Our congregation is buzzing..................

by vitty 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Arthur

    Stay alive til' 75

    Stay alive til' 2075

  • learntoswim
    There is no Armageddon that will annihilate 6.5 billion people,and install Watchtower leaders as world rulers.

    You know full well thats not what they believe.

    At the conventions in the UK, the bethel speaker giving the last talk said there were going to be 3 day conventions next year just like every year.

  • eyeslice

    2 + 2 = 5 This is the sort of reasonong that fuels such rumours.

  • DannyHaszard
    There is no Armageddon that will annihilate 6.5 billion people,and install Watchtower leaders as world rulers.

    You know full well thats not what they believe.
    You know full well thats not what they believe.

    That is what they have taught the only 'variable' is the population goes up.They say that the 'anointed' remnant which is exclusively Watchtower followers will not only rule the world but heaven as well and will 'judge angels'

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Is there really that much difference between one DC location and another?

    No there isn't. The Society provides manuscripts for all the major parts on the DCs. They also assure it's accurate delivery. Back when I was in the know, the society had one elder at each convention, highlighter in hand, following each of the main talks, and making notes and highlighting any place the speaker deviated from the manuscript. Other talks are in outline form, and also rigorously controlled by the CO's and DO's that had oversight of the practice sessions. Some talks are developed more or less at the 'taste' of the speaker, but none of the ones that could convey such significant ideas as suggested here. Individual expressions that deviate from the offficial positions result in actions that will prevent the same speaker from doing so again - and since most elders are just 'theocratic politicians' anyway, they tread carefully in these matters. That is what I've seen anyway.

    Things may have changed in the past few years - but I doubt it would be a loosening of control in this area.


  • DaCheech

    this may bite them in the ass!!!

    If people take this to heart

    = start pioneering

    = make less money

    = contribute less money =

    cannot afford to go to next dc

    = cannot afford to contribute $$$$$$$$

    ============== failure! ==============

  • jeeprube

    I remember the same attitude 5 years ago, and 10 years ago. Everything moves in cycles within the Watchtower Organization.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I asked a witness that still speaks to us about his convention. I told him that I had heard that the witnesses were saying that this could be the last convention. He said that on Sunday afternoon, the speaker said that Jehovah willing, we will see you all here next year but then his family was freaking out when they got home. They were worried and crying about an inactive family member and whether or not she would make it, if the new system came so soon.

    I think it is the subliminal messages that they have encrypted into the talks.


  • DannyHaszard
    They were worried and crying about an inactive family member and whether or not she would make it, if the new system came so soon.

    This exact same drama played out over my auntie Diane in 1962

  • blondie

    Here is an online taping of the 2006 DC. Can you find any statement that there will be no DC next year? BTW, the same information is scrupulously presented at every convention. If not, the speaker is reprimanded.


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