How do you answer this question??

by LuciousJ 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Allot of the replys made me smile!!


    It's funny I have not had anyone ask me that either. I have been out for 3 years.

    But for the JWs who wanted to press the 'belief's' issue as I was getting out I just told them in no uncertain terms that 'I have no use for religion in my life'. Of course that didn't sit well with many of them because for some reason allot of them around here don't like to think of themselves as 'religious'. They confuse 'religion' with 'spirituality'. Just like they don't like to call the KH a church. But that's exactly what it is by most people's definiton except for JWs.

  • LuciousJ

    Thanks everyone. It's always good to read a variety of opinions/suggestions/advice. I haven't actually had anyone come out and ask me but, those who know me and what we've been through over the past year, have come out and asked me if I'm considering any other churches or religions and/or what do I consider myself now? I like the simply stated "I'm spiritual, but of no specific religion." Right you are that you do not have to be affiliated with an organization to be close to God or in his favor.

    Thanks again-


  • arwen

    I have told people that I am "a recovering Jehovah's Witness". Some get it and some don't and I have to further explain.

  • whyizit

    I'm a non-denominational, Bible-believing Christian.

    (Jesus was always criticising the "religious" leaders. Anti religion, pro relationship. I follow His lead!) :0)

  • jgnat

    It's a pushy question, and the questioner needs to be put in their place. How about answering, "vanilla"?

    Some Christians, especially the evanglicals, do try and drill down to your spiritual status. Are you "saved" or not? Sometimes, when they are nosing around for your denomination, that's what they are trying to figure out. If you haven't been through the full "born again" formula, they may attempt to set you straight. I don't have any fast one-liners, but I'd be tempted to ask them when they got the keys.

    "What keys?"

    "To the Lamb's book of life."

    . . .

    "No? You don't? Then don't try and snoop to see if my name is in there. That's between me and God."

  • crazyblondeb

    I say that I'm pagan/wiccan. Then I ask if I can have a lock of their hair.

  • MungoBaobab

    I say I'm a skeptic, and let them figure out the atheist part. If they're offended, and they usually are, it's their own damn fault.

  • mkr32208

    Have you seen invasion of the body snatchers? Do you remember how Donald Sutherland (I THINK that was Donald Sutherland) responded at the end of the movie?

    That's how you should respond I think!

  • brutusmaximus

    I believe in love and start singing a Beatles number

    I think I have only been asked 3 or 4 times and I just say I'm not religious but thanks for asking


    But MASH has a much better way of answering, quality

  • Mackin

    I belong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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