I miss the "free" food.

by Justice-One 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    I miss the "free" food

    Yaah...free food...yippeee! unless you were assigned KP...like I was some years.

    I remember working in the "real" kitchens...hotter'n Christendom's hell, stinky, nasty. And then later when we quit serving hot food and went to sandwiches, I worked on the hoagie line...only because I wanted to get next to some hottie sister that I had a crush on. Sitting here typing this, I can smell those damn hoagies...

  • Finally-Free
    But I did love to get the frozen orange juice in the morning and eat it with a spoon.

    I forgot about that, but ours was the same. Pudding was usually frozen solid too. And those egg-muffin things! They had no yolks!

    One thing I missed was the chocolate sundays at the circuit assemblies. I'd eat 3 of the damn things, and wouldn't donate a cent.


  • Beep,Beep

    "And you would not believe how wasteful I was. I remember one time I got 5 hoggies, and took one bite out of each."

    Yeah I remeber your kind, first to the food and take all you wanted without any concern for others.I remember your kind then throwing said food out at the end of the day. What a waste!

  • karen96

    My first trips to the AH, they served chicken breast, potatoes and corn - that was good! I loved the danish too, but I always brought my own Dunkin' Donuts coffee, couldn't stand their swill. I guess that was before the came down on bringing in fast food stuff.


  • BluesBrother

    Reminiscence Time!

    I never remember food in the UK on a contribution basis, we paid in advance for these little tickets that you exchanged for the food - after they stopped taking money, that is.

    In the good old days, what fun, cooking up bacon rolls , serving ice creams both soft and scoop varieties, working a doughnut making machine and eating the miss shapes. Childhood memories of cold dinners in compartment trays where your custard would mingle with your gravy!

    Then all of a sudden, the food was gone and was lauded as a "simplified arrangement." Bastards.

    I wrote a letter to the Society, some time before I quit. Then as a serving elder I respectfully reminded them that Assemblies were all about the experience of being there and having a part , rather than sitting and listening. I got a patronizing reply.

    When the dubs I know get together , they say exactly the same as we do...

  • Justice-One

    Yeah I remeber your kind, first to the food and take all you wanted without any concern for others.I remember your kind then throwing said food out at the end of the day. What a waste!

    My kind? Hey it was a protest ok? I hated being there, and wanted to make them pay somehow for screwing with my life, my family and ....what don't they screw with?

    Yeah, my kind. You still sound like a good little wittness.

    LOL. I NAILED that one. Go look at Beep Beep profile!! He is a good little witness, or wannabee. From his profile...." I am tired of seeing good people maligned just because they are Witnesses. I have no arguement with them" Your either lucky or blind to what is going on around you. But you should be able to see that many people DO have a problem with them and their false teachings. You know, I'm sure that there were those that thought Hitler was an OK guy to, and had no problem with him. He was still an evil man.
  • Warlock

    STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are all making me hungry!!!!!! I forgot about the chicken sandwiches, burritos and the muffin egg. I can taste the hoggies right now and the corn chips with a shasta cola on the side.

    I hate you all!!!!!!!!! JUST KIDDING. I really love you all, for this stroll down memory lane.

    We only got ice cream at the C.A.'s



    I remember the old days when they actually served hot food.

    In fact, I think I remember someone staing that the food sales were what covered the expenses of the Assemblies & Conventions.

    The day the Society began "simplifying" food service, was the day that people should have gotten the idea that they don't care about the R&F.

    Now, you have to lug you lunch in with everything else? Sorry, but that is so not cool.

    Last year my wife & I went to a Saturday session of the DC in Long Beach, CA (quite by accident). We got to Long Beach around noon and while walking around the downtown area, I saw a bunch of teens in ties. I remarked to her that there must be a JW convention. We then caught the trolley bus that takes you to the new retail/restaurant center in Long Beach, and saw the marquis announcing the JW convention. We ate, and then walked over to the Convention center. I wanted to show her around.

    She was never a JW, and commented that the JWs looked rather unhappy to be there. I said do you blame them. They have to sit in those seats all day. They can't leave for lunch (though some picnic on the grass outside). They have to do this all day. That there is no child care for the babies or little children (I explained the WT hierarchy to her). She stated that it was sad the way the JWs treat their kids, and how the Society treats the people.

    She said that they all looked like zombies. That they had neutral faces or frowns. She commented that she rarely had seen so many sad faces at what should be a happy event.

    A couple of months later we attended a conference for the movement that our church is a part of, and the atmosphere as much more festive. Parents had the option of keeping their children in the arena or sending them to child care. Most importantly, we could eat where ever we wished.

  • LittleToe


    I remember those days well....but more as a youngster;...

    B*st*rd!!! LOL

  • Dune

    My mom used to give me the roast beef sandwhiches and take the tasty hoagies, god i hated roast beef :-(.

    My favorite part was after eating those nasty roast beef she let me get ice cream.

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