To disassociate or not?

by elliej 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balsam

    Writing letters to all your friends family about your reasons for leaving is a very good idea if you decide to disassociate or are disfellowshipped.

    I was disf'ed back in 2001 but I sent letter to those I was closest too to explain why. I only regret I didn't send all families in two congregations who knew me very well. Because some didn't know it still caused rumors to circulate that were totally un-true. Living in a different area than your home congregation though is wonderful because the JW's where you live really don't know you.


  • elliej
    This is exactly how I felt back in 2002. For me, DA'ing was an important symbolic act. Wiping the slate clean, severing all ties. If this is your intention, then I think it's a good idea.

    I think this is exactly how I feel. When I was first studying with the JW's they told me that I had to write to the Catholic Church and tell them that I wanted to be removed from their membership rolls. Whatever. At the time, I thought that was the dumbest thing I had ever heard, and while I told them that I did it, I really didn't. I just admitted that to my husband and he was shocked!

    Now I don't think its so dumb. And if it makes things worse, well I doubt they could really say too much worse than they have been. Unfortunately, it is part of my husbands family who have said the worst. Seems they have been waiting a long time to cast me in a pretty bad light.

  • juni

    Sorry to hear that Ellie.

    I was just going to post what you had said already and that is when you are studying and say you are wanting to progress, they encourage you to write a letter to take you off your former church's membership roll.

    Well, why shouldn't they expect the same? Though w/them it's like you've just become slime of the earth and they have to cut you off. With the church, they wish you well and if you change your mind you're welcome back. They leave the door open; the Society slams the door in your face and then expects you to crawl on your knees and jump through hoops before they'd consider you again as one of them. And during the process of coming back former brothers and sisters look at you like you are a hardened criminal. No thanks.


  • evergreen

    To disassociate or not? That is the question

    Over the past 2 weeks i have been giving this some serious thought. For me it is not about handing in a DA letter. It is more the fact i have a number of family members who are JWs that worry me most. I fear that some of these ones who are very close family will follow their brainwashed conscience and shun me.

    I do however feel that it will come to a head as i just dont get anything from the meetings. I miss so many meetings even though i had genuinly made an effort to go back for personal reasons. I want to be close to God, that is all. I can read the scriptures and they give me so much comfort. But then i attend a meeting and i feel absolutely nothing!

    The fact i know so much about what has gone in their past, the fact i dont agree with them on so many of their teachings, the fact i feel a hypocrite by practicing things like birthdays is driving me to the point that as a matter of principle, i would rather be totally up front and give them a letter to dissacociate.

    I am very much on the brink of doing this as i am becoming far more open in my views about their teachings in front of others. Today for example, to the horror of 2 of my close relatives i handed another relative a present with a birthday card. I was not in the least bit bothered about what they thought even though i could tell from their reactions that they wernt happy. I know i am backing myself into a corner on this isuue.

    I hope one day just to come out with it and get it over with.

  • FreedomForAll

    Sorry for the crap you and your family are going through, Ellie.

    I respect why you might want to do the DA. For my wife and I it helped with closure, moving on, and finally an attempt to clarify that this was totally our decision to leave, not theirs. Not a gradual "weakening" and running away that in their eyes may look like we were too ashamed to face them, "causing" a DF on their part. I realize that apathy (not "playing by their rules" as poztate noted) probably represents an emotionally stronger reaction and/or being "over it", but this felt better for us. Possibly for similar reasons as yours, since we also had tons of family and friends inside and yes, it did matter a smidgen what they thought. At least the basics. If rumours etc continue to fly after that, so be it. At least you've made your statement.

    Since you expressed some interest in "maintain(ing) certain family relationships", perhaps another reason for the DA is to keep these options open - if not now, in the future? If so, perhaps sending the formal DA to the congregation that describes the real "truth" of your situation, and including copies of this DA in personal letters to those you still care about (the poor fools) can help this. In those letters you may extend a hand, if they want it. For example, while you are firm in your decision, that doesn't alter your love for them. And suggest they let you know to what degree, if any, they are able to sustain the relationship, so that unspoken assumptions aren't made blah blah blah. Maybe this only applies to a few, or maybe none at all and it's time to burn all bridges. But if this is a consideration for you, then if all they hear is a DF announcement and no further contact from you they may think you're not interested. If no one makes the first move you may all go to your graves with no further contact (sorry, don't mean to sound morbid). Maybe that's the best for you anyway (in some cases no relationship is better than a painful relationship with a loved one). But as others have said you have to do what you feel is right for you. As with many things, no one course is best for everyone.

    Your initial question asked what harm might come from this. I don't know, maybe you'll look needy or apologetic, etc which you may feel is worse than "no comment"? But you might cover that by stating your reason for the letter at the beginning (e.g. to dispel any false rumours). Can't think of anything drastic. As far as I know they don't have an underground extermination squad who'll take care of you, though (not 'til Armageddon, right? harhar). Or else they just haven't got around to us yet!

    So if you do go through with it, don't worry about the reactions. You're only being honest. Just get it off your chest and be done with it. You go girl!!

  • serendipity

    Welcome freedom!

  • Poztate
    For me it is not about handing in a DA letter. It is more the fact i have a number of family members who are JWs that worry me most. I fear that some of these ones who are very close family will follow their brainwashed conscience and shun me.

    Evergreen...From your post I can see you are still in conflict. My advice to you is to settle down.Don't worry about declaring yourself DF"ED or DA"ed.Just say you want time for yourself and you will get back to them.That will give you breathing space for a little while.

    I realize that apathy (not "playing by their rules" as poztate noted) probably represents an emotionally stronger reaction and/or being "over it", but this felt better for us. Possibly for similar reasons as yours, since we also had tons

    Freedomforall...You got to do it your way More power to you.

  • jwfacts

    If you are already being shunned then it is nice to d/a yourself, it really brings closure to the part of your life. You can then stop hiding, stop being afraid of who sees you doing what and thinking twice before you speak. You can go on and live your life as you see fit.

    In the process of D/A you can also send all your friends and family a well thought out letter clearly explaining why you made that choice. Possibly someone will read it and over time they will come to understand you and look into things as well.

  • stevenyc

    elliej, You have moved away from your old congregation. Don't worry about the new one. You have no ties to them, and remember, they are a bunch of misguided, however well meaning, people. My advise would be to become unavailable at any time. Dont give them anything. They will give up the chase. Even if they knock at your door, if you do not say a single word, however hard it may be, they have nothing. And will get bored with you and leave you alone.

  • stevenyc

    Although, I'll have to add, I agree with jwfacts. In that, if it was me, now, dealing with this, I'd tell them to go F*** themselves. steve

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