Hello, I am new here...I think!?!?!?

by Kero-kero 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kero-kero

    Thanks again for the replies and the welcome.

    Has for the depression...I think you are right. The WT society keeps going on about how bad things are and how wicked the world is, that I am sure that only adds to any depression one might have. But I have to say, I feel much happier now.

    Maybe a little about me. I was baptised in 1989 at the Hayesbridge assembly hall in Kent, just south of the M25 (those of you in the UK may know the place) I was certain it was the truth then, I destoried thousands of punds woth of stuff before I was baptised has I was told it was demonic. I progressed at became part of the foriegn field. I moved to a Punjabi Congregation but eventually had to leave due to finacial problems (you see JW's will often give of their time and money to do what the WTBTS tells us is right) I moved back to a congregation which I just hated. The people (brothers and sisters) seemed to like to gossip a lot. There was a Japanese Bible study in the congregation, whom I got on well with. I would often speak to her in Japanese (it was a language that I studied and enjoyed) But then some of the so called brothers and sisters would say things to me like "Oh! talking to your girlfriend, again!" What a horrible thing to say. I stopped talking to her after that, out of concern for her. It was during this time a lot of doubts started to creep into my mind and I started to feel very negative about the WTBTS and some of their teachings. At the time I thought it must be Satan attacking my thinking and via the brothers and sisters, so I moved to the Japanese Congregation in North London (I say move...I did not attend regularly but I went has often has I could) I was not allowed to go on the field service has by that time I had been inactive for 2 years. Midn you after about 2 years of attending the Japanese congretation on and off, I felt myself 'fading away' In fact I think I started to fade away a lot earlier than that, but I have only really noticed it in the last few months (well since Spetember 2005)

    I read the original story in The Guadian about the WT being an NGO I was shcoked, but like a fool I believed their lies about being an NGO just so they could have access to their Library. But then I started to look deeper into the WT and found some shocking things that I was blind to before. And of course the recent scandel about Child abuse. It makes me sick to my stomach. I know one sister (and she still is a JW...but only just) who was sexually abused by her grandfather, and he was an elder....but guess what...he has not been disfellowshipped!!!! I don't understand, they would not think twice about such a thing if I was to have an affiar with another woman...or if I was to give a different opinion than that of the WT. Of course, he was not disfellowshipped because they used the excuses there was not two other witnesses to the act????? Are these people stupid? This sister, who also happens to be a good friend, is mentally scared by what happened to her. But the congregation elders seem to be more concerned about protecting her grandfather than making sure she is ok and that her grandfather is handed over to the police. In fact the elders seem more worried by the fact she is dating a 'worldy' man.

    Oh well, that is my rant and rave other with.

    By the way unclebruce

    Yeah! I would love a drink...A nice cool pint would go down well right about now :-)

    Flowers...nice...but I have hay-fever...LOL and everything else is great....your very kind, but has for the free bible study...no thanks, mate, I have already fallen for that...LOL

    Take care all

    from me Kero-kero

  • serendipity

    Hi kero, welcome!

  • mrsjones5

    mrsjones5 The false stuff I have read is about how JW's do not take any medical treatment. That they can only have sex if they want children, they cannot drink alcohol...stuff like that. I have also read stuff, that seems out and out hateful which is not at all helpful for those that have doubts or are fading.

    Where did you see that? Most here are exjws and are not of the mind to spread silly rumors such as jws don't accept medical treatment. The sex stuff...well that's more adult and from what I have heard jws do seem to be more repressed than most but I'm sure they have sex...*cough* missionary position

    Jws can't drink alcohol? That's a new one on me *wink wink* You must tell that one to my parents who happen to be jws and have a well stocked bar!

    What message board have you been reading? Are you sure it was this one?


  • truthseeker

    Welcome Kero-Kero!!

    I remember Haisebridge (always had trouble spelling it). It's actually in Surrey and always took ages to get to whether you went by car or coach.

    They always had roped off areas upstairs, no one ever sat in those seats.

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • jojochan

    Welcome to the forum, post and post away!!


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Kero-kero, and welcome to the forum. I wish you a successful fade, being on here will certainly help it along.

  • Es

    welcome to the board


  • delilah

    Welcome, Kero Kero. Here's to a peaceful fade, with hopes that your wife will eventually join you. Cheers.

  • kls

    Welcome and if you were here before ,,,,,,,,Welcome back

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