Truth and Understanding

by 777 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 777
    I was also raised within the JW-community and always wondered how it was for Jesus family to experience him doing miracles, etc… That’s why I find everything about Jesus life interesting.

    I would like to expand on Jesus Christ the person. JAH reveals to me what I need to learn in part, as He will reveal all when Christ arrives. Jesus was a perfect man while upon the earth therefore perfect in form and beauty. Many artistic impressions are displayed of Jesus, however do not bring him justice.

    JAH brings humor after we have gone through much tribulation spiritually, in order to bring us back to a better state emotionally. He brings me visions of Jesus Christ as a fish with medium length hair chopped straight, and with a crown upon his head. This in humor of the symbol of a fish used by humans.

    Christ hates what His father hates with intensity, and was a strong man while upon the earth. His countenance was that of a perfect human. There are many humans brought up with beauty so you can only imagine the appearance of a perfect male. This makes sense as JAH is a perfect GOD in creation and form. However perfection does not mean perfection in spirit as all people are different in their likes and dislikes. This is the meaning of "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder".

  • freetosee


    sorry, in my last post some pieces were missing, I don’t know why!

    I have no interest in challenging the truth of your statements; I always take time to ponder over matters. I always wanted to communicate with a person like you.

    True, the NWT is easy to read and understand, yet I find Franze’s work deceptive. Be careful!

    Many claim to be guided by spirit(s) like Rutherford, Woodworth also Johannes Greber. Woodworth (WT director) claimed to have battled with demons for not taking JFR’s vows. J. Greber’s medium claimed to be inspired by repentant-fallen-angles in the book “Women and Angels”. Do you think there is any truth in this?

    Also, how much time did it take for you and your son to be in the spirit realm? Can I imagine the receiving of your visions to be split seconds, hours or days?

  • 777

    sorry, in my last post some pieces were missing, I don’t know why!

    I have no interest in challenging the truth of your statements; I always take time to ponder over matters. I always wanted to communicate with a person like you.

    True, the NWT is easy to read and understand, yet I find Franze’s work deceptive. Be careful!

    Many claim to be guided by spirit(s) like Rutherford, Woodworth also Johannes Greber. Woodworth (WT director) claimed to have battled with demons for not taking JFR’s vows. J. Greber’s medium claimed to be inspired by repentant-fallen-angles in the book “Women and Angels”. Do you think there is any truth in this?

    Also, how much time did it take for you and your son to be in the spirit realm? Can I imagine the receiving of your visions to be split seconds, hours or days?

    In order for visions to come from GOD, and in order for it to be inspired, the person that recieves them has to be a witness in righteousness. I stand against all that is unholy or unrighteous. The words typed by me are all inspired, and can be proven by the message of truth that they bear. A wicked teaching comes from a wicked man, whereas a righteous from a righteous. A house divided cannot stand. You can shrug aside all false teachings by the fruitage that it bears.

    What is the meaning of inherited sin? An innocent child that has done no wrong cannot be held responsible in judgement for the sins of their fathers can they? I have insight, therefore the words written will hold true to the "True Person of GOD the ALMIGHTY".
    It has taken a number of years for my trials, and the first time I witnessed a strange occurance was in the year 1994, seven years before the events of September 11th. Everything given to me occurs in numbers of years, days, hours, seconds, in perfection and calculation by GOD. I am witness to this.
    My first occurance of being in the spirit realm was extremely intense as I saw many fear inspiring visions of demons, and also those inspired in love. They are vivid visions in my mind, and also in the real world. I saw demons depicted with fearful eyes, while the angels with the eyes of an eagle. I also saw the eyes of JAH, within my own, in the mirror. Many times a soft glowing light would appear with angelic voice bringing me messages of happiness, and JAH even caused a spider web to appear to me as an angelic form. All visions are miraculous. I continue to this day to receive dreams and visions, but not as intense. This is symbolic of Jesus Christ ready to appear upon the earth of mankind. My visions will be removed when Christ arrives.
  • freetosee


    are you saying the words you are typing in this forum are written under inspiration? I find that hard to believe, however my convictions are far separate to yours, but that no problem.

