Last Assembly ever!

by montana96 34 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • stevenyc
    Ask her if she is willing to put that in writing and then sign and date it.

    If she refuses, call her on her Bull Sht.

    Ah, now that would be 'testing Jehovah'.


  • Warlock

    It's already in writing. Check out the pre-1975 W.T. Mags.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Not really Stevenyc, especially since JR Brown stated that they (WT) are not spirit directed or inspired. (LDHs interview)

    They'd be testing the Society - and every JW should be told the difference! and how BEHIND THE TIMES THEY ARE on their spiritual food.


  • Confession

    Years ago I remember my mother telling me how she and my father laughed at the idea my big brother (now 53 years old) would ever have to go into Kindergarten.

    They laughed.

  • itsallgoodnow

    and now it's our turn to laugh.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I've heard the jw who works in my office talking this way, but I didn't take much notice, I've heard it before. Personally, my last dc was in 2004, and there won't be another one.

  • blondie

    Every year they say, "this COULD be the last convention." Big difference, but so many JWs are desperately been hoping for the end, are getting older, getting sick, dying.


  • Confession
    Personally, my last dc was in 2004, and there won't be another one.

    That was my last too, FullOfDoubtNow. I was DFd at the time, and spending the convention, sitting in my car, listening to the program over the radio at the Pontiac Silverdome, with my laptop out, researching the many things that had begun to bother me.

    Within a few months' time I finally woke up. My last meeting was in May of 2005.

  • Elsewhere
    Every year they say, "this COULD be the last convention." Big difference, but so many JWs are desperately been hoping for the end, are getting older, getting sick, dying.

    Next year COULD be the end of the world

    Next year COULD be the time an asteroid hits the earth

    Next year COULD be the time scientists discover penguins living on top of Mt. Everest

    Next your COULD be the time someone catches a Big Foot

    Next year COULD be the time a UFO lands on the White House lawn

    Next year COULD be the time a black hole consumes the earth

    Next year COULD be the time the Invisible Pink Unicorn reveals herself to the world

    Next year COULD be the time when someone invents an anti-gravity flying car

    Next year COULD be the time................

  • damselfly

    They can't be too sure that' it's the last one or my mom would have called me by now, begging me to repent.


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