OMG Spray Tan Disaster !!!!

by Sirona 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ballistic
    Can I just say that if you are ever naked, don't go near a bubbling pot of pasta!!!

    LOL Sirona. I find this a problem every year when turning the sausages on Mike's BBQ!

  • Crumpet

    hmm must have blacked out during the baliistic at the bbq episode - i remember us drinking and smoking there - just not turning meat!

    Sirona - hon - you had my in hysterics and i have just put my Piz Buin back on the shelf - it always works out badly and so I'm coming flakey white and brown - I'll be hash not-so browns to your streaky bacon! LT can supply the beans!

  • lost_light06

    Try bathing in a tub full of bacon grease and used kitty litter. It won't remove it but your resulting smell will distract any attention to the tan.

  • Sirona
    I'll be hash not-so browns to your streaky bacon! LT can supply the beans!



    I'm finally clothed! We'll have to see how the morning shower helps with this disasterous bronzing nightmare!

    At least I'll be unique...


  • Sirona

    I can't believe it. I just discovered that the soles of my feet are JET BLACK.

    There was tan stuff all over the floor and it must have dyed my feet LOL

    Off to scrub my feet....where's that salt?


  • LittleToe
  • tijkmo

    ha ....reminds me of the friends episode where ross goes to get fake tanned..

    oh and dont fry an egg naked either

  • LittleToe

    That episode isn't near as good as the one where he gets his teeth whitened LOL

  • lonelysheep

    OMG Sirona!! Thank you for sharing...too funny!

    I've accepted my paleness and gave up trying to tan at all.

    I just discovered that the soles of my feet are JET BLACK.
    Oh no-there's more to it! So sorry!
  • Stephanus
    Right now I look like streaky bacon!

    Mmmmmmm, bacon!

    I'm calming down somewhat, but I'm still here naked

    Bacon, and a naked chick posting - what's NOT for a bloke to like about this thread??

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