BOE Letter re. Pornography

by doinmypart 68 Replies latest members adult

  • sammielee24

    hmmmmmmm.....this is just too much! Could we have a clear definition of all the terms in the manual now? According to the WT define soft core vs hard core - cos lets face it to a JW - hard core could be Janet Jacksons nipple without the ring over it - after all it's gotta be the nip that gets the brothers excited. Does it mean that the Man Show is banned? All that jumping and breast movement could get a man hot and really bothered.....and I have to wonder - where do football games come in? Beauties kicking their heels up at half time might cause a brother to stumble - it might be the beginning of a downward slide () into the seedy world of porn! Now I gotta ask this seriously - how many guys have watched the commercials for Girls Gone Wild or in fact watched the Man Show? I know of a lot of them - so do we turn everyone in now for greedily viewing obscene amounts of female flesh? How many times can you 'accidently' flick past those shows and commercials before it becomes an offense? Could we also have more explanation on the bondage issue? Will there be soft bondage and hard bondage? If we use the furry little cuffs does that count? You mean we have to sell the 4 poster now? Cripes - now it just won't be at Christmas the spies will be looking for in your house for evidence of wrong doing - they'll be checking out what kind of sheets you buy and put on the bed. Let's face it - a 600 count fine Egyptian cotton might lead you to sleeping with greediness cos they feel so good and that feeling good and sleeping might leave you so well rested that gee - you might get to feeling frisky and then dang! dontcha know it but you might be wanting more sex and now all cos of those sheets we have to call a JC cos you are having sex with greediness.............sammieswife

  • MidwichCuckoo
    What type of porn.... Effect on wife

    What if you watch a home porn movie of yourself WITH your wife........maybe someone who's still in would like to confuse confess to the elders with that one.

  • Pistoff

    This comes from a bunch of old men who never got enough when they wanted it, and are so afraid of sex that they project their fear onto 6 million people.

    If a husband and wife can HAVE sex, how can watching it be wrong?

  • undercover
    "If an appointed servant inadvertantly comes across a pornographic image while on the Internet, or in some other way, and he reports this to an elder,

    What stupid moron would do that?? If you're just surfing the net and "inadvertantly" came across a porno image, it hardly constitutes "viewing pornography" and it's not something to confess over.

    But, on second thought...a deeper, more conspiratorial idea crossed my mind. What if, say Joe Publisher is surfing the net, looking up info about a medical procedure he's going to undergo and he "inadvertantly" came across a dirty picture. He immediately closes the image but later while in field service he mentions in passing to Brother Bigshot that while surfing the net he came across the image and was disgusted at how easy it was to access this.

    Brother Bigshot, an elder, remembers the new counsel and calls together some other elders and they then follow whatever procedure as dictated by the WTS. They meet with Joe, tell him he's not in trouble, but since he "saw" the image, they have to give him counsel. Along the way, not only do they counsel him about porno, but about his use of the Internet.

    Bingo! There it is. Another way of policing the use of the Internet by the friends from the WTS. If they can come up with all this crap about what is or isn't uncleanness or major consequence in view porn, and knowing that most people with a front to uphold are going to view their porn online, then this allows them an inroad on how to monitor what habits the JWs have with using the Internet.

    Of course, it won't work with the fringe dubs whose conscience is not properly trained by the WTS, but those who try to be good little dubs but fall short and run to the elders every time they whack off to a picture of a girl making come-hither faces and has her top off, it's going to scare them away from the Internet altogether. And that's what they want.

    When people are out to get you, paranoia is just good thinking...

  • PrimateDave

    Soft core?

    Topless babe selling Makita orbital power sanders on a sailboat (wicked fast vibration will keep you coming back for more!)
    Victoria's Secret Catalogs
    Demi Moore with painted on suit on a magazine cover
    The underwear section of the JC Penney catalog
    The movie "The Blue Lagoon"
    National Geographic Magazines featuring Amazonian tribal peoples
    Muscle and Flex magazines

    Anyone else want to add to the above listing?
    People can and do use just about anything to fuel sexual fantasies. I remember reading once that the Shakers painted their furniture because it was believed by them that wood grain could excite the passions. On the other hand, it is reported that the Trobriand Islanders let their young people freely explore sexuality. It is claimed that they have none of the mental neuroses of Western Society. Do your own research on this because I'm just stating what I have heard. It makes me wonder: Does the prohibition cause the problem which in turn reinforces the notion that a prohibition is needed?
    I do not agree with the objectification that pornography represents, but I think our 'thought control' culture causes unnatural sexual stress. Many find pornography useful to help relieve that stress, like the alcoholic seeks relief from stress through drunkeness.
    Here is an interesting link:


  • juni

    These "brothers" (elders) have become like the priest in the confessional. Only much worse - no privacy or confidentiality.

    It's more control by this ruthless org. No one should hear your confessions but God himself. I really think they must "get off" with this information. It's none of their business.


    One of the problems w/all of this is that there are some elders who have it in for some so will be very nitpicky. Others will be confused by all of this crap and not know what to do but to be safe they'll be harsh and unbending so as to cover their butts. What ever happened to Bible principles???? This is pharasaical at its finest.

  • carlitos

    Does the word "Pharisee" mean anything to these people? They "stack" law on top of law not realizing that they take away any free will that a free minded person might have. To think that at one time I would actually would feel ashamed enough to tell some stranger what I would come across on the internet. You definitely have to be a mentally shallow person to even continue in this farse of a religion.

  • vitty

    This just makes me sick..........for crying out loud, they tie themselves up in so many knots, its like reading Leviticus.

    Why not concentrate on the real issues, child molesters, wife beaters..................No wonder so many Jews ( that was my auto spell check......:LOL ) JWs think they are perverted, and confess, they think a little bit of porn is so evil, they confuse perversion with normal curiosity.

    After we stopped going to meetings we did watch the "unwatchable stuff" after a little while it became boring and now we dont bother. Its the unforbidden fruit scenario.

    I know there is a problem with porn addiction...............but the WT shows itself to be be far more sick...yuck

  • vitty

    I know a case where a sister divorced her husband cos he watched porn and mastabated ( never mind that he molested her daughter but that's another story ) she told her friend who also wanted to divorce her hubby, her elders would entertain the case said it wasnt fornication........umm. Never mind that her hubby was also engaged in inappropriate behaviour towards a 12 year old girl and of course hes still classed as a witness in good standing..................and this is still ongoing........

  • juni
    Why not concentrate on the real issues, child molesters, wife beaters (Vitty's sage words)

    I agree Vitty.

    Because these ARE real issues and they don't have the guts to do what's right.

    These porn issues are like the tabloid crap; they're attention grabbers. Wake up the drowsy flock to get them back to listening. Sounds to me like one of the chief honchos in Brooklyn is on a roll w/this. Probably has his own hang ups.


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