by badboy 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    I dont think i actually like any of them

    but i know i hated the Revelation book, who can understand it really


  • badboy


  • MsMcDucket

    I hated it all.

  • juni

    I see so many of you "enjoyed studying" the Greatest Man book. I was out when this was printed.

    Maybe I should go to the nearest Hall when they study it again since it so interesting??


  • under_believer

    juni, you'd be better off just reading the Gospels instead. The only reason everyone liked the Greatest Man book so much is because it's just a straight Gospel retelling with pictures. No prophecy (ok very little prophecy.) Just Jesus.

  • juni

    Really UB? Sounds like a nice book to have. As long as it doesn't give "their" slant on things.



  • fullofdoubtnow

    The Revelation Book, the first time around, was really hard to follow, and it never got any easier. Some of the things in the daniel book were just crazy as well. I enjoyed the Greatest Man book though.

  • under_believer

    Juni, it has a bit of their slant. Not too bad, it doesn't infest the book like an invasive cancer. It's more like a tumor you can rip out or ignore. The worst JW-wise chapter is 111, "Sign of the Last Days." Here's an excerpt.

    *** gt chap. 111 Sign of the Last Days *** In the major fulfillment of the sign, the disgusting thing is the League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations. This organization for world peace is viewed by Christendom as a substitute for God’s Kingdom. How disgusting! In time, therefore, the political powers associated with the UN will turn on Christendom (antitypical Jerusalem) and will desolate her.

    So, yeah, the bad stuff is still in there. Honestly? It's a good book for JWs, but there have been much better books written about Jesus.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    "The book I hated the most - the new learn from the great teacher book (or something like that), It is specifically geared to young ones in the Witness faith. My kids who were maybe around 8 and 10 when it came out, came to me one day and asked what a vulva was?
    Apparently they picked it up from that book. I don't remember what page it was one but apparently, knowing full well they are running a pedophile paradise, the society put a warning of sorts into this book for kids to not let anyone touch their penis or vulva as it is bad in Jehovah's eyes. Does anyone remember this or have a copy they could scan for us? What is interesting is the "bad guy" shown in the book kneeling by a young ones bed is dressed like a Jehovah's Witness!
    Anyway, I screamed and yelled and asked my hubby what the hell does any of this have to do with Jehovah or Jesus or spiritual truth? I mean I was furious that this type of material was in a book that is supposed to teach bible lessons to kids. I thought, this is sick. my hubby gave me the stock JW answer as a MS that at least the society is trying to protect young ones in the congregation. He thought it was wonderful. I said If I want my kids to know what a vulva is - I will teach them myself. It also confirmed for me that the pedophile problem was much bigger than the society would admit to the r&f and knew full well about it."
    lovelylil, I can appreciate your comments here. Having your kids come to you with those questions must have been shocking for you. And I agree that it is your right and responsibility to teach your own children about their bodies. From my experience though, many parents, jw and non-jw do not do so, and leave their children vulnerable to sexual predators.
    While it may be hypocritical on the part of an organization that protects pedophiles, I found this section of the new "Great Teacher" book to be very useful and was happy when it came out. Many jw parents have no idea how to talk about sexual matters and this provided something that would at least open up a dialogue with the intention of protecting children from predators (even within their own org).
    This information is not just for jw's. It's being used in the field ministry as well. An elder and I had the opportunity to study this information with a few kids in the territory before I disassociated. We discussed the matter with their mother first to get her permission. I was amazed she hadn't talked to them about sexual matters yet. Her kids were 6 and 9 at the time. Anyhow, she said it would be okay to study that chapter with them and we invited her to sit in on the study too. She did. And although it was a little uncomfortable for us at points, it was information I'm glad those kids got. If they hadn't gotten it by that point, I wondered when they would have.
    You asked, "what the hell does any of this have to do with Jehovah or Jesus or spiritual truth?"
    It doesn't. It's merely the only platform jws know of to get information across. And while it may not be the best way to do so, I still think the information is valuable.
    tall penguin

  • Brigid

    I'll have to throw my vote in here:

    Worst: All of them were pretty bad. Hated the puke green books, though I've blocked all they were about.

    "Best" (and we're speaking relatively, here): The Greatest Man book. In fact, I have kept it as a sort of memorial. Because it was with this book that I began a private spiritual exercise. I would only read Jesus' actual words from the gospels (my dad had left an old red lettered King James Version), and along with reading the prophets, it began my slow ascent out of the organization. Just realizing how out of line the wts teachings were from the prophets, including the greatest one of Christianity, Jesus, made me think about a lot of things.


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