by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    But they need to be able to CALL you when Armageddon starts!! I mean what if you are at the Mets game or something and cant make it back to the ARK before the DOOR shuts???

    I sure hope Jehovah leaves the power on and the cell phone towers up so the dubs can "stay in touch" LOLOL!

    Control control control

  • Honesty

    Just DA. The elders generally don't call escapees, anyway.

  • FairMind

    When did the WTS make it a rule that you have to give your cell phone number to the elders? I find it hard to believe that they feel entitled to it….just doubting.

  • IP_SEC
    Just DA.


    If everyone up and DA'd there'd be no shunning, no JCs, no new light, no JWs.

  • JT

    When did the WTS make it a rule that you have to give your cell phone number to the elders? I find it hard to believe that they feel entitled to it….just doubting.


    it has NEVER been a "rule" it is an example of another one of the nuances that exist in WT world

    when an elder ask for such information a good jw merely considers that the bro are looking out for me, and thay i am working with Jehovahs arrangment

    i read to many post where former jw make such statements "This is a rule" and jw will come behind you and blow you out of the wate as being dead wrong

    instead former jw need to explain that this while not a Written rule is just another example of the many "Unwritten rules and Understandings" that a good jw fully understands and complies with

    you have a an avg joe blow and annie mae publisher being asked by the PO

    Sister we are putting together a list for the elders and books study conductors to contact the friend in an emergency, Could i have your Cell phone ?

    now her she is standing in front of 3 other jw and she says "No i ain't giving you my number"

    please someone tell me out of a Hall of 130 publishers how many jw will challenge such a PO

    heck look at the title of this thread "BE AFRAID OF THE ELDERS!!!"

    and for that reason this is why and elder would not give it a second thought to ask for a cell number and the avg jw would not think twice and actually give it to him in a heart beat

    jw live in fear of displeasing god and the quickest way to displease god that every jw knows is to disrespect is Representives, the Elders

    it is th WT System that makes this type of stuff work

    so fully explain this folks cause if you dont the jw will come behind you , blow you out of the water and your excellent point of how the wt controls folks will be lost

    just my 2

  • codeblue

    JT...great to see you posting again!!! Hope all is well for you and the Mrs.!

    When I was a loyal JW....I turned myself in after my divorce for something that bothered my conscience with my ex I soon realized that giving ANY information was a huge mistake. I saw how...: gee Sister Faithful we love you and you need more shepherding visits cause your unfaithful husband left and you need ton of shepherding visits (which I never got.....what a joke) to: YOU need counseling. I cried and said: I am so lonely I have NO friends in this KH. They said: YOU need to find your own friends..go to another KH!!!

    Can't you just feel the LOVE?

    That's when I realized they don't deserve ANY information from me on ANYTHING again.


  • Scully

    The Elders™ only have power over you if you give it to them.

    Empower yourself: withhold information from the elders. What they don't know can't come back to bite you in the @$$.

    Information is a very valuable commodity. So is your freedom and your privacy. Those three commodities are closely related to each other. If you guard your personal and private information like a treasure, the Elders™ can control neither your freedom nor your privacy.

    It boils down to not trusting ANYONE among the JWs, because they all have the potential to throw you to the Elders™ wolves if they need to in order to save their own @$$es.

  • jayhawk1

    I don't have a cell phone, but when I left for good, I changed my phone number and unlisted it. No Elder calls for me.

  • JH

    I remember when I joined the JW's, I used to change phone number every now and then and even had a confidential number for a while. I had to pay more for that, buy I had peace for a while, until a ms or elder or friend asked me my number once more. They even had a telephone list of everyone in the congregation and made copies for everyone.

    Each time my phone rang, it was to ask me for something, like would you give a lift to broher x or would you mow the lawn or we need your car to go to the assembly. Never did they offer me something to my advantage.

  • FairMind
    It boils down to not trusting ANYONE among the JWs, because they all have the potential to throw you to the Elders™ wolves if they need to in order to save their own @$$es.

    Never a truer statement spoken (or written). No JW I know truly trusts the elders or even fellow JWs with too much personal information. I used to trust them but found that honesty and openness on my part always resulted in negative action toward me by the Shepherds. They are there to enforce WTS dogma and not to help the sheep.

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