Door to Door

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glitter

    <i>What will happen if one day I tell her.. I can not do this?

    And I stop attending meeting and having bible study

    What will be the result?</i>

    Well I don't know her, so she might be really nice still - but if she's spending 100 hours a month in service she likely won't want to waste time just being your friend if there's nothing in it for the society.

  • just2sheep

    if you have already done "all the research" you need, then what are you doing here? fess up, you are counting this as field service aren't you? i don't have any problem with that, but i do not like liars. the wtb&ts has created an entire culture of lies and liars. you make "speaking the truth" impossible, you disrespect jehovah, you disrespect jesus, and then you look down your stupid little noses at anyone who doesn't have the "truth". shame on you and shame on all the other elders that are sitting around laughing about the answers the good people on jwd have offered you in an honest effort to help someone they think needs it. don't misunderstand me though, i want you to continue. the replys that you have been given will help people that you have never given any thought to. people who truly are looking for the truth.

    to the posters who have honestly and earnestly tried to answer this person's questions. keep it up because you never know who will read this and realize exactly who the real worshipers of satan are. can you say "christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses" without wanting to vomit? if not, there is still hope for you.

  • Balsam

    I had some very obnoxious white Baptist men here this morning trying to pump up their church. I'm going to hell. Now a few weeks a go two very nice black baptist women came by and they were so nice I actually went on Easter. It was a lively and certainly spirited, and I was impressed.

    The thing is about JW's they go out because they are forced too to be in good standing as a good JW. If the Governing Body were to say tomorrow that door to door work was no longer necessary how many would still go out? Probably less than 1/3 and that would gradually drop off to nothing in a year or so.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    I haven't even started feild service... and WHY would I come here to do it? JW risk chance of excommunication coming here
    I am not here to convert people, for I haven't even converted yet
    I want to see what others (who have been through the org) have to say
    You say it is I who offends God, but I try hardest not to
    If I really do offend Jehovah... I can not see it
    How can you claim JW are worshippers of Satan...
    Why would you put down JW, if you wish to follow God's word
    Whatever religion you are it is not good to disrespect.

  • stevenyc
    How can you claim JW are worshippers of Satan...

    Check out this site...


  • heathen

    narrow-path --- You really should do some research on this site and others . I really wanted to believe the WTBTS had the truth myself at one point but it took years of being on this board to convince me that they are indeed a cult that ruins lives . I have known alot of dubs and they really are not all they boast to be . Liars , back stabbers, manipulators, judgemental , and just down right insensitive . I don't mind talking to people about the bible but what you are doing is being brainwashed with WTBTS dogma and they won't even admit it's dogma. If I were a woman there'd be noway in hell I'd go knocking on strangers doors to raise money for a publishing corporation that already has billions. They won't even cover your gas on that .

    You sound like a sweet girl but please take some time to research.

  • Hellrider

    Dear I-f-t-n.p:

    If I read that mind control book... it will be so biased. I can not read that. :( some of my friends already told me that they would have nothing to do with me if I continue on the path. I don't care what truth is though... every one keeps talking about truth to me. No one can proof truth... I mean NO ONE. Sure people have the bible, but no one can proof it. I don't care about what really is truth, even if I think I have it, what matters is what makes me happy. And maybe soon I wil find this doesn't make me happy. -- Also... yes Pagan holidays. They were happy worshipping the devil I am sure. Very, very happy. --- one of my friends and I had a fight once about how I was "brainwashed by the Jehovah's Witness," but that is not possible. I have conciously decided to be "A study"-- and I can decided to leave if I want

