Door to Door

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Welcome Narrow,
    It is good that you are looking further before getting baptised, however by your comments being word for word what the WTS has told you it is evident you are already deeply in their clutches.
    How do you account for the fact that other Christian religions grow at the same rate as JWs? It is because people of other religions preach everywhere about their faith. If you read the New Testatment closely you will find that the Christians spent little time in the door to door and most time preaching to people, in the synagogue, town center etc.
    Rutherford started the huge emphasis on selling magazines door to door as the most effective way to recruit and raise money, the typical goal of all cults. I recommend you try to study the other side of the Watchtower story with an open mind. I would love to hear what you think about information such as at
    I also recommend you read Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan. Think long and hard about the analysis of Liftons 8 identifiers of a cult.
    Many aspects of being a JW are great. But if you join, then in 10, 20 or 30 years I guarantee you will deeply resent having been manipulated to live a life that is not the one YOU would have chosen if you understood all the facts.

  • breeze

    By todays is a rather crude way of marketing something.....

    It also puts the faithfull in harms way....

    Have you ever been to a door and home owner siced their dog on you are threaten you with bodily harm?

    The millions that are stashed away could be used to have Radio / TV etc....

    WTBTS would rather store their riches in the stock market than use them in a sensible method of promotion...


  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    If I read that mind control book... it will be so biased. I can not read that. :( some of my friends already told me that they would have nothing to do with me if I continue on the path. I don't care what truth is though... every one keeps talking about truth to me. No one can proof truth... I mean NO ONE. Sure people have the bible, but no one can proof it. I don't care about what really is truth, even if I think I have it, what matters is what makes me happy. And maybe soon I wil find this doesn't make me happy. -- Also... yes Pagan holidays. They were happy worshipping the devil I am sure. Very, very happy. --- one of my friends and I had a fight once about how I was "brainwashed by the Jehovah's Witness," but that is not possible. I have conciously decided to be "A study"-- and I can decided to leave if I want

  • breeze

    And you don't think the WTBTS and their literature are one - sided???


  • breeze

    One of the main things that made me start to question things is when they sadi I couyldn't read COC or I would be kicked out....??????


  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Well... there liteture is one sided, but it is bible based. Everything in the WT has scriptural evidence. I don't just read the WT and say okay... this is true... I look it up in the bible. Also, what is COC?

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    what is COC?

    LOL its not what you probably think it is.

    It's a book called Crisis Of Conscence. it was written by one of the governing body (the people that control everything the jehovahs witnesses do). He was thrown out because he started to think differently. It explains the way the higher up think and function

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    I am sure they don't straight out and say... You can't do this and you can't do that. "it is written" -- are you to deny what they bible says? I mean... maybe the WT says it is wrong to read some stuff, etc. I have read those things in the WT and the scriptures it says to look up :( why would anyone leave? I mean, if everything they teach is scriptural why would they leave?

  • KW13

    Its like when you hear of kids getting abused by parents or family. "its mum and dad, i trust them". Same thing here, sorry to say it like that but its true. BELIEVE ME when i say that there is more than meets the eye.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene
    if everything they teach is scriptural why would they leave?

    This is a good question. As many have demonstrated on various threads here, and in articles at other sites, not everything the Watchtower Society teaches is scriptural. In fact, I have found very little that is. They have only made their teachings appear to be scriptural by taking scriptures out of context (the same way they often take quotes from secular sources out of context) and bending and shaping and twisting them to fit into their own design.

    Having left JWs and having left Christianity entirely for over a decade, then having recently taken up reading the Bible on its own and reading the JW publications, the differences I find between the two are astounding, even moreso than I had noticed while growing up with JW teachings.

    When reading their publications, try reading the greater context of the scriptures they cite. Ponder it. Don't jump from place to place. Question everything you read, including what is in the Bible. Don't let your questions be too easily ignored or set aside. If you don't have questions yet, consider other people's questions. Check out some Bible commentaries. (Try some of the free resources at e-sword: )

    And be wary of those who put more emphasis on what to think rather than how to think.

    Best wishes!


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