The DaVinci Code -- overreaction or a chance to rumble?

by cruzanheart 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrus

    NO suprise the RAG HEADS ARE UPSET AGAIN .I these muslims spent as much time living for thier faith insteads of dying for it the world would probably be more tolerant of thier disgusting practices

  • kazar

    I also read the book and just saw the movie yesterday. I thought it was very entertaining; having been a Catholic before I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses probably made the movie more appealing to me than most of the public. Sort of like being on the outside looking in for a change.

  • Kenneson

    It's replete with misrepresentations. But what else can you expect? It's fiction, people.

  • osmosis

    OMG cyrus I can't believe you said that.. not saying I disagree, just that I can't believe you SAID that.

  • Eyebrow2

    Just saw the movie tonight, read the book a while ago.

    I was disapointed that they downplayed the church's role in the movie, as opposed the book...but, yeah it is fiction, so I think it is total over reaction by people to get all hot and bothered.

    But, then again, if I were still a Christian, I would probably have been at least a little offended that someone DARE say that Christ wasn't more than a man, and what the holy grail was actually supposed to be. (don't want to give away to much for those that didn't read the book or see the movie.)

    On another note, if I ever make a movie, I think I want Opie to direct it. He did a good job.

  • bem

    Eyebrow 2 I agree Opie is a great director. Seen the movie tonight and it is a great movie. I think some people were upset and walked out and one man yelled out blasphemy near the end. I told my son they had to do that so they could say yes I watched it but this is what I did, or what I said. Now I need to read the book.

    ~ Dorothy

  • EAGLE-1

    A fictional account of a fictional account.

    But I do wonder if someone could go for 30 plus years without feeling like a watchtower (not the rag) was in their robe....Schwing..........

  • czarofmischief

    Remember the Satanic Verses? Not a very good book and would have faded into nothing if the Ayatollah hadn't launched the most violent PR campaign in history. EVERYONE knows who Salman Rushdie is now!

    I've often thought that Christians and Muslims had more in common than not. I mean, they both frown on drinking, on jazz, try to push their religious views via political channels. Even Jews have more of the same moral objections than not. Ah well.

    For the record, the DaVinci Code sucked as a book and I do not intend to view the film, due to MY moral objections to Disney.


  • LittleToe

    Bad show, Cyrus ole boy, bad show...

    (and may also be in contravention of rule three)

    As for the movie, I'm looking forward to seeing it when it arrives here. I enjoyed the book, albeit the fast pace was sustained a little too long for my tastes. The material is contraversial, but so is most good fiction.

    As for the guy who near wached the whole movie before declaring "blasphemy"... a little sloooow on the uptake, huh?

  • bem

    Right Little Toe my son and I discussed the actions of that guy and others during the movie and we had to laugh they waited till the movie was nearly over to walk out or say anything. M. and I decided they need an out in case someone seen them at the movie or to justify going, by saying oh yeah I was there but this is what I said or this is what I did, Friday night opening night in Ft.Smith for the movie had some people planning demonstrations. I remembered this thread while we were waiting on the movie to begin there was a muslim lady (I'm going by the way she was dressed head covering etc.) that went to watch the movie also.

    After watching the movie and in my opinion it is just a movie. I had to wonder at the extremes some will take to show their desire to want to "rumble" I think it must not take much to set some people off if this movie causes it.

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