by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Finally_Free, you miss the point. Re-read JT's post. He (as usual) hits the nail on the head!

  • Dismembered

    Doc Holiday said it best in Wyatt Earp.

    "They ("elders") can all kiss my rebel dick."


  • minimus

    Doc said that?? Sounds like something you know who would say.

  • Dismembered

    That's true Min.


  • Finally-Free
    Finally_Free, you miss the point. Re-read JT's post. He (as usual) hits the nail on the head!

    Minimus, I think YOU miss the point. Re-read YOUR OWN post, which is what I was responding to. You stated that:

    The elders now have the right to be involved in every facet of a Witnesses' life!

    Just because elders want information does not mean they "have the right to be involved in every facet of a Witnesses' life!" Not because they say so - not because you say so. Wanting authority is not the same as having it. I stand by my statement. The assertion I quoted is complete, total, and absolute bullshit.


  • karen96

    I agree with most of the others: You empower them. Just don't give them your number.

    There was one elder in my old cong that needed to know everything about everyone. When my ex and I were dating, he demanded to know what the status of our relationship was (only a few close friends knew we were really dating). My ex had looked up an old WT (1964 i think) that said people in the cong should not ask about a dating couples' relationship. When I cited the WT to him (a big no-no for a sister!), he was flabbergasted! He came to me thinking I would crumble under the "headship" BS and tell him. When he kept insisting, I told him to talk to the brother he was inquiring about then, I have nothing to say!

    These days, information is a mighty powerful tool. Guard yours carefully!


  • minimus

    IF you want to be considered rebellious, sure, an active JW can do whatever they want and no one could tell them differently. The majority of "good" Witnesses will adhere to the "requests" of the elders. if an announcement was made to have all those in your bookstudy of maybe 15 see the Book Study Overseer right after the meeting to get your blood cards and SIGN them in front of witnesses-----all "loyal" JWs would sign----even if they were not 1000% sold on the blood directive. After all, how would you LOOK in front of all the others. You'd raise suspicions. So you go along with the flow. I know----I felt this way at the very end. Peer pressure and acceptance is what it's all about. The elders will take you "in the backroom" if they feel you're not following the "Slave's direction". And that's no "bullshit".

  • JH

    Basically, the elders give themselves the power to go beyond privacy. And when everybody is doing what the elders ask, it's hard to do the opposite.

    But I also understand what you mean Finally_free, I was rebellious too and didn't appreciate when the elders wanted personal information. Often I changed phone number after giving them my number. I prefered to pay for a new number rather than tell the elders, my number is none of your business.

  • minimus

    JH, the point is, you did give the elders your number----unwillingly. You would give the number but you'd change it and even pay for it because you wanted your privacy. It's the peer pressure that takes over. How would you look if you said, NO. I'M NOT GIVING YOU MY NUMBER!"??? Of course, if you're mindset is ready to split, then you might easily tell the elders what you think.

  • JH
    How would you look if you said, NO. I'M NOT GIVING YOU MY NUMBER

    Nothing less than MUTINY

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