the organizations literature. And without that crucial date, you don't have 1914, and without that date, you don't have the identifying of the faithful slave which have control on each and every Witnesses life. I spent MONTHS and MONTHS trying to PROVE 607, but couldn't.

    The other thing that may make your friends think is if you tell them that the Society teaches that Jesus is not your personal Mediator. According to the Society, he is only the Mediator for the 144,000. But that is not what the Bible says.

    Also, they may be shocked to learn that the Society was a NGO member of the United Nations (the Wild Beast) for 10 years. And only disassociated themselves after they were found out and it was going to go public. Two days later it did.

    Perhaps the fact that the Society has stock in Phillip Morris, a Ciggarrette Company. Regardless of how they acquired it, they continue to reap the yearly monitary benefits. Yet it would be a disfellowshipping offence if you or I had stock in a ciggarrette company.

    These are but a few things you could show them. I would highly recommend you read the book Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. He was of the Governing Body. He too left the organization. He could no longer live the lie. Anyway... I hope something here helps you.



    Lady Liberty

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