Are You A Born Again Christian Now? If so...

by Mistah MOJO 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serendipity

    I'm a confused Christian.

  • jgnat

    MM - what a nut you are! By the way, M & M's are one of our favorite treats, the nutty kind. I've bolded my longer answers.

    Trinitarian or Modalist? (Oneness)? - trinitarian
  • Premillennial, Amillennial. Postmillennial or Panmillennial? (Panmillennial: "It will all pan out in the end.") -dismillenial, i.e. it doesn't matter.
  • Pretrib, Midtrib, Postrib? -detrib, same reason.
  • Futurist or Preterist? -preterist
  • Baptized as an infant or as an adult? -adult, dunked
  • In the name of Father-Son-Holy Spirit or the Lord Jesus Christ? -both. Pastor liked to keep it covered.
  • Liturgical and Sacramental or Nonliturgical and Nonsacramental? non
  • Is Communion the Body and Blood of Christ, or a sign or symbol? -symbol
  • Does God still heal and perform miracles? -yes
  • Is the Holy Spirit a retired author or an active divine Person? - active divine person
  • Is your pastor "anointed" (Which means "Christed") -umm, aren't we all?
  • Are YOU anointed? (Christed) -oh, answered my own question.
  • Do you have visions? Do you hear God audibly? Have you had a miracle (inexplicable supernatural occurrence) in your life? -yes, yes, yes, but not frequently.
  • Do you consider yourself free now, or that you've exchanged a small cage for your mind and spirit (JWs) for a much larger cage? -hahahaha, very funny. We are all caged by our own preconceptions, heritage, and experiences.
  • Do you study the Bible or rely on someone else to explain it to you? -self study
  • Is the Bible inerrant and infallible in the "original languages and manuscripts"? -no
  • Is it plenarily (fully) inspired right down to the actual words or just inspired in a general way? -general inspiration
  • Are works necessary for salvation? (Ethics, morals, actually obeying Christ's commands) -no
  • Or are works not neccessary, just a nice idea and something to shoot for when you're in a good mood? -no
  • Or are they "the necessary FRUIT of GENUINE conversion"? -I would describe it as evidence. But no man should judge what are fruitful works. Your actions towards good or evil are yours to act on alone, and to discuss with your creator.
  • Who would you most identify with of these three choices? Luther, Calvin, or Zwingli.-Luther
  • Do you believe in free will? Or predestination? -free will.
  • Creationism aka Intelligent Design? Theistic evolution? -no
  • Pacifist or Just War? -just war. My brief first marriage convinced me there are evil people in this world. If I'd been a pacifist I'd be dead. You can't let evil stomp around unhindered.
  • Or do you not concern yourself with these things and Jesus is your Divine Friend? - yes
  • Will Jesus return visibly, bodily, literally? Or...-sure.
  • Does it concern you that Christians and Christianity are divided on every conceivable issue and often at war with each other both literally and figuratively? - loaded question. Try harder. When several pastors formed a prayer group in this city, they found they had very much more in common than different. They could meet weekly, agree on a subject, and pray together in full agreement with each other. Where the unity faltered was in the details. When they tried to organize communion they couldn't. The forms and rituals were too different.
  • I contend that MANKIND has been divided forever, and religion is just a handy excuse. Whenever we gather for mutual comfort and support, being the communal creatures we are, we identify, name, and codify the group's structure and behavior. That way, if another wants to join, we can decide if they are "of our kind" or not, If not, we reject or expel. It's a fine balance between individuality, inclusiveness and group cohesiveness.
  • Are Jews "God's chosen people?" -yes
  • If so, would you consider converting to Judaism? If not, why not, if they are God's chosen people? - no. Because God chose me as I am.
  • Is Bible prophecy being fulfilled in the Middle East? -plah. Dumb excuse for a war.
  • Are we on the verge of Armageddon? -no, on sheer contrariness. Christians waste far too much time worrying about such a thing.
  • Is disease caused by microbes/viruses or evil spirits? -bugs, biology, but not evil spirits.
  • Should we seek medical help or seek divine healing by faith alone? Or a combination? I'll quote a german proverb, "Act as if no prayer will help, and pray as if no act would help."
  • Is Science "out to destroy faith"? -NO
  • Are atheists evil? -no. They are kinda cute.
  • Are scientists "tools of the Devil?" -duh, no.
  • moshe

    No---It was a good dream I had once, being a born again Christian- I think you have to dismiss the scientific discoveries of man's origins to be a Christian.
    Humans who have primitive and later, neolithic men for ancestors were never in need of a saviour to pay the price for their sin- they were never perfect to start with and never had a garden of Eden for God to kick them out of, either. I guess I stopped believing the Jesus story in 1996- 8 years after I stopped believing in the Watchtower as God's mouthpiece to Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Hi Little Toe

    You wrote a number of things I enjoyed reading, particularly:

    "As far as biblical inspiration goes, broadly speaking, I side with Karl Barth and have very eclectic tastes. I think that sacred writings are written by individuals who are inspired much as an artist, and that they resonate with others to further inspire them. To that end it barely matters is the writings are historically or scientifically accurate, as long as they have the desired effect. The hand that points to the moon is not the moon...

    Agreed! Great position on inspiration, and I've used the same analogy vis a vis artists, musicians. It's comforting to read your sanity, and it stirs hope in me that sanity will spread to the fundies. Of course, they then will no longer be fundies.

    "If I had to be pinned down on a theology constrained by the canon of 66 books"

    Nice touch.

    "More personally I suggest: let it go and enjoy the experience of just being. Too much study and pedantic wrangling over words keeps our attention focussed on the hand, instead of the moon..."

    My days of studying Christian theology and world religions are pretty much years behind me. I've been meditating for thirty-thre years a couple of hours a day. Thank you very much for participating! Intelligent, coherent, and well-thought out answers are always appreciated. MM

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    More personally I suggest: let it go and enjoy the experience of just being

    Getting there; trying hard.

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Hi Gill. Yes, I find it oddly funny too. I recall an otherwise highly intelligent evangelical friend who nonchalantly told me that God had changed the weather on the entire planet so that it would be a nice day here when her friends flew in for a visit. MM

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Hi Satanus. No, you're "backslidden" so it doesn't apply. MM

    "As for me and my household we wil serve pastrami on rye"

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Hi Jeff, I understand your answer of "vanilla" and the reasons for it. Goodonyemate. MM

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Hi Serendipity. I'm genuinely sorry to hear that. However, confusion can give rise to searching. Which can give rise to answers that give you peace. I hope thats what happens. Divine blessings to you. MM

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Hi JG. Your answers were very unpredictable, which is very enjoyable! I too was baptized using both forumlas for the same reasons. I too agree with Preterism, as I dont believe in prophecy. Ditto on the M & M's.

    I was Liturgical and Sacramental and a Paedobaptist.

  • -hahahaha, very funny. We are all caged by our own preconceptions, heritage, and experiences.

  • r are they "the necessary FRUIT of GENUINE conversion"? -I would describe it as evidence. But no man should judge what are fruitful works. Your actions towards good or evil are yours to act on alone, and to discuss with your creator.

    Excellent answer.
  • Who would you most identify with of these three choices? Luther, Calvin, or Zwingli.-Luther

    Yeah, probably me too except for his anti-semitism.

    Thanks for a good read! MM
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