    You mentioned in another post that some of your "worldly" friends have started to avoid you, saying that they won`t have anything to do with you if you continue with the JWs. That is probably because they feel that you have changed, which of course you will say is a good thing, in your view, what is new about you, is "spirituality". Of course, according to JW-doctrine, you have no spirituality, because Jesus is not your mediator, he is mediator only for the 144K, combined, of course, with the fact that according to JW-doctrine, you have no soul. You have no spirituality, you don`t really follow Jesus, you follow the WTS, which is the link between you and Jesus Christ and God. You are supposed to be a workhorse for them, delivering magazines, and for that you will be rewarded with eternal (worldly life). But anyway, that is a whole different story, what I do want to do though, is warn you a bit about what is to follow: Pretty soon, you will be "guided" by the elders in matters of bad association/worldly influence. Your worldly friends aren`t the only ones that are going to want to avoid you, pretty soon you will be told that you should avoid your worldly friends, unless there is a chanse that they might want to have a "Bible study" (you know, learning how to rip passages out of context in the Bible and combine them in such a way that it supports JW-doctrine, "cut and paste", as I call it) with you. After a while, all your friends will be JWs. Now, look at the highlighted part of your own words above. IF you decide to leave, all your new JW-friends will break off all contact with you! This is called shunning! And then you will be left with noone.

    Btw, about "pagan holidays". What you wrote about pagan holidays, is correct. But where does it say in the Bible that you are not supposed to celebrate them? Do you even know where? Are you planning to get married, by the way? You do know that wedding rings is a pagan tradition, don`t you? So why do all JWs wear a wedding ring?

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    That is a good question
    I do not know where specifically it says that about Pagan holidays
    But I do know that it says not to touch unclean things
    Certianly Pagan traditions are unclean
    With the wedding ring thing... I still question that too
    -- Actually, my one friend said he would visit the Kingdom Hall with me at least once
    All my other friends are seeing a change... unknowingly to some of them that I have turned to the JW
    Of course I think my change is GOOD
    I mean it has given me purpose in life... I am actually doing meaningful things each day (e.g: studying the bible each day)... rather than play video games as much as I used too
    I mean it is not because of WatchTower directly, but of Jehovah. :) He has given me the flash light... in my once dark surroundings
    Yes I would be following Man, but those men follow God
    It says in the bible 144,000 will get into heaven, but others will live on earth
    An earth which is ruled by heaven
    Jesus, I learned today, is Micheal the archangel
    Any of you know that too ?, I read about it in this book

  • Hellrider

    Dear I-Follow-The-Right-Path: I usually don`t spend so much time on the JWs that show up on this site, but you are so very young, and I think you need to get some things straight. I was raised by JW-parents, and I know first-hand how much damage this religion can cause. First of all, I assume that allready, in the back of your mind, there are these early seeds of JW-paranoia, that makes you think that anyone who are criticising your religion, or trying to "de-convert you", basically are the spawn on Satan. This is, whether you like it or not, a typical sign of mind-controlling cults. To that you will say "but that doesn`t matter, because it is the Truth". Well, so does all other cult-members, whether they are mormons, branch Davidians or whatever. They all believe that it doesn`t matter that their religion has the typical traits of mind-controllin cults, because their religion is the truth! I could easily pick the JW-religion/Bible puzzle apart for you, but it would take months to teach you why this religion is not the correct interpretation of the Bible. Actually, speaking of a "correct interpretation" might not be best way to express what I am trying to say, but that is something for you to learn later. All I can ask of you is that you stick around on this forum, and read stuff with an open mind. As for your response to my previous post:

    That is a good question
    I do not know where specifically it says that about Pagan holidays
    But I do know that it says not to touch unclean things
    Certianly Pagan traditions are unclean

    I`ll tell you where: Nowhere. The reference to "unclean things" is a reference to things that were forbidden according to judaic law. The whole distinction "pagan" traditions versus "christian" traditions is not mentioned in the Bible, it is a view that is the result of 2000 years of christianity. In fact, the early christian traditions and symbols were based partially on pagan tradition. The cross is a pagan symbol. "But the use of the cross is uncorrect, the early christians didn`t believe Jesus was put on a cross, it was a stake" will you now think, because that is what your are learning from the JWs. Well, they are wrong. The early christians believed Jesus was crucified on a cross, which is, yes, a "pagan symbol". And it was probably a cross, and not a stake. And an even earlier christian symbol, the fish, was originally also a "pagan symbol".

    Of course I think my change is GOOD

    I mean it has given me purpose in life... I am actually doing meaningful things each day (e.g: studying the bible each day)... rather than play video games as much as I used too

    Ok, purpose is good. But what you know think is a purpose, might turn out to be many wasted years. There are a number of things you can do to get purpose. Get an education. Excercise. Go to church (a normal church, where the priest doesn`t require blind obedience from you, the Bible nowhere says that the christians are to blindly follow the leader, just Christ himself!).

