IF they were right

by KW13 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Imagine you woke up in a paradise earth that was inhabited by Jehovahs Witnesses. What would your reaction be? Personally i'd feel sick (if my perfect body would allow that lol) as eternity stuck with them, would be worse than hell.

  • xjwms

    Oh Gawd

    Living with the judgemental elders forever? Shoot me now.

  • KW13

    we may have to, since Jehovah will make sure all the weapons are cleaned up in the New Order!

  • xjwms


    peace at last.

  • daystar

    I'd probably sheer the flock and start my own opposition.

  • unclebruce

    g'day kw,

    A point well lost on the faithful flockers is that such a controlling organiation as the Watchtower Bible and Trap Society is not going to suddenly relinquish sovereignty over peoples lives just because they are now rulers over the entire planet. Quite the opposite is hinted at in much of the literature. There are to be princes ruling over the earth, new scrolls to be opened and speakers in the trees playing Kingdom Melodies every waking hour. The fruit platters will be laced with valium to keep the workers calm and thought police will perform weekly brain scans to ensure uniformity of view.

    It'll be ok though karl, a group of us apostates will be encamped in the mountains preparing to take on the mightly Jah Lords and their zombie warriors ... unc wakes ...uh?

  • mrsjones5

    I would feel like I was in hell, a nightmare, or an episode of The Twilight Zone...no make that The Night Gallery.


  • KW13

    g'day kw, A point well lost on the faithful flockers is that such a controlling organiation as the Watchtower Bible and Trap Society is not going to suddenly relinquish sovereignty over peoples lives just because they are now rulers over the entire planet. Quite the opposite is hinted at in much of the literature. There are to be princes ruling over the earth, new scrolls to be opened and speakers in the trees playing Kingdom Melodies every waking hour. The fruit platters will be laced with valium to keep the workers calm and thought police will perform weekly brain scans to ensure uniformity of view. It'll be ok though karl, a group of us apostates will be encamped in the mountains preparing to take on the mightly Jah Lords and their zombie warriors ... unc wakes ...uh? ------- Maybe we could train the tame lions to nibble at their ears!

  • carla

    And we wouldn't be able to kill ourselves? That would be hell.

  • Honesty

    IF they were right it will take more than an acre of land to feed all of the animals each family will be playing with.

    IF they were right we are in Paradise now because Armageddon took place in 1874 1914 1925 1975

    IF they were right the bible is lying.

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