BOE Letter re. Pornography

by doinmypart 68 Replies latest members adult

  • itsallgoodnow

    so, what does the BOE do to find this out? ask the brothers to complete little surveys? question them? I'm sure some of them are going to see it as their duty to question each and every brother. That would be unbelieveable. I guess you gave up your rights at the door, huh.

  • silentWatcher

    But you must remember that Watchtower leaders still don't really view child molestation and related things as crimes.


    good point. but, then again there are some states in the US that don't make it mandatory that clergy report
    accused child molestors to the police. I know that doesn't absolve the Witnesses of the moral obligation of reporting,
    but there shouldn't be an option.


  • LDH

    This whole obsession with porn reminds me of something.....

    When my daughter was about 3, she said "Shit." I gently chided her that she could not say that word because she was not an adult blah blah blah.

    She immediately focused on it like a laser beam and began a monologue, "Mommy, I won't say SHIT again because SHIT is a bad word and if I say SHIT then that doesn't sound very nice because SHIT is a word only adults can use and children can't say SHIT because if they do they will get in trouble for saying SHIT, right?"

    At the time I just looked at her because it was a brilliantly simple way of saying SHIT while avoiding trouble by agreeing with me. Smart@$$.

    The WT has said more about PORN lately than I have ever seen. They have defined PORN, talked about PORN, discussed how PORN should be handled. This allows them to discuss that 'disgusting' PORN like spiritual giants, when really they're just getting their rocks off.

    You can guarantee EVERYONE in the congregation is discussing PORN, much like my 3 year old discussed SHIT.

    It is legal titillation in the minds of those pharisees..


  • Mary
    Why not concentrate on the real issues, child molesters, wife beaters (Vitty's sage words)

    Ironically, these two crimes seem to be the only areas where they DON'T disfellowship you.......and these are the things that I'm sure everyone would agree, should be a disfellowshipping offence!

    Okay can't help thinking these elders are getting their sexual fantasies filled with this sh_t. They get off with the images of all the details of the porn, then they disfellowship the other guy while they say they were just doing their job.

    Of course they are. I can imagine there's several trips to the bathroom after they've finished interogating some poor sap about what websites they're visiting.

    BTW, LMAO @ Rabbit's real mock Judicial Meeting !!!

  • ballistic

    I would love to have this web site maximised on my screen when the elders turn up to see what they say...

    click... it's not porn.

  • Mary
    click... it's not porn.

    Ya right.........

  • ballistic


  • luna2

    Ah, ballistic. I'm at work and cannot take the risk. LOL

  • sir82
    Does the BOE letter not even entertain the possibility that "sisters" could be viewing porn?

    Quite simply, the GB doesn't give a flying fig what the "sisters" do. Men are of paramount importance, they are the princes of the earth, the glorious ones, the ones taking the lead, etc. ad nauseum...

    A sister has no privileges to lose, other than perhaps being a pioneer.

    Plus, the goofiness of these types of letters is quite often more easily understood when you remember that the mind-set of the Society is still in the 1950's. In the 50's, per the cliches, women were supposed to be chaste and loyal homemakers...who on earth would think a woman would look at porn???

  • Narkissos

    LOL @ ballistic. (I clicked).

    Btw Mary's first post on this thread was absolutely hilarious.

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