    After you accepted your anointing and revelation of heaven, do you write down the vision afterwards? Or do you write while visualising them?

    The bible was cannoned by the Catholic Church during the great apostasy. Other books or letters where declared as falsehood. Since not everyone will accept your writings as inspired of god, what do you consider the apocryphal writings to be? Are they inspired? Has your attention been directed to the context of these scriptures?

    Thank you so much for you replies, I appreciate it.

  • 777

    are you saying the words you are typing in this forum are written under inspiration? I find that hard to believe, however my convictions are far separate to yours, but that no problem.

    After you accepted your anointing and revelation of heaven, do you write down the vision afterwards? Or do you write while visualising them?

    The bible was cannoned by the Catholic Church during the great apostasy. Other books or letters where declared as falsehood. Since not everyone will accept your writings as inspired of god, what do you consider the apocryphal writings to be? Are they inspired? Has your attention been directed to the context of these scriptures?

    Thank you so much for you replies, I appreciate it.

    Everything I say and do is under inspiration as JAH is with me at all times. You believe what you choose to believe, as I am here only to witness truth and bear witness to the Father, in like manner of Jesus Christ. I only write what I am instructed to write as I do nothing of my own accord. I recollect visions as necessary, as they will all be done away with whereas I will learn new truth, and instructions from Jesus Christ under authority of JAH the Almighty. All from the Catholic church and any other faith are mere men in the Eyes of GOD. GOD the Almighty is the Sovereign and Supreme Law Giver. All books in the bible are inspired and have been proven to be true by archeological findings, and also be fulfillment of prophetic writings. Many faiths recognize the time of the end, which is coming to its final completion. You are welcome for everything you are giving thanks for directly from the Almighty in the Heavens.

  • Gamaliel


    You said: "You took the words written too far. This is how seeds of misunderstanding are planted."

    I had few doubts that you didn't want your words taken too far. But I agree that it makes a case for how easy it was for you to plant those seeds of misunderstanding by connecting earthly catastrophes and occurrences with heavenly judgments.

    You said: "This was only an example of earthquakes that continue to occur, along with much flooding. Please recall the great flood in December of 2005 and also the flooding in the New Orleans area."

    In actuality you didn't reference it as "only an example of earthquakes that continue to occur". In fact, you presented it as an example of "creating great floods as in the days of Noah". It's as if you had missed the context of the reference in Matthew to "the days of Noah" and thought that literal FLOODING was the point, and not the SURPRISE with which the judgment came upon them. ("they took no note.") You do something similar later in the same post when you loosely imply that there is a "flood" connection in Revelation where it speaks about a voice that is as the "sound of many waters". If this is the reason for the underscore you made in that verse, it is another indication of a type of muddled thinking that can lead to imprudent, indiscreet and unwise predictions. I think most people might see in this a tendency to read something literal into what is merely a simile. It's not an uncommon problem in muddled Biblical exegesis and eisegesis.

    You claim about yourself: "Please recall the great flood in December of 2005 and also the flooding in the New Orleans area. I was witness to the floods before they occured and even provided advanced messages of warning in part, to the governing body in New York by written word, and also by phone calls."

    I'm sure that calling some governing body in New York would have been at least as valuable as calling FEMA in Washington, DC. I suspect that a prediction about the great flood in December of 2005 wouldn't have been much help since it actually had already occurred in December 2004. (If you are speaking of the tsunami.)

    I'd like you think about something, though. Please think deeply and honestly about this question. Is it possible that you also WOULD have been a "witness in advance" of this most recent POTENTIAL tsunami flood that you attached a news article about, but which did not actually occur? Recall that you didn't present this as a reference to ongoing earthquakes but as evidence of the "creating of great floods as in the days of Noah". Is it possible you also "witnessed" this in advance as you witnessed the flooding in New Orleans in advance?

