Witnessing at school

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten
    I was going through post partum depression.

    They thought I was demonized.

    Scully - thats a terrible account. Im glad you are out and healing.

    Narrow - PLEASE PLEASE take heed. You dont need to learn through experience. It would be a FOOL who didnt listen to the experiences of others.

  • osmosis

    Cutting is NOT normal or healthy, nor are the fantasies you describe. Stop taking the untrained and ignorant advice of your boyfriend or parent, and go straight to a doctor. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. These are symptoms of SERIOUS mental disturbance.

    I used to have a girlfriend who cut herself, probably exactly like you do. According to her, the cutting was to inflict a superficial injury, so that it could be "cared for". It wasn't about the cutting, it was about the feeling of being cared for. The cutting was simply a means to an end. This same woman had some serious emotional issues, initially diagnosed as "borderline personality disorder" and then rediagnosed to "intense, acute depressive episodes". Both diagnosis seemed accurate, from where I stood. The important thing is that these problems she had made it impossible for the two of us to have a healthy relationship.

    As for the impulsivity, this is something I myself suffer from. For me, it is a part of ADHD. It may be for you also, it may not.

    Check out this link: http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/mental_health/cutting.html

    this one paragraph stood out for me:

    People who cut or self-injure sometimes have other mental health problems that contribute to their emotional tension. Cutting is sometimes (but not always) associated with depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, obsessive thinking, or compulsive behaviors. It can also be a sign of mental health problems that cause people to have trouble controlling their impulses or to take unnecessary risks. Some people who cut themselves have problems with drug or alcohol abuse.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Thanks... WHY are people so rude to me here?

    I mean NOT ALL, but a few. you know for someone like me,

    It really doesn't make me feel better to have people acting hostle toward me (read other forums by me)

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Thanks... you people are so nice on this forum <BR>

    I really do want help... and I forgot who it was, but someone mentioned their cutting...

    Sorry :( I am glad you got help

  • rebel8


    (I'm not suggesting you have this disorder, just some info for you.)

  • snarf

    Hmmmmm, I am confused, first you think people are being rude, then you think people are nice....which one is it?

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    well A LOT of people here are real nice, but some people seem a bit negitive. I think;

    however, it is because I am too uninformed about the ORG and they don't want

    me to get into anything that in the future I might regret. While thinking

    about it... I think it is right that some people are hostile

  • mandivided

    Is this chick for real?.....God, I'm at a loss for words

  • glitter

    I think it is right that some people are hostile

    Understand that it's not necessarily hostility to you as a person, just hostility (quite rightly!) to the Org and to the direction you seem so set on heading in.

  • glitter

    Is this chick for real?.....God, I'm at a loss for words

    I dunno, but I also don't know how many teetering-on-the-edge JWs or potential JWs teens may be reading this, and may be being reached by the reasoning and patience the good folks at JWD are putting out.

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