    Yes I would be following Man, but those men follow God

    That is what they are saying, and for now, this is what you believe. But just because someone says that they are good shepherds and following God and all that, this doesn`t mean that they are truthful.

    "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep?s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Matt. 7:15).

    "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves" (Matt. 10:16)

    It says in the bible 144,000 will get into heaven, but others will live on earth

    No, it does not.

    Jesus, I learned today, is Micheal the archangel

    Any of you know that too ?, I read about it in this book

    No, Jesus is not Michael the Archangel. Of course we know that you are taught to believe that, all of us on this board have spent many years in the JWs. But it is not a correct interpretation of the Bible.

    I want to know... I already have the trust of my JW teacher. That I will continue going to the meetngs and meeting for bible study with her.

    What will happen if one day I tell her.. I can not do this?

    And I stop attending meeting and having bible study

    What will be the result?

    Try it and find out. No, seriously, she might be a nice lady, and stay in contact with you. But JWs are taught that it is pointless to continue wasting time on people who are reluctant in receiving the message. She will probably stop having much contact with you.

    Jehovah will kill little children?

    You mean in Armeggedon ?

    Yes. This far, you have probably been taught that "oh, we don`t know who will be saved, only Jehovah knows", but that is because you are young, and not baptised yet. But eventually, you will get the version that JWs truly believe, and are taught to believe, namely that the only people that will be saved, are baptised Jehovahs Witnesses in good standing, and their children (minors).

    I-F-T-N-P, this is how it is: I was born into a JW-family, 3rd generation on my fathers side. My mother was once just like you, young and searching. She was converted as a result of door-to-door in her mid-twenties, with three young children, my older brother and sisters. Mom married my dad, and me and my little sister was born. What followed was a childhood from hell (and hence, my nickname on the forum). Jehovahs Witnesses beat their children, and to a child, growing up hearing about Armageddon and demons (you haven`t gotten to the demon-part yet, I assume), can really mess up your mind. Of us 5 children who grew up under the same roof (I have one more bro, from my dads first marriage, he was not allowed to see him, go figure why), only one of us got thru it relatively unscarred. The rest of us are messed up in various ways. Depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, you name it. Listen: You are very young. You could be the start of generations of messed-life in your family ( I assume you will eventually marry and have children). Don`t do it, at least not yet. Wait! Don`t get baptised! Do much more research first! And try to keep an open mind! For a real and correct understanding of the Bible, buy some good litterature (non-religious,but historical) about the Bible, Bible commentaries and another translation than the NWT (which really is a mistranslation of the Bible, suited to fit JW-theology).

    Take care.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Well... I just don't see how you all can put down this religion.
    Sure it messes up families, but that is yours.. you can NOT tell me that everyone in the faith is in emotional (and perhaps physical) pain.
    I do not think I NEED the WTS to worship, but I think it helps. It helps guide me
    Yeah, I heard some elder molested a JW and all that abuse stuff
    But I am not going to abuse my children... and if others want to do that they will be judged accordly, BUT I really am sorry for your childhood
    "JW-paranoia, that makes you think that anyone who are criticising your religion, or trying to "de-convert you", basically are the spawn on Satan"
    --- ARE you serious here? I don't think you are the devil, of course not. I just think some people are mislead. There is a difference between being a spawn of the devil and being mislead. I do think people try to convert me.. Why just an hour ago my friend told me I was going to burn in "hell." Funny, isn't it?... and that I was letting a CULT manipulate me. I don't think I like talking to him. You people are really nice though... and seem friendly.
    IT is hard to DENY what my JW teacher says to me, because it is true. I mean... how can I deny what is true? What is in the bible? My JW teacher told me-- why I asked about King James bible-- that it was written by a guy who just wrote his own beliefs AND not what was truth. I mean once I think about it... I don't know.
    I just don't know what to believe anymore. The JW who are so nice to me... and explain things that make so much sense. Or my friends who say I belong to a cult, am going to burn in "hell" and that I have turned against them. I just... I don't know what to do. :( I guess I shouldn't let others hinder what I feel in my heart. AT this point I don't know what is in my heart though.

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