    I ask this because you seem to believe your predictions. When many cases of those who believe they can predict such things are studied more closely, those who truly believe themselves are often doing something they don't realize. They are "filtering" out the failed predictions. What would have been a true prediction, and "proof" of divine authorship, now becomes a quickly dismissed, unwarranted thought of personal, unknown or even sinister origin. In other words, I think it is quite possible that you may actually believe your ability because you filter out failed predictions and only keep the successful ones. (And of course, many people predicted the New Orleans disaster from several years right up to several hours before it happened.)

    You said: "Many great disasters have occured and cannot be denied. These were great signs as to the time and season in relation to the Kingdom of GOD, and the arrival of Jesus Christ."

    For me, and hopefully for those who might otherwise be misled, this statement is evidence that you don't understand what Matthew, Mark and Luke were trying to report about the nature of signs and their relation to the "kingdom of God". Granted that there are varying possible interpretations of Jesus' reported words, but think about this verse from Luke 17:20–24 "Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, 'The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, "Look, here it is!" or "There it is!" For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.'

    You probably know that some translations correctly get this idea across in English by saying: "the coming of the kingdom of God is predicted with signs."

  • Gamaliel


    This is a bit confusing. You say:

    "Everything I [777] say and do is under inspiration as JAH is with me at all times. . . .
    I only write what I am instructed to write as I do nothing of my own accord."

    Isn't it odd that JAH inspired you to write about a great flood in December 2005 that actually happened a year earlier. Is JAH such a poor timekeeper. I predict that you will claim that he inspired you to say 2004 but didn't control your typo.

  • 777

    This is a bit confusing. You say: "Everything I [777] say and do is under inspiration as JAH is with me at all times. . . .

    I only write what I am instructed to write as I do nothing of my own accord."

    Isn't it odd that JAH inspired you to write about a great flood in December 2005 that actually happened a year earlier. Is JAH such a poor timekeeper. I predict that you will claim that he inspired you to say 2004 but didn't control your typo.

    =) The meaning of the words is inspired, I am subject to error as a human. Aren't you being a bit critical? It is easier to correct my error than try to use it as a basis of finding fault. How would you put me to the test? Is there something you would like to know about the Heavenly Father that is not written?

  • 777

    You said: "You took the words written too far. This is how seeds of misunderstanding are planted."

    I had few doubts that you didn't want your words taken too far. But I agree that it makes a case for how easy it was for you to plant those seeds of misunderstanding by connecting earthly catastrophes and occurrences with heavenly judgments.

    You said: "This was only an example of earthquakes that continue to occur, along with much flooding. Please recall the great flood in December of 2005 and also the flooding in the New Orleans area."

    In actuality you didn't reference it as "only an example of earthquakes that continue to occur". In fact, you presented it as an example of "creating great floods as in the days of Noah". It's as if you had missed the context of the reference in Matthew to "the days of Noah" and thought that literal FLOODING was the point, and not the SURPRISE with which the judgment came upon them. ("they took no note.") You do something similar later in the same post when you loosely imply that there is a "flood" connection in Revelation where it speaks about a voice that is as the "sound of many waters". If this is the reason for the underscore you made in that verse, it is another indication of a type of muddled thinking that can lead to imprudent, indiscreet and unwise predictions. I think most people might see in this a tendency to read something literal into what is merely a simile. It's not an uncommon problem in muddled Biblical exegesis and eisegesis.

    You claim about yourself: "Please recall the great flood in December of 2005 and also the flooding in the New Orleans area. I was witness to the floods before they occured and even provided advanced messages of warning in part, to the governing body in New York by written word, and also by phone calls."

    I'm sure that calling some governing body in New York would have been at least as valuable as calling FEMA in Washington, DC. I suspect that a prediction about the great flood in December of 2005 wouldn't have been much help since it actually had already occurred in December 2004. (If you are speaking of the tsunami.)

    I'd like you think about something, though. Please think deeply and honestly about this question. Is it possible that you also WOULD have been a "witness in advance" of this most recent POTENTIAL tsunami flood that you attached a news article about, but which did not actually occur? Recall that you didn't present this as a reference to ongoing earthquakes but as evidence of the "creating of great floods as in the days of Noah". Is it possible you also "witnessed" this in advance as you witnessed the flooding in New Orleans in advance?

    I ask this because you seem to believe your predictions. When many cases of those who believe they can predict such things are studied more closely, those who truly believe themselves are often doing something they don't realize. They are "filtering" out the failed predictions. What would have been a true prediction, and "proof" of divine authorship, now becomes a quickly dismissed, unwarranted thought of personal, unknown or even sinister origin. In other words, I think it is quite possible that you may actually believe your ability because you filter out failed predictions and only keep the successful ones. (And of course, many people predicted the New Orleans disaster from several years right up to several hours before it happened.)

    You said: "Many great disasters have occured and cannot be denied. These were great signs as to the time and season in relation to the Kingdom of GOD, and the arrival of Jesus Christ."

    For me, and hopefully for those who might otherwise be misled, this statement is evidence that you don't understand what Matthew, Mark and Luke were trying to report about the nature of signs and their relation to the "kingdom of God". Granted that there are varying possible interpretations of Jesus' reported words, but think about this verse from Luke 17:20–24 "Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, 'The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, "Look, here it is!" or "There it is!" For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.'

    You probably know that some translations correctly get this idea across in English by saying: "the coming of the kingdom of God is predicted with signs."

    The events that occurred upon the earth were written years ago. I was put into place as one to bear witness of the fulfillment of prophecy. Also, providing food at the proper time occurs during the end time when Jesus Christ takes his throne. A composite of many signs have been fulfilled and I relayed many message upon this forum and also to the governing body as instructed by JAH.

    Please tell me, what is your belief as to fulfillment of any prophecy. How much longer cam man continue to reign upon the earth in wickedness? Which do you prefer, that the Kingdom take full reign or that man continues to rule?

    20 But on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them and said: “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness, 21 neither will people be saying, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For, look! the kingdom of God is in YOUR midst.”

    The Kingdom arrived in the heavens and has been established. A spirit is not visible to man and this is what Jesus Christ meant when he spoke to the pharisees.

  • Gamaliel


    You said: "The meaning of the words is inspired, I am subject to error as a human. Aren't you being a bit critical?"

    Yes. I was being a bit critical. You have a great interest in recent chronology. I have an interest in psychiatric analysis. (My daughter is currently studying for the profession.) I want to know more about how you think.

    But I'm also always interested in how someone clarifies mistakes after claiming any form of inspiration - even partial inspiration as the WTBS claims with terms like "spirit-directed". Having been a JW the subject still interests me.

    You said: "It is easier to correct my error than try to use it as a basis of finding fault."

    I did not intend any more than to see how serious you were about this business of inspiration.

    You asked: "How would you put me to the test? Is there something you would like to know about the Heavenly Father that is not written?"

    Of course. Millions of things I'd love to know. For example: Did the Heavenly Father inspire Jude to quote from the book of Enoch because only part of the book of Enoch was inspired, or because all of the book of Enoch was inspired?

    And here's another one on inspiration. There are a few places where the writers of portions of the Christian Greek Scriptures (NT) quoted an existing Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures ("LXX") rather than the Hebrew Scriptures directly. In a few cases the argumentation only really works because the Greek translation ("LXX") was different than the Hebrew, and their point they made in the NT would not have made sense based on the Hebrew as it has come down to us, especially through the Masoretic Hebrew. Did the Heavenly Father inspire them to do this because the Hebrew, at least as we now know it, was deficient when compared with the Greek "LXX